Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/632

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606 rnnArY-ennnn.-in rostrnn Union. ocm.9,1e74. Classification of 6) Les pays contractants sont 6. The contracting countries are °°“”*“°S· classes ainsi qu’il suit, en vue de classified as iollows, in view of the la repartition des frais: division of the expenses :— l’° classe: Allemagne, Autriche- lstclassa Germany,Austria-Hun- Hongrie,Etats—Unis " gary, United States d’Amérique,Franee, of America, France, Grande-Bretagne, Great Britain, Italy, Italie, Russie, Tur- Russia, Turkey; quic ; 2° “Espagne; 2nd “Spain; 3** “Belgique, Egypte, Pa- 3rd “Belgium,Egypt,Nethys-Bas, Roumanie, erlands, Roumania, Suede ; Sweden ; 4** ‘° Danemark, Norvege, 4th “Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Suisse; Portugal, Switzerland; 5* “Grece, Serbie; 5th “Greece, Servia, I 6** *‘ Luxembourg. 6th “Luxemburg. ivleiimmrznneu- 7) Le Bureau international ser- 7. The International Office shall flczuionns. vira ddntermédiaire aux notiiica- serve as the medium for the regutions regulieres et generales qui lar and general notifications which lnsniiiems rela- interessent les relations interna- concern international relations. It ti_v<> i»~>iu¥cri<>rsc1·· tionales. Ilreeevra egalement de shall likewise receive from each "‘°*’· chaque Administration les docu- Administration published. documents publies sur le service inte- mentsrelative toits interior service. rieur. 5mimC;,id0m;),, S) Chaque Administration fera 8. Each Administration shall furnliienirnislieil. parvenir dans le 1*** semestre de uish the International Office, in the chaque annee au Bureau interna- lsthalf of eachyear, withacomplete tional une serie complete des ren- series of statistical details relating seignements statistiques se rap- to the previous year, in the form of portant a l’annee precedente sous tables prepared according to direcformc de tableauxdresses d’apres les tions from the International Office, indicationsduBureauinternational, which shall distribute with that qui distribuera a cet eifet dos for- view forms properly prepared. It General statlstl- mules toutes preparees. Il reunira shall incorporate these details-in a GM 1‘<>1><>1‘¤· ces renseignements en une statis- general statistical report, which tique generale qui sera distribuee shall be distributed to all the Ada toutes les Administrations. ministrations.; International 9) Le Bureau international re- 9. The International Office shall .i<>¤1‘¤¢¤l- digera, al’aide des documents qui publish, by the aid of the docusont mis a sa disposition, un jour- ments which are placed at its disponal special en langues allemande, sal,aspecial journal in theGerman, an glaise et francaise. English, and French languages. 1;.,..-MBL,-,bu;,,,d_ 10) Les numeros de ce journal, 10. The numbers of this journal, de meme que tous les documents as well as all the documents pubpublies par le Bureau international, lished by the International Office, seront distribués aux Administra- shall be distributed to the Admintions de 1’Union, dans la propor- istrations of the Union in the protion du nombre des unites contri- portion of the number of contrib- Additional cop- butives mentionnees au § 4. Les uting units mentioned in §4-. Any M- exemplaires et documents supple- additional copies and documents mentaires qui seraient reelames -which may be applied for shall be seront payee a part d’apres leur paid for separately at prime cost. prix de revient. Les demandes de Applications of this nature should cette nature devront etre formu— be made in due time. x _ lees en temps opportun. ¤§,*'{E)(f;}l;';,;£’);P°‘ 11) Le Bureauinternationaldevra 11. The International Office shall ‘ se tenir, en tout temps, ala dispo- hold itself always at the service of sition des membres de l’Union, pour the members of the Union for the leur fournir, sur les questions rela- purpose of furnishing them with.