Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/977

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INDEX. 94,7 I 1*. Lands, Public-—Continucgl. A me Lands, I’ublic—Conti¤uc<l. hm soles3f Kansas Indian luuds in Kansas.. 272 Fort Reynolds military reservation to be se ers on tx·nst·lsmds may mathe pay- transferred to control of Secretary of ment m six aqua,] mmuol msmll- . {uhm-im ______ ____ __ _ ___ _ __ 55

 meow, with interest . J-  . .· ... 272 ee be sem ser wen to Bigueet 1»lZ1Hen·;k.el 85

wheregémlxer-land purchaser to give ‘ te pe eilbwed in tracts not exceeding notes to gmt;‘£;:l;;1t;.;rl:l1,;:4;::::::t. eée pm§’?.£‘°l¥.,‘i’§‘§§‘.;;.;;;,"=.;;e magglae; :.;.1 ?5 remulnderxg élgrigzsnal diuninished Camp Igote Creeli military ressrvw NSG l·‘y ... ti s' '0 the t dto b·, payment of apprizlscd vnluo, 0l'l0·l0ll!`l,ll ligiloisairl B?. .3 . . . .?f ,,., 13 tl, _ 201 Clown, remainder in tbreo annual to be seldtohighest hidderin tracts not jmymcnls, with mtcrest - -.--.. 272 exceeding one quarter-section and not nuts to secnre payment . . 272 below minimum price .. . . . . . 201 title goége withheld until lust payment unsoigportion to bodisposed of as other . . . . .. ·. . . ‘ ‘ 1 l ds .. . . . . . . 201 where timber-land purchaser .to give bein:-tl¢i’e tgttlers eu, Prior to declarebondq.: . .. .. 272 tion of reservation-l nes may {Acquire l PGIBUDS fmling to make payments to' title, ,,___,,,,_, , ___,,_ · ______ _ _____ - 201 fg]-fgjh 3,]] glgjing ____ , _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 273 g·[•gn[g gf;- lands not take'}: in twelve mouths again . ‘ '1`urkio Leke, grunted tollolt County, Mis-

 subject to sale, . .  ..  273 soun, for schoohpurposm .. . . 10

disposal of proceeds of sale .. . . 273 Commissioner of General Lend-Office to settlers on Miami Indian lands in Kansas have land surveyed . 16 rua? Hglgogyaymontiu three annual toésnuse patent to be issued to Holt ms s. n s ... E .. ” _ t ,,.,,... , , ,___ 6 i¤ll¢1‘¢6l¤ 0D installments . .. .-. . 273 prior sitghtss of settlers not affected . 16 purchasers of New York Indian lands in _ county to make title to settlers on pny- Kausus may make payment in two ment of one dollar and twenty-five annual installments, with interest. 273 centsper were ... 16-11 act togafply oing to actual settlers ‘ 273 cost of surveying to be paid by county . 17 Osage In ien lau s in Kansas, time for time for reversion of, grunted to Wisconcomgleting entries of, extended to · ;iu Cen%1 Iéargead, entendzdé. QB se .. . .. L ...- . ce nm, gran o scervi e nn ncm— interest on payments . .. .., 283 A mento Railroad Company, forfeited to no further extension to be granted 283 the United States ., ·. 29 upplicatms to be filed within three . 1;;: disgosed of 3 0ghcr£ublic hands. 5.0 111011 .. . . .. · or 01 ureo 1111 0 on oc ousm uppatcuts to be isgucd to certain Ottawa and pero;fo1i§rRai1r¢;n¢l, in California, 72 Clgifpewa. Indians, for selections to beherescfter disposed0f as other pubm e by them in ecrtsin lands in lic lands . . r .. . 72 Michiguybutnot regularlyreportcd · patents to issue for certum , grunted to Ore- 2;} approved prior to nct~12¤72, eb. gon to md construction ex wagon- , . . . e . .. roads .. . . . . --. . ‘ Indian settlers on certain sections in Mich- 0 not to be construed to revive on y expired iggu to ];a,ve.rigbt to outer eighty gl‘n.11t, 81.0. . -. ··-. . ...-..-.. 80 acres .. . .. .. . . 516 right of way through, granted to lieva- · `b0ne·iide, &c.' settlers on lands reserved da County Na.rrow—Gaugo Railroad for Indum purgoses, under treaty . Company: . . . . . l ... · J . . . 130 with Ottawa am Chu ppewzm Indians, to include right te take earth, mateuuis, to lm entitled to enter one humlred &c€ . Fi . i.};; .é ; } - - . · gt , ____ ____,_____ _ an 0 5,;; . . ____ militu D . séggrtgfncslorss, O . grnot to exceed ten ucres,n0t mineral, to cf1¤`erl2'tci1s¤¤¤m donated to Terr·lt<>¤·y of with stnlsmu ------ . ·---- - . - · ------ 130 VX;1.sh1¥ngtonforan insane asylum \ stationging to occur oitener than one rig s so ers no impu._irc¢ . ‘ in en .: .. . ... U Camp Douglass, portion of military rqse1·— , grnnt not to take c1Iect where preamp- _ ~ lvztinn Of, in Utah, to be set zmidc for ‘ _ tion or homestead claims attacllcd E0 ( pubug;gg]¤g|;gg·y____ __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ L_ _ _ _ 46-41 ;;dJugtmgD{; of rgrlrgqd ]g,n(].gg·;),“tg_ _ _ _ _ _ ] 4 ‘ lot not exceeding onei acre may be set grsnteesre11nq111sh1ug landspre-empteci , apart for eeeh religious clenominzition may take other lanes .. . . .. . - . ‘ i¤Sslt Lake City ..,. . .. 47 settlers may nerfect t1tles.--H . l0tfo!¤0mm011 burying-grouudtc b0_rc· grunts noggqsrged 01 exten e re-

  • .-...2... ..- . scrvc ( -:. ..:-,. ...,..

F°”?£mm “‘mM‘“‘W2?,‘ii"l§$f‘32"l‘$°t1I2‘;T “°m‘“;‘.£¥“§0‘L$l§‘$5‘°}ff’?.¥’fT?‘?T’T.'€’f’R‘iY‘i ei · . mtmum  ; _£ 47 Texas and ]?¤,qiiicRui]10a.¢lC0Hlp3I¤}’ HOU tc

 titllgcf Bétflgs -011, to he confumcd  47 be entitled tosarg r;§1;t:;:£:;d2;2g¤ 198

payment tqsottlers for improvements. . 47-48 1‘0l¤l¢l¤¥;§° Bl; i  ; 1 t Sm 5 f,-wi not to bemadewhqn improvements re- extension o . nnc c § G 203 .. gg0mg;,,, ,,,, ,.  ; ; i ... 48 MK] PMWG R°·‘]’°‘* —-·-~· · ····· · · ·& Fort {Sanders, portion of military rgserga- 11%¢§g;:gf;'?;;*;’£g§‘L“;?°Ti‘?f W3 ~ . T ...‘ Q?`. T as Allegheny Valley Rellrwd ¤<»¤¤r¤¤y tagline er settlers on ... 65 granted ¤gh%;fu*g¤Y **}**;;*8** °·”°““*‘ 280 right of way across a, corner of Fort Gm- , · gl‘0l1¤<l¤ it _ 'EVGLM *’··-géligé E; tint military reservation grunted to S0¤l1¤C0¤}l¤Y, hS¤°lm» ° °·"° Pa ‘ 282 Port Huron` City sn·cet·roilromI .. 81 certain .. . ... . .. .---- ·- ·