Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/777

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INDEX. 7 5 1 Pa e. . n . Pay of Volunteers, g Pe·n.alties—Continued. P go approprnztion to supply deficiency in appro- for selling intoxicating liquors within fourth pmmcn for .. . . . . . . 47 of mile of bounds of Washington City Paymacter-G0ne¢·al, Army, Inebriete Asylum . .. . . . 11 to rank as br1gzulie1··genern1; pay and allow- entering grounds of same without permit 11 ences only from date of alot . . 95 for enticing, etc., boys committed to Reform Paymaster-Gcrzcral’s Office, War Department, School, District of Columbia.. 51 appropriations for sailamies, etc., in .. .. 161, 311 for willfully and unlawfully injuring piers, for rent, etc., of building occupied by 315 etc., constructed by United States-- . 139 Paywumt of Judgments, _ for unlawfully requesting, etc., political asuppropriation for, of Court of Claims.. 347 sessments of officers and employes of of Alabama. Qlaims Court; sale of bonds for, . Government .. . . . 169 authorized .. . .. 32 for removal of grape bmncly without com- " Payne, Catharine, plisnco with law, etc. . . 395 appropriation for payment of claim of . . 488 for wrongful refusal of accepted bidder for Payne, 1). L., · carrying mail to enter into contract.. 130 appropriation for payment of .. . . .. 362 of contractor to perform contract. . . . 130 Payne, Henry L., _ for iuilure of suvings—bainks, etc., to make appropriation for payment of claim of . . 488 reports to Comptroller of Currency.. 64 - - Payne, Jacob W, _ Ponce, Frances, appropriation for payment of claim of. 532 appropriation for payment of claim of 536 Pea Patch Island, Delaware River, Ponder, Thomas O., appropriation for, may be used for range- appropriation for payment of claim of 532 li gbts to guide past Bnlkheml Shoals- 112 Pendleton, Philip, Peace, accounts of, may be re-opened and re—:u1- appropriation for completing statue of, c0n· justed ... . .. .. .. 505 ` tinued .. . . . ... ...- . 359 Pcnitentiarics, pcm g,,,,,,,,,;,,,;,,,,, India", upproprisition for safekeeping of prisoners appropriations for expenses of .. . . 197, 292 at ·-----· , ·; -···-- 1-- ---- - -····-· §'_8 Pearce, William, for care of inilitznry prisoners at stqte .,.o0 appropriation for payment of claim of . ‘ 522] *0 ¤*;1;l;;Yk<;;§i)?;;¤gpeixsgggisl_:;*¤**°¤ f°* ,,60 P°"°°* JQ"",. f 1 . 522 Attornoy·Geuem,l may designate, for con- “PP1`°P“m”°” f°r payment °- ° mm °f ‘'‘‘‘ iinement of United States convicts in PGM84m, JOYW, _ certain cases; cnst of tmnsportamtiorx, appropriation for payment of claim of . 528 Bw_, how paid; chgggg of, may bg 89 Peck Lydw. made; roviso .. . . . . appropriation for payment of claim of . 532 Pmmwlvamu _ P P“°"`* Edw?""l* . - appropriations for river and lmrbor improveappropriation for payment of claim of . 47: ments in ____ _ 134 135, 136 PW Jacob . ```` ‘ `'``` ° `i ``-` [ .. ':·1:s appropriation for payment of claim of. 477 P POS r°_8‘dS established m `’ 21’ M ’ 41 _ emnsylvuma Avenue, _ _ ‘ P“"”"*» EF"? · . ;i,ppmpriiit,ion for United States ond District

  • 'PP’°P"’m°“ for p“Ym°m’ °f Clmm °f' ‘‘‘' 477 portions of cost of paving · reimburse-

. Pegg, .Margm·e¢ A., adminiatratriw, _ _ ment _________ _ _ __ ______ ________ ___ gg “PP"°P*`i*“*i°“ f'"` P“Ym°“° °f umm °f' "‘ ‘ 453 for expenses of commission toseloct pove- _ Pegg, P. K., deceased, _ ment for .. -- .. ..-. ·..· 94 ¤PPI'°P*`i¤tl°¤ f°¥` P“·Ym°¤t of clmm °f °$t”·t° commission to be appointed to select, ctc., of . · ··· · ·--·· · ---·- ·-· - · 433 pavement for . .. .~...- . ·-·-- --·- Pegmm, John P., deceased, _ orgzmnizotioii; proposals. . Z ..3 . appropriation for payment of clrum of estate character of pavement; oontrgotons out , ·. » °* ·-·--- - -··· · ················· *3* l’S‘?°i?,€Z2Z§i°‘£0”$J§£F$E£0.-“°‘ 02 Pembina. Chi ewa Indiana, ’ - ""I' ' `_ appropriations for installments, etc., to- - . 180, 274 °°S* gg3b1g2Q23E53 E1g2f »C£?;$1 fl"` assistance to ‘‘’'‘ '"' ° '’'''' 292 sqmzres to be assessed ; Washington P<¤’¤¢lUi¢’¤, _ , Market Company .. . . ... 92 fw °°““*"*`f“m“g· °t°*# °°‘"t °t°I ‘‘‘"‘‘ "‘ 226 assessments, by whom and bow mode; colfor making, etc., counterfmt dies, etc., of lcctions to be deposited in qqpagupy of tfadé-YPQJKS ·-·· · -·--· — ····- - -·-· 141 United States; payments, bow made. 9:3 f°*` °°““t°1`f°m“g ““*d°‘mm`k° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ I" 141 limit of cost; time of completion. ... 93 T0? dealing, Gm-, in 6ml"Y`I’“·°k“H°“ bm""? time for completion extended -.-. .207, 223 ¤"*d°'m“'*`kSv wml im’°”t* svc ‘‘‘‘ "· 142 on default in payment ofassossn1onts,c•si*- TOV G9a1mg ma °t°·» g°"ds·m"k°d wm] {mud' tilicotes to issue ; to be n, lieu on propulent trade-mmks, with intent, etc.:. 141 MW; when wk, of property m kg I0! fmudulcutly amxiugv “°·> °°““t'°1`f°]t mmle ; redemption . . 93 tmde-marks., .--- — -~--—--- ;-- ·-·--- 141 certain portion not to be ropuved, unless; f°1` f!‘¤ud¤I°“uY {ming P*‘°k°S"“ with m’·d°' intersecting railways, bow paved 94 mark =~f’¤¤€<l ········ ‘ *·‘‘‘‘‘‘ ."'’‘‘’ 141 water und gas mains, etc., to be laid j rcf°f MSG with Of S“°tY 0n mma °f bldder fm: move], etc., of waiter and gas pipes, t iarryizg gggélg géréal ty 129 etc.; disposition of old wooden blocks. 94 o re nm 0 · b hum Dgmgcq of Cgkumbm ''' " "86’ Pezippgoggmionuior payment of claim of . 484 omes ea emma -. . ·----- . . for iyolsely using oflioial-business envelopes- 336 Penobscot [Mer, Mama, out Of. bow GX- ior sending by mail indecent publications, appropriation for xmprovcm , 134 90 pended .. . . -... .. . . etc . . ..-· · · -··-- - -·-·-- ~ ----