Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/920

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890 IN DEX; Page. , Page. Commissioner of liiah and Fisheries, Commissioner of Patents, _ nppropriationfor illustrations for report of. 2W, 375 appropriation for pay of, and for assistant, ox- ` Commiaaimwr of General Land-Ojicc, aminers, clerks, &c., in office of. . 104-105, 365 appropriation for pay of, and for clerks, to supervise registry mints and labels for &c., in the office of-. . . 103-104, 364 manufactured cies .. .-.. 79 to have surveyed, and issue to Holt County, fees for recording title to cover copy_of rec- Missouri, a patent for the land known ord under seal of .. . .. . . 79 as Tarkio Lake, for school purposes.. 16 t0`f|.l1'Iil.Bh to each Executive Department to prepare and issue rules and regulations one copy of bound volume of specifito carry into effect act to amend not cations and drawings of patents . 402 to encourage growth of timber on authorized to consider application of Ann western prairies . . . . - - . . 22 J ennette Hathaway, executrix, for ex- . to possess and exercise powers, &e., of me- tension of patent of Joshua Hathacorder of land-titles in Missouri . -62 _ wayfor improved device for converting to prescribe rules for absence of settlers on reciprocating into rotary motion 630 land invaded b grasshoppers .. 81 to extend patent of John Hazeltine for a to select school-lends mr certain fractional new anduseful water-wheel Q 630 townships in Missouri .: 202 to decide upon application of Thomas and to select such as may be designated by . William IJ. mans for patent for imcounty courts, &o .. . . . . 202 provenientln steam-vessels . 631 to issue a patent for certain lands to Scott to examine ap lieation for extension of County, Missouri .. . . . ...4. . 282 pattent of ldrederick T. Grant. .. 660 to make rules for payment by actual set- ~ _ to act within ninety days .. . .. 660 tiers on Kansas Indian trust-lands ,. 272 Oommmioner of Ienstmw, ‘ l for entry of diminished-reserve lands in _ appropriation for pay of, and for deputy, _ Kansas . . . .. 972 clerks; &e., in oiilce of -. .; 104, 364 may include part of Fort Yuma military res- Commissioner toiwvcodiate Contracts with Indiana, · ervation under patent for town-site may be appointed y the President--. . 36 . of Yum? ·· .. . .-- ... . 303 to report a l faetsto Secretary of Interior in C nmmissioner of ndtwn. Afairs writing . . .. ; - .. . . . . g. .. 36 appropriation for pay of, and for clerks, dao., _ Commiaaioners, see Public Buildings, in office of . . .- - . . . . 104, 364 to select sites for ublio buildings, to make to use appropriation for payment of instal- and file adlfavit that theyare not inment to Navaioe Indians in purchase ter-ested, &e,·. - ..._. , ..__._____, 216 of necessary articles, &c . c..,. .. 159 Cmmniasionvra, Diplomatic, see Diplomatic and - with sanction of Secretary of Interior and ‘ Consular Ojom, · President, to expend annuities. for provisions concerning leave of absenoe,cc1·- Seminoles in purchases! goods, dw.: 29 respondence, &c .. . . re}... ..~ 77 or to pay annuities into treasury of the salaries of .. . .. ... ...; .T».I,.1·. .J 483 Seminoles - . ...-----.---.-.. . 29 commissioners of Cirméi Ovurtv, "ZI to examine, indorse, and record private cou- - summary investigation mp? be held before, tracts. with Indians, dw ... . . 35, 36 under petition forte of in certain cusstatement of facts touohin%private contracts wmgqeyenue eases , , ____,,,,,_ _ ____ 190 with Indians to be ed in office of-- 35 accounts of, to be forwarded to the district additional proofs may be required by. .. . 36 attorney for approval by court before regulations forbidders under advertisements payment , ... . .:. . .. . 333 of, for proposals for goods, &c . e1’76,·177 authorized and reqniled to im rison, &e., report of, with reports of agents, to be laid -‘ personsviolatlngcivil audxiegal rights before Congress on nrst day ofmext ~ · " act...: .. c...: ..4 .. ..:--- 336 session .; . ,. L . J . 178 Commissioners of Claims, tofumish Second Auditor oofpigs ofcontracts approrgiation for preparing for Public ` for Indian service be pagment. -. 450 ‘ rinter copies of summary reports of.' 375 report of, when to be laid before ongress. 450 . raappropriation of unexpended balaneem bidders under advertisements for supplies. _ enable Secretary o Treasuryto col- &,c., exceeding $5,000, published by, ‘ leot evidence as to claims before; how what to d0..; ... . . . 450 to be paid .. . . . . 376 quarterly transcripts from books of Indian number of copies of reports of, for use of agents to be forwarded to ...; .. . 451 Senate and House .; . . . 1 375 Commissioner of Internal Revenue _ concurring in any report, to sign the same; - appropriation for pay of, nucl for deputies, dissenting_ opinion to accompany reclerks, &e., in office of .. 92, 351 ‘ ort .. --.. ... . . 660 for· detecting and punishing violation of Gommiargncrv of District of Columbia, ' internal-revenue laws . ;. 93 deliciency appropriation for refunding to, snlary· of .. .- . . . ... . ... z. . 398 salaries an expenses paid by 403 of omeers, clerks, and employes in office of 398 apppintmont and powers of. . . ; . . .. 116 may permit successors in business to use to e subject to what restrictions and limi-‘ ' portion of distillery-warehouse in cer- tatwns .  ; ,..,,_, 116 tain cases . . . ... 3 to apply taxes andrevenues of District for to recommend to Secretary of Treasuryone what purposes. . . . .; 116 of remaining deputy commissioners shall take possession and supervision of all , to be designated as drst deputy., 6 ofliees, &,c ... ..-.-. .. ,. 116 to refund, &c., certain additional special shall make no contract nor incur anyobliga- . taxes on liquowdcalers and brewers-. 311 tion other, &,c -. . - . .-. . 116 when to sell lands held for direct taxes 313 authorized to abolish and consolidate offices, when maygive special permit for delivery - reduce employes, and make appointof certain tobacco, &,o., without pre- ments and removals, &c . ~ . .. 116 vions payment of increased tax . 339 oath, bond, and compensation oft .. 117