Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/863

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CON VENTION-·MEX1CAN REPUBLIC. 833 Convention between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic Nm-.20, 1874. for the further extension of the duration of the Joint Oommission respect- "—"—'—"“ ing Claims, originally jtaed by the convention of July 4, 1868. Goneluded November 20, 1874; Ratification advised by Senate January 20, 1875; Ratilted by President January 22, 1875; Ratijied by President of Meawo December 21, 1874; Ratiyteations exchanged at Washington Jan- ‘ nary 28, 1875; Proolatmed January 29, 1875. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. - A PBOGLAMATION. Whereas a convention between the United States of America and the P¤>¤¤¤m°· Mexican Republic for further extending the time originally fixed by the convention between the same parties of the 4th of July, 1868, and ex- V 15 p 6-m. v_ tended by those of the 19th of April, 1871, and of the 27 th of November, 17, sci , Ianzefvrs. 1872, for the duration of the joint commission on the subject of claims, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the 20th day of N0vember,·1874, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows z Ooneention between the United States Uonveneion entre la Rcgpublica Meriof America and the Mexican Re- cana y los Estadoa Unidos de public. . ‘ América. ` Whereas, pursuant to tho con- Gonsidorando: Que, conforme a V. 17, p. 861; v. vention between the United States la convencion celebrada. entre la 15- P- 679- and the Mexican Republic of the Itepublica. Mexicana y los Estados 19th day of April, 1871, the func- Unidos el_19 de Abril de 1871, las tions of thojoint commission under funciones de la comisiou mista the convention between the same establecida por la convencion entre parties of the 4th ofJuly, 1868, were las mismas partcs, de14 de J ulio de ~extonded1'0r a term not exceeding 1868, fucron prorogadas por uu one year froxn the day on which they término que no excedicra de un ano were to terminate according to the contado desde cl dia on que dcbia n convention last named; · terminar con arreglo a la convencion ultimamente citada.: And whereas, pursuant to the Y quo, si bien conforme al arti- 4..4.,,15, first article of the convention be- culo primero dola conveucion entre ' tween thesame parties, of the twen— las mismas partcs, del veintisicte ty-seventh day of November, one de Novicmbre do mil ochocientos thousand eight hundred and seven- setenta y dos, la referida comision ty-two, the joint commission above mista fué revivida y de nuevo prorcfcrred to was revived and again rogada por un térmmo que no exextended for a term not exceeding l ce iese de dos aios contados desde two years from the day on which el dia en quo las funciones do dicha the functions of the said commis- comision habian de termmar segun sion would terminate pursuant to la citada convoucion del dicz y the said convention of the nine- nueve,de Abril de 1871, dichas protecnth day of April, 1871; but rogas no han sido suticientes para whereas the said extensions have el despacho de los ncgocios peunot proved sufficient for the dispos- dientes ante dicha comision, haal of the business before the said llandose las referidas partes igualcommission, the said parties being meute animadas del deseo do que Contracting Pm__ equally animated by a desire that todos eso negocios queden con- m,_,_ all that business should be closed, cluidos como se estipulo originalns originally contemplated, the monte, el Presidente do la Repub- Vol. 18, pt. 3-53