Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/966

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936 INDEX. E Page. l _ · Pgo. Indian Departnunt-Continued. Indian Department-Continued.__ serviceto befor benefit of themselves or _ sums paid out o£•.ivilizs.tion·fun<1 of Indian tribe ..., .. . ... 176, 449 Bureau for benefit of Louise Hoskins mte for, to be fixed by agent -... . .176, 449 _ and J. B. Jmkm to be ISO-lmbU!B6(1 to be e ua.1 to value 0 supplies de- from Choctaw appropriation . E . . 428 livereg .. . . .. . . . . .. 176, 449 no purchase .0f goods, &»c., exceeding allowance to_bedietributedon1¥ ou con- $1,000 without advertisement 6m.. , 450 dition of Grfoxmunoe of wor .. 176, 449 no credit forgnyments until voucners eg- Secretoryoflixterior may exempt any tribe nmined, c . , ... 450 from work upon wmtten order when ‘ copies of contracts to be furnished Second he deems expedient . ,.. . . .. 176, 449 Auditor -. .. . . , . 450 no moneys agpmgrinted for Indian Defmrt- sureties on Indmn agents' bond to me

 ment s all e nsed to poy employés   statement of groperty.":  .. 450

at agencies except where jexpressly agent to keep boo of expenditures, couprovided . J .. `. . . 176 tracts and reeeipts . , ., ..,. . 451 limit of amount tobe paid for employes at qunrterlly transcripts .. . ..,.. . . . 451 any one mgency . . . . · . . . . 176, 449 keopingfs1se, orfa1lingt0keep,ponnlty . 451 _ oath of agent in rendering quarterly no- re-imbursement ofUn1lQd States by Kascounts es to employes, `end non- j kuskia, Peoria, Wea,sn¢1 Piankeshavr ‘ interest in payments . e. .-·.. 176, 449 Indians . , . . .. ‘ . . L . . ,. .. _ 451 when returns muy be msdn on certifcate Secrets; of Interior to sell garb of Chiokof agent.---- ... .. .--,-- .176,449 trust-stocks to re 'eve necessi-_ no appropriations to be pnidrto Indians nt ties, `&c. . i . . , . 1 451 wan- .. . ... .176, 449 consentof nation to be inst obtained.. 451 supplies to be delivered in such pr0po1·· . to pay to treasurer of Cherokee Nation tions that appropriation shall not be' cer1:ain amount from trust-funds _ 451 expended bofom clone of year .. . 176, 450 .0py oinot of notional council to be first · no expense or obligation for current fiscal _ · - recei ed. *. , . . . J;  ; .· .. _ 451 year to be incurred in excess of appro- statement of Secretary of Interior of items priation ... 176, 450 of riations for, what to contain bidders to furnish supplies, goods, &a., for and glam to be printed .. ‘ L., 450 1 Indians to uccomzuni their bids, Indian Home-_ , with certified choo j 0., for 5 ger . approprismtibn for expenses ot investigating cent. of amount of bids. .. 17 , 177, 450 frauds in payment of bounties t9..· ..\.. .175 failing to make contract when awarded .· Ind/iam Hostilitica, · - to forfeit ebeck .. ... . .. 177, 450· n.ppropria.tion·£cr e§zeuses incurred in sup- · when qontmct executed, check, &c., re- pressing; in 0ntnna}iu 1867.- ...·-.. . 410 'turned to bidder . .. . .. . 177 ,·450 Secretary or ur to asoeitam and report to _ - agents to make rolls with names of In- ·‘ . Congress expenses of Dakota ui oup- · diams and heads of families ou: lodges, -.pressing, in 1862, &.c. 4. , . -. . ‘ 17 &c., entitled to supplies at t]l0i;9 expenses in Cnlitggia agzckggegonyin sup- é agencies .. . . ---. .. .--. ,- . pressmg,1n an _...· ‘ to give out su£>p1ies_to heads of families . Indian Inspectors, ‘ · and not to ends of tribes or bonds. .177, 449 appropmations for psy of .--;-. -... ; .. 174, 422 _ not to give outsupplles for more than one . for traveling expenses of;,. ;,  :..-;.174, 423 wqok . ; . . . . . L . . 177, 449 deficiency uppmprmtion for pay of · 1 39 Bresident may;fiveét ;1:esof ceggnin `number of .. . . . L .. _ . . , . AL . 422 , printions or ors,mi — ’ _ · .-' _ _ . smmw, aw., an his memneurgm with · , I"gf;°r,g’f§?{’$§Z 3, Pay bf _____ ;_;_· ;_ 147 148 422

 consex;tofgribe }...£-.é  .    Indianhnh · . - _·  ’

oreporsucaccuoon ss -. .. . · agents and employes of United mesnotto ‘ _ P"°‘”“§’;: °°;{‘9?;”,$,"f1 FE‘°M°“lf;•. *°·• °fr ***15 173 be interested in Indian contracts · 177 Ch01_0L°°1`Sn_;°;· Ks1s:? °° ma? ‘ j‘ ‘ 41* 17.; A 7 ·-·· ——····-·---—-- r • “°.€ti’.°;‘,€‘T‘?B?T°ff‘}f‘.*I‘}?¥‘.'i?'?T‘F‘?‘f*f ?i” m g;~¤¤¤¤Iggg;a¤1g;·g mKK=»¤¤¤¤· -— ---- gg; penalty for' collusion or interest .. . 177 mm “ . . m Z ‘ ···· *+1** _ ta.bu1a.1·_ statement of items paid out on . N"' Yg§.I“d‘1:;‘d¤hPd‘;{m K“““°P· jj ···· ·· Q uccouutrof Indian Department for -Q”g° mu. - m '“‘““ ·‘•• ‘·‘ ·1·· _ ‘ m endini Junie 30, 1874, to be I'°dW°• , · 7 - · · t vmam ublio Printer by Novem- ¤m>r¤prw· me for - Q- - 103,104, 139r141, 364,412 bex- 1, 1874--· ---· .3-.- .. . .. L 178 Imam Reservations · I —r · . number of Indians at each agency- . . . 178 appropriations for snfvey and snbdividin ‘ _ stegserngnt tofe lsid before Congress on nortions of .1-;:. ;  ; ;. -J-. J51S, 384 rs ay 0 session. . . . . . in the ndian Territory, deiiciim u '-‘ Report of CommissionerofInd;ia,nA.ffznirs - ation for survey ccf Lexteriz Wifi! 1‘¤P01'l= of wm to be printed ries cf, Gao...;.. .. . .. 3 .. - 141 and laid bdore obgress Expt dey of in Montana, establishment of an for Gros-= session .. . . ..- .. 178 ‘ Ventre Piegan,‘ Blood, éluokfmt,

  • deduction from instnllmenhof Cheyonnes U River érow and 0tl1er_Indi¤}1m·.L£_L.. 28-29.

for benefit of Adelaide and Julia. Ger- at White Earth,` great df land - · · mem; how tote invested ·;. . . 424 _ on, to Mission? Seeretppy ofintemortowithholdfrom any · ‘ ery Society qi `P. . ,fo; histnbe holding captives othe: than In- sionazry und ephoof oses ._. V . . . 31 dianeé moneys due,-until, &u 424 estate to be determtneg}%f$hpir1and nof - William . Lyon & Son to be paid out of nsedfor those pu pee- s;. 5.2. Z. L·... 31 . Choctaw dppmpriation, for printing relinquishment `of pi Ashe, of, {Ute. ·. · lows .. . E . ..`. . . 428 Iudiunsin Co oritd0i.‘.;·--;-..;;--;-‘.‘‘ 37