Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/891

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mDEX· 861 A Hate Jumdwtwn, · · ___ . P¤B°· 1eI?Supreme Court of United Stutesoverjudg Ajgrwnatzom Conunuesl . . repair and proteetwn et monument to ments and decreesef temtorxulccurts. 27 Chevalier de Term. t N ineeeeegf trial byjury to be exercised by Rhodc Island y' a °wP°rt’ 15 _ wm <> error --·---..--·..-.. *27 maxed in sw. at u13H" ```````` `°'` 1n_other cases by anpeeln . .. 27,28 for eeugtrgetien of brglnglf-]1iili§.t10e1t?1`g’;1i 18 of Circuit Courtfer m1dd1e and northern dis- . Francisco une nded balance f t¥1etsd<$A1al:lemw!;*er district courts made uveileblexpc · 1 0 ’ 19 0 ml gun no ern districts. ____ to g n--lay];--U'"-.--H ju bmhsijgtmyétzmee iumiddle and north- 19 P y(;g§%¢§??E?. . . . . . Rlfwod at the 20 _ ern 11 . . . . 5 fors 'U-nuns _,: euemt eeurt for southern district of Ala.- wP:?1§d1;l::.1u:2u·\i;Y;rZ>$£g:1I;tt01ground "3 burns:. restricted to southern district . . 195 to defruyexpenses of Joint Select ~ law §1V1l1g to, ever middle and northern to inquire into the Afairs of the Dis- Appomtmgtlgxets repealed ... 195 f og? Columbia ... . . . . 24, 211 _ » ormou0M1ss'i"‘ : m Treasury Depertxnent, to be arranged so pended by Secssegsgy g`?'!;.;}? we ex 26 39 to be dlefulruwd equally among for surve in mouth of Mississippi River; . _ 244 States, :T61'1’1t0I'1CB, and District of nnexpenrfedgelencesof for remevalofKic1¢- Colmnbie, according to population . . 398, 399 upuo Indians made available . . . . 27 Appomattoq: _ for removal of Winnebugoes . 27 eppmpnamon orimpreving .. . . . .240, 459 unexpended balance of certain, may be used Apportiomnent, _ to pey expenses of beard df Indian of Wyoming Territory for legislative pm-. cqmmmionm ______ _ ___________ ____ 31 poses to be made by the governor. . . . 121 for pu. ment of teachers in public schools of ` - no new eensus required .. . . . . 121 gistrict of Columbia, from September power of gevernor to make, continued _ 101 H 1, 1873, to Merch 1, 1874 .. . .. 32 until, -. . .. .. . .. for rst installment to Oumy heedwbief Appm£s¢rinBanI0r¤ptey, gw ______________ ____ ________ ___’ whe eh;11 not be en, nor be interestedin fees, for payment of expenses incurred in eellee- 41 _ e .. . ..,.. . .. . . 184 tion and s ment of bount &.e., to Appraneera, _ colored seYd.i%rs and sailors, nuexpendappointment of, t0` ascertain damage te ed. balance of, made available .. . 42 guage1d_ fréem widening Wight 82 83 for paygxagxtgf debts oi Louisville end Pert- . r 1 e 01 . .. ,n ana om an continued and Appropriabimw, ‘ made permunentlly azeiluble . . . . 43 01 con} suHi<?el1;si8te redeem coupon bonds of to buigl unhaegay 0Mce at Helene, Montana. 45 0011 0 ··--·------- --·- J, .. 1 60 one ie t 0 ecreter of War to eurr out for extraordinary expenses of the · the act for reliegof BUKBNPS by Bevermvel service for iisenl year ending flow of Lower Mississippi .. . 45, 46 ‘ June 30, 1874 ... 1, 2 _ to enable Secretary of War to employ tempofer fortllicutions and other works ef; de- mry clerks to cog papers relating to lense for Escal years ending June 30 trial of Captain urtt . . 45 1875 and 1876 .. . . . . . .25, 26, $13, 314 to enable Secretary of Interior to pay obligefer naval service for years endin June Liens ei United States to creditors efl 30, 1875 and 1876 . 5g-59, 296-302 lipqer and Bower bends of Sioux Infor Military Academy for years ending diana, under treaty et, June 19, 1858. -41 June 30, 1875 und 1876., ... 59-61, 66-469 amount not to ex seventy thousand tor consular uml_ diplomatic ex- dollars .. . .. . T . . 47 pcnscs for years ending June 30, for payment to settlers on Fort Rendell mili- 1875 and 1876 ... 65-71,321-328 tary reservation the uppraised value for support of the Army for years end- of their unprovements.`..· . . 47, 48 mg June 30, 1875 and 1876 72-75, 452-455 for construction of telegruphto connect m11- for lexlslgive, exccunvc, and gs- · itery pests m Texas und Indmn Tem- 52 lc Icxpcnscs or earsen , ry June 30, 1875 and 1876..¥...85—111,§434i70 for Quertermester and Cemumissery Deportfor pcllsions for years ending June 30 _ ments oi the Army prior to Sw., bel- 1875 and 1876 . 115,116, 337 ences ef, te be earned to tue surplus for Indian Dggmrtment for years end- fend ... , ...- . ..·... 75 i June , 1875 and 1876..146-178, 420-151 certam sums eertfiled, &e., excepted. 75 for 51;:5:7 civil expengesof the Gov- for expenses of nstxeuel loan, eertmu per- — ernment for gems ending June 30 xuuuent, repealed ... I .. . 109 ~ 1875 and 181 .. . . . 204-230, 571-402 for mmensl lean, detailed estimates of, to for Post-Omee Dejpmjt »» ent for be submxtted annually te Congreeeby the years ending une 30, 1875 and _ Secretary of Treasury .. . ... 109,110 1876,, ,__, . , .. ,... 231-57, 340-343 certum uuexpended bulgueeg of, te, be eevfer rivers and harbors for years end- _ pred into Treasury ... . . 110, 111 ing June 30, 1875 a·nd1876..237—242,456-466 for Joint select committee of Congeeeeo for deficiencies for years ending June imma s ievernmeut for the manet 30, 1873 and 1874 and 1875.. 133-146, 402-420 of Coium u- ... T .. t.: .. 118 for legislative expenses of Colorado Terri- for eexnmissiener t0mpert11steIBnt1sh subtury . 1. _ . 1 ,, . T .. 4 _ Jeetsiwithm eertain temtery awarded for reporting pmeeedmgs_ and debates of by Lmxeror et Germany under treaty Cenfress ... 5 of W gtou .. .. .. . .. 129 to enable eint Committee on the Libreryto to enable Secretary of tu make procure busts of the lute Chief Justxces · suitable eempensetmn in certain eases Tuney and Chase ... 6 under customs revenue laws ,... 186