Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/700

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674 mmcx. Page.Page. Anita Rook, San Fr·a21<·is<·0 [Iarhor, Cal., Appmnnttox River, Va., u.ppropria.tion for day-beacon on ... 352 appropriation for improvement of .. . . . . 135 Annals of Congress, Apporliowzwwrzt of Homes, 1)isIv·iel of Columbia, appropriation for purchase of sets of ... 356 Commissioners shall make and publish, to .JnnapoIis, Md.,various funds . . S3, 396 appropriations for grading and paving Appra·isers’ Stores, ¤ streets in (Naval Academy) 71,356 appropriations for construction of. .. 110, 351 report as to sale of uawnl hospital at .. . G9 Appraismncnt, mmis, Ann, of goods at Centennial Exhibition, appro- . pension granted to .. . . _ 542 priatiou for . .-.. 34 Annie, Ilarrey, dcwascd, of P2b\\'ll00 Indian reservation, commission pension granted to widow of . , 542 for, to be appointed .--- . 28 Annual Estimates, see Ifxttmalua. expenses of, a,ppropria.tion for . .. 20 .1 nnual Reports, sec ltcpvrlzc. of Kansas Indian trust-lands, to be inquired Annual Staiuics, into; may be reqxppraised; cost of, to appropriations for editing, etc ... 149, 299 be deducted from proceeds of land . . . 75 Aunuiiy Goods for rndiaus, of lands in District of Columbia for puruppropria.tiu11s for .. . . . . -... 178,273 poses of taxation. .. . ... 400 not to be issued to hostile, etc., tribes, nor of lands, etc., in Hot Springs reservation, unless they remain peaeeably on res- Ark., to be made by commissioners., 378 orvations .. . . . . .. . . 199 of lands in Fort Dalles military reservation 406 bids for furnishing, to be preserved; report Appropriations, seo also Dqicieney Appropriaof bids and awards; abstract of bids.. 199 tions, estimates for, what to show .. . 200 for legislative, executive, and judicial exto be advertised ior; provisos .. . .. 200 pauses . ... 143, 217, 294 what amounts muy be purchased without for sundry civil expenses... . .. .. 102,3/I4 advertisement -. .. . . 293 for consular and diplomatic service. .. 170, 233 Auucll, Tlwmas, deceased, for postal service . . . . . 78, 215, SSI? appropriation for payment of claim of estate for support of the Army ... 97 of. . . . . . , . . . . . - . 431 lor lnrliim service. . . . . . , . . . .. 176, 271 Anlhony, l’IeiIQ1,jr., for support of Military Aezulcmy . 124, 380 upproprizxtion lor paymeiit of claim of . 456 for naval service . . . ... 65, 385 .luli¢·/ant J\'uii<>uaL Crmwtery, for pensions. ... .-.. .. 8,223 appropriation ior payment of balance of in- for fortifications and other works of de- <lObfo(l1l(¢SS ot'; to be one of the na- tense . . . -.. 59,391 tional cemeteries; title to be con- for river and harbor improvements. 132 veyocl to United States before pay- for general deficiencies .. .. 41, 363 •l110llU - .. . ... 269 for public prini ing .. . ... 23l · Apm·7u· 1 ndiuus, for House contingent-fund, etc ... 225 appropriation for subsistence of; proviso-.46,290 for manufacture of postal cards. . 27 ibr installments, etc., to -... 178, 273 for subsistence of Sioux Indians . .28 for subsistence of,use of surplus of, author- for Bureau of Engraving and Priutin - . 33 ized .. . . . . . 53 for pay of crippled and disabled Union sol- Jpaclw 1 ndians al Fart Sill Reservation, diers in employ of House .. . . 5 1Ll>l)1‘0])l'lll(l(>ll for subsistence, etc., of; pro- for expenses of customs service at Contenviso. . . . . . .. 195 nial Exhibition. . . . . -.-. 34 Apavhu Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, for salaries of light-house keepers, may be appropriations for subsistence, ete.,of..53, 195, 290 transferred in part .. . . . . 53 to suppl y delicicneies in. .. .. .. .. 376 for payment of one montlx’s pay to employes not to leave reservations; \Vu.r Department of Bureau of Engraving and 1)l`1lJhlllg` to nid in preventing; rations to be recently discharged . ... .-.. 116,203 issued for one week; arms, etc., not to for improvement of Capitol grounds, made . be issued, etc,, to .. .- - .\. 195 available ... . - . . . ... G Apparatus for Rcseelian, for continuing improvement of Capitol appropriations for I1. . . . . .. 8, 360 grounds . . . . . ... 34 to supply deiiciencies in.. . .. . ... 365 for certain iron-work on custom-house at App: als, Saint Louis, Mo. . . . . . ... 7 lrom supreme court of Colorado Territory; for cust0m·h0use at Nashville, Tenn., part remand of execution, etc. ; right of -0i] may beused to purchase additional appeal before admission of State. 62 ground .. . . . · . . 7 Appel, Thomas, for purchase of land at Ihnrrisburgh, Pa.., appropria.tion for payment of claim of. . 485 balance of, may be used in improving Appclgdlc, I). W., premises for post-office, etc . . 203 appropriation for payment of account of 366 for construction of military posts on Yellow- Applegate, Jackson, stone and Muscleslnell Rivers ..-. 95 znpprnpriation {br payment of claim of . 460 for inclosure around United States peniten- Applvgutc, Jcsae, tiary at Boise City, Idaho. .. 124 ll]1|_)1‘()]_)l‘lLll',lOIlS for payments of accounts of. 366 for purchase of land 0-11 Key West Island, rlpplvgalc, Lindsay, Florida .. . . . . . . 96 appropriation lor payment of account of. . . 48 for expenses of survey and sale of Fort Kear- Appleacliile, Jesse, ney military reservation .. . . 95 appropriation for payment of claim of . 432 for improvement of J ualiuiztry Square .. 224 Appointmenls, for work-house at Washirigton Asylum 224 in the Marine Corps not to be made until for military road from Sioux City to Fort number of officers is reduced to seven- Randall . . . . . . . - . . - . 225 ty-five -. .. . . .. . 71 for reer·uiliug, pay, subsistence, cine., of addi. ofpostmastors, how made ... . . 80 tional cavalrymen for Army. 204