Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/610

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58:], TREATY—GENERAL POSTAL UNION. 0019, 1874. ce reglement pourront toujours etre the stipulations of these detailed moditiees d’un commun accord entre regulations may always be modified les Administrations de l’ Union. by the commonfcolpsapt of the Administrations o the nion. Otlierregulations Les differentes Administrations The severalAdministrations may Ml? l><> m¤d°· peuvent prendre entre elles les ar- makeamongst themselves the necesran gemen ts necessaires au su jet sary arrangements on the subject of des questions qui ne concernent pas questions which do not concern the Pensemble de l’Union, comme le Union generally; such as the regureglement des rapports a la fron- lations of exchange at the frontier, tiere, la. fixation de rayons limitro- the determination of radii in adjaplies avec taxe reduite, les condi- cent countries within which alower tions de Peehange des mandats de rate of postage may be taken, the poste et des lettres avec valeur conditions of the exchange of Post declaree, etc., ctc. Office money orders, and of letters _ with declared value, etc., etc. Anrroms XIV. Aitrrcnn XIV. Limit of ¤<>¤¢r<>1 Les stipulations du present traite The stipulations of the present °f the *"’““Y· ne portent ni alteration ala legis- treaty do not involve any alteralation postale interne de chaque tion in the interior postal legislapays, ni restriction au droit des tion of any country, nor any restricparties contraetantes de maintenir tion of the right of the contracting et de eonclure des traités, ainsique parties to maintain and to conclude · de maintenir et d’etablir des unions treaties, as well as to maintain and plus restreintes en vue d’une ame- establish more restricted unions lioration progressive des relations with a view to a progressive impostales. provement of postal relations. Anrrcnn XV. Anrrcnn XV. Oé¤it¤F1;*e*igf*¤i Il seraorganise, sous le nom de There shall be organized, under ‘ ,md‘f° ° ° ‘”=·‘"" Bureau international de 1’Union the name of the International Ot- ‘ generale des postes, un office cen- lice of the General Postal Union, tral qui fonctionnera sous la haute a central office, which shall be consurveillance d’une Administration ducted under the surveillance of a postale designee par le Gongres, et Postal Administration to be chodont les frais seront supportes par sen by the Congress, and the extoutes les Administrations des penses of which shall be borne by Etats contractants. all the Aélministrations of the con- _ · tractin `tates. D“**“" °f °m°°· Oc bureau sera charge de coor- Thisgofiice shall be charged with donner, de publicr et de distribuer the duty of collecting, publishing, les renseignementsde toute nature and distributing information of qui interessent le service interna- every kind which concerns the intional des postes, d’emettre, a la ternational postal service; of givdemande des parties en cause, uu ing, at the request of the parties avis sur les questions litigieuses, concerned, an opinion upon quesd’instruire les demandes de modi- tions in dispute; of making known iication au reglement d’execution, proposals for modifying the dede notifier les chan gements adoptes, tailed regulations; of giving notice de faciliter les operations de la of alterations adopted; of facilitatcomptabilite internationale, notam- ing operations relating to internament dans les relations prevucs a tional accounts, especially in the Part. 10 ci-dessus et, en general, de cases referred to in Article 10 foreproceder aux etudes et aux travaux going ; and in general of considerdont ilserait saisi dans Pinteret ing and working out all questions de l’Union postale. in the interest of the Postal Union.