Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/862

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832 0ONVENTION—DENMA RK. Sept. 5 and Sept. Additional articles of agreement between the Poet-twice .Departnuat of the 2% Rm- United States and the Danish Poet Department, modifying certain provisionevof the cowventicnfor the regulation qi the postal intercourse between the nited Simca of America and the lcingdom of Denmark, and % the detailed regulations and forms for the execution thereoji signed at ashington on the lat ofDeccmber, and at Oopenhagen on-the 7th of November, A. D. 1871. _ ‘ Anmrcm I. 1Tew`colns sub- It being desirable that the provisions of said convention and detailed °*·**“*·°°= regulations shall conform to the new system of coinage to be introduced in Denmark on the 1st of January, 1875, described as the “ crown coinage," under which the " crown " will be equal in value to one hundred ore, the equivalent of forty-eight Danish skilling rigsmént of the present coinage, the followingchanges are hereby agreed to, viz: P _ 1. That “ twenty-five (25) 6re” he substituted for “twelve (12) skilling rigsm6nt" in Article 4, paragraph one of the said convention. 2. That “ twelve (12) ore be substituted for “ six (6) skilling rigsm6nt" in Article 5 of the convention. _ - . 3. That “ twelve (12) ore "· be substituted for “ six (6) skilling rigsmont ” in Article 6, paraégraph one of the convention.‘ 4. That “ sixteen (16) re” be substituted for ff eight (8) skilling rigsmont" in Article 7, paragraph two of the convention.- . 5. That “ eight and one-third (85) ore" be substituted for “ four (4) skilling rigsm nt," and “one and one-third 6re" for “ two-thirds skilling rigsmont” in Article 11, paragraph one of the convention. - ‘ 6. That *•three croywns and seventy-seven ore " be substituted for “ one rigsdaler and eighty-tlve skilling rigsm6nt” in Article 12, paragraph two of the convention. . ‘ ' . 7. That “ three and three-fourths (3§) 6I‘B” be substituted for **1; skil- 1ing" in Article 14 of the detailed regulations; 8. That the word “ crown ” be substituted for “rd.,” and “ 6re" for “sk.," in the forms of letter-bills and acknowledgments of receipf annexed to the detailed regulations. Anmcnn II; , _ __ . Art. 1 to take ef- The change heron., efore designated shall take effect on and after the f1‘{‘g;:$»““‘1“°“d‘ 1st of January, 1875,, and these additional articles ofiagreement shall ‘ have equal duration with the Postal Convention of { }',;;;;};;;; 1871, between the United States and Denmark. I` Done in Washington in duplicate, and signed the 29th September, Signatures. 1874, and'at Copenhagen the 5th of Septemher,1874. J. 0. VINM. V [L. s.] · MARSHALL JEWELL, · — _ Postnsactcréeneral of the United Staten; I hereby approve the aforegoing additional articles of a cement, and Appmvm. nga ustimony thereofl have caused the seal of the Unitedr States to be a x . , , · [L. s.] ‘ U. S. GRANT. By the President: _ . - J crm L. Canwsmnnn, . Acting Secretary of State. Wesumezron, September 30, 1874.