Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/770

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7 44 INDEX. rags. Page Mating, National Qempterles, _ convention for extradition of persons appropriation for pay of superintendents of. 99 charged with, with Ottoman Empire. 573 101: rnaintenance, etc., of ; proviso . ...-.. 99 with Spain .. . . ... ... . .. 050 provision for inzpect1n%;oi’ricer pi, repealeg. 99 · · ·. _ Antietam Gems ery to eone 0 · tit o to e Mutual Ifroteclwn Fm: Insurance Company, 38 conveyed to Umm, State; i debt of act to incorporate .. . ... . . to bb · ai (1 s 269 M-uz£ck’J0ab’ , Nqii01;,aZ C|l,1‘1‘(£;Lc'lI hun-U--."--H--hun ”’PP“’PI`i°'l’i°“ fm` P”‘Ym°“t of clmm °f‘ ‘' 477 appropriationslfor engraving, ctc . . 33, 117, 354 to su ply deficiencies in .. - . 44, 364 N. to eflkect a transfer in settlement of ac- Nabors, Sina D., counts for engraving, etc . 43 appropriation for payment of claim of . 480 National Currency Redemption Agency, V h;,: b , d C0 appropriations for salaries of employes in.151, 301 1 ao to a z ., _ _ , remission of i,_,u,ma],mvmmB tax to _ ______ 443 Natmraal Horaeforfbtsabled Volu-nicer Soldteraug 360 Naclotricb, O., Naggggygggous O1" ’``` "" ’ remission of internal-revenue tax to . . . 443 ‘;pm_0m_m,(;D for expenses of_ Naahhfialb J- Eg in office of Seoretar of Treasury 149, 300 Y remission of internahrevenue tux to . .. 443 Tmasuml- ____ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ 15], 301 Naill, David W, Register .. . . 151, 302 appropriation for payment of claim of . 430 First Aeditor . _ . . ._ . LEO, 300 Names of Vessels, see Change of Name. L¤S'¤·V*¤8 and 1)*******}*% B'¤`°”·u -—-—-- 1·>3» 302 Nance, calvin B., paper, labor, and materia s .. .. ,, 116 appropriation for payment of claim of . ..., 433 National Fisheries, Name, William L_, provisions concerning, •iu treaty with Belappropriations for payment of claims of-. .425, 520 _ Smm -—-—-— · --·--·----------- - - -—-- 631 N aemond River m- aa N¤*~-··l MW~m· . igproprianiou ¥.OI_"jg]m0’Vmu0nt of 135 appropriation ipr care, etc., of collection of. 350 . ‘ " " ‘‘‘' _ to supply deiiciencies in. .. ,. 370 `* mr hgm"h°uS° m' m°“th °f" '‘'`‘'‘ 112 National Soldier? Reunion, Nam, G¢’°Z‘!}•9; _ certain arms, etc., may be lent for use at ; appropriation for payment of claim of . 536 proviso ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ ____ 213 Nash, John E., National Soldiers’ and Satlora’ 01jphans’ Homo, appropriation for payment of claim of . 536 appropriations for .. --.. . 109, 349 zvm, Kcturah J, N¤#i¢··e·l?¢y» _ _ mean made for William H. H. Nash to be P*°V*°;g{& <§;,;jf1¤E;¤g 9* "“S°l¤ **1 *****5* 631 presented to . . . . .. . . 497 Naturauzatiom -N””h· Wdham YL Ev . declaration of intention for before whom medal made for, to be presented to widow of - 497 may be made_ ______ __’ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 2 Nashville Term. employment of Frederick Hinkel in consuappropriation for court-house building at.. 351 P lar service of North German Empire, additional ground forcustom-house, etc., at, etc., to be accepted as renunciation may be purchased .. . . . . 7 of, in United States . 411 Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, Natural·Hisiory Specimens, settlement with Western and Atlantic Rail- appropriation for duplicate sets of, to ool— road to be on basisof settlement with. 402 leges, etc ...,. . ..,., . ..,..., 350 Nashville and Decatur Railroad, Natural Philosophy, Military Academy, ` settlement with Western and Atlantic Rail- appropriations for department of . 125, 382 road to be on basis of settlement with . 402 Nautica, A l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Natchez, Misa., . appro riations for ... . 67,387 sale of marine hospital at, confirmed- .. 202 Naulloalrlioolca, Navy, National Association for Relicf of Colored al>PF°PNa‘7l°¤¤ f°¥' ------ · ··--· · ··--· · ··--- 65» 386 Women and Children, Nautical lnstrumemc, Navy, appropriations for ... . . . . 109, 349 appropriations for . . . . 66, 386 accounts of treasurer of, to be allowed. 349 Navajo Indian, N““°"“l B“"7"» appropriations for installments to. . ..185 280 appropriations for engraving, etc., notes N Z A d ’ for -. . . .. . . 33,117,354 “"“ °“. QW- f ,,0 389 for special examinations of. .. . . 151, 302 nppmprm long or "" Z ‘'' ‘ ‘'‘‘ ’ when receiver of, may be appointed. . .. 63 mr €{admg,?'°%4g""Eug ga’°°v°' Sure?, individual liability of hareholders, how tmmpo lst " (mu mg °¤ gmuu S 3,6 to be enforced .. 63 °.‘ ‘‘ ""tf "H',:_"rd 'H. '‘‘‘"‘ ‘ ‘’’‘‘ 350 meeting of shareholders after payment of S°°"S°rvl°° pay ° °8' ° ml S ‘Pm°°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ oem, em., mlm or; election of New Awww, agent; bond for payment of debts ; a·PPl”°P¤a·$l°¤¤ for E fund-- ·-··-» · —·-·- ----68» 388 transfer of assets; discharge of re- Naval Baafal cgjvgp, guy, pgwgpg of gg6u1g_ __ ______ to OXH:Il'lll'1Q 3e11d I’0pOX`l5 Wl'l&'l? U3»Vy·y3»1‘dB 081}. sale of stock of shareholders refusing to pay be dl$P°¤S°d WM]; 0W-} °XP<>¤S°¤ of· 66 assessment .. . . . 64 Naval Hospitals, . officers of, to stamp coun terfeit, etc., notes; appropriations for expenses oi'* . ... 69,388 penalty for wrongfully stamping 64 report as to sale ofQ at Annapolis, Md., and change of name authorized: Fxrst National Washington, D. C. .. 69 Bank of Amesbury to First National Naval Laboratory, Brmk of Mcrrinmc . - . ... 220 appropriations for expenses of. .. , .,,__ 69, 388