Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/668

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642 CONVENTION—MEX1CAN REPUBLIC. APB1L 29, 1876. __f1"u $1876- Convention between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic for extending the junctions of the Umpire under the Convention of July 4, 1868. Ooneluded April 29, 1876; Ratification advised by Senate May 24, 1876 ; Ratmed by the President June 27, 1876; Ratijied by the President of Mexico May 30, 1876; Ratijlcations exchanged at Washington June 29, 1876, Proclaiined June 29, 1876. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic for extending the functions of the Umpire under the Convention between the two countries of the 4th of July, 1868, was con- ,_ _ eluded and signed by their respective Plcnipotentiarics, at the city of "`°'**‘°°> 509- Washington, on the twenty-ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Convention between the United States Conveneion entre la Repdblica Meri of America and the Mexican Rc- cana y los Estadcs Unidos de public. America. 'l‘rea.lies, 51::. Whereas pursuant to the conven- Considerando: Que, conforms a tion between the United States and la convencion celebrada entre la the Mexican Republic of the 19th Republics. Mexicana y los Estados day of April, 1871, the functions Unidos el 19 do Abril do 1871, las Treaties, 509. of the joint commission under the funciones de la comision mixta esconvention bctween the same par- tablecida. por lu. convencion entre ties of the 4th of July, 1868, were las mismas partes, del 4 de Julio extended for a term not exceeding de 1868, fuer0n prorogadas por un ono year from the day on which término que no excediera do un they were to terminate according aiio, contado desde el dia en que to the convention last named; debian terminar con arreglo a la convencion ultimamente citada.: Treaties, 514. And whereas, pursuant to theiirst Que, conforme al articulo primero article of the convention between de la. convencion concluida entre the same parties, of the twenty- las mismas partes cl veintisiete do seventh day of November ono Noviembre do mil ochocieutos sethousand eight hundred and sev- tenta ydos, la comision mista antes enty-two, the joint commission mencionada. fue revivida y proroabove referred to was revived and gada do nuevo por un término que again extended for a. term not ex- no excediera. do dos anos, contados eeeding two years from the day on desde el dia en que las funciones which the functions of the said do dicha comision terminascn con commission would terminate pur- arreglo a la citada convencion del suant to the said convention of the diez y nuevo de Abril do 1871 : nineteenth day of April, 1871; 18 Stat., 760. And whereas pursuant to the Que, conforme a la convencion convention between the same par- celebrada entre las mismas partes ties, of the twentieth day of No- el veinte de Noviembre de mil ochovembcr, one thousand eight hun- cientos setenta y cuatro, dicha drcd and seventy-four, the said comision fué de nuevo prorogada commission was again extended for por un aio contado desde el tiemone year from the time when it po en que liabria espirado con arwould have expired pursuant to the reglo a la convencion del veinticonvention of the twenty-seventh sicte do Noviembre de mil ochociof November, one thousand eight entos setenta y dos, es decir, hasta hundred and seventy-two, that is el dia treinta y uno de Enero de