Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/789

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INDEX. _ - Page. Pago. Reporls-Continued. Revenue- Cutter Service, · · by Public Printer, of bids, etc.,for supplies. 105 appropriations for. . ..` ... 107, 345 to and by Commissioner of Agriculture, of for support of indigent insane of. .. 108, 347 ` investigation into consumption, etc., cadets may be appointed in . . . . 107 of supp y of timber.. .. . .. . . 167 Revenue-Stawips, by collector of taxes, District of Columbia, time for e511i11g, to nnstzimpcdi11stru111ente of property advertised, etc., for sale extended_, ,____, _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 5 fo1‘ t3X€$ ---- - ---- - -- -.-. .. ..-... :. .84,398 unused internal, to be redeemed ; proviso,. 88 of distraint, etc., for personal mx., . . 85, 398 Revenues of District of Columbia, by Washington Monument Commission, Dis- interest on 3.65 bonds to be reserved out of ; trict of Columbia, of annual expend- — deiiciency; re-imbursement. . ..106, 346 itnres. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. 123 Commissioners may a.nticipa.t;e,by borrowing on Washington City Inebriate Asylum, an- money. . . . . . ... 202 nun.], of trustees .. .. .. .. 11 advances by Secretary of Treasury to be reou Reform School, District of Columbia., imbursed from . . . .. 402 annual, by president of board of . 51 Revised Statutes, by relief Commissioners of District of Colum- section 197, p. 30, amended . . . . .. . . 241 bia. on expenditure of fund for relief _ section 215, p. 34, amended. .' . . 241 of destitute poor., .. .. . . 231 section 225, p. 35, amended. . . . .. . . 241 on contracts of Moline Water-Power Com- section 252, p. 41, struck out .. 241 pany with United States. ... 410 section 253, p. 42, amended .. . . 241 R,,,,,,,,.,,, of CWM of Claim, sect_on 3i_, p. 52, amen e . . .. . .. . 24i appropriations for preparing, etc . 108, 319 *00*300 gf? P- gg: °“0°“‘%0g ·--· · ----· ~ -—··· R¤zM·»·*¤*0¤··8 M 0·•*·Me Z°§Z£i.`IL` e§—e’ "° se' ZKIQE.1 ``°` °` ```‘`` 220 appropriation for expenses of House com- Section 5,;%* gy ,,,,,,,,],,,3,1``'` "" ' 210 mittee on fraudulent voting for; how Section 5y1’ l' gy mmmdcd ‘’'‘`‘“` "‘ 21,0 di°bm`°°d· °°°·· ·· · ‘·‘· · " ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ " " 219 section 572, 97, "tX]i8I'\(1(9(i‘ — u rl-- _--- `·~_ 2;*,0 may send, etc., public documents through · Section 637’ p` UQ amended' " '` " " `'‘' 24, . gg vggizfreei ¤<>wf¤>¤k¢¤= mm 0;% 3,5 section me; pl 121; emeeeeeiillff 111 I iljii en V1 . , - m·>¤¤·¤¤¤t¤ 00 .¤¤<=¤·¤·=¤» *0 be ·¤·=¤¤·=·* i¤ ”°°”°“»ZZéi.Eai3eZ;??YYYT1?1.YY??`P’?.‘T€T`.`{°}"?T’ ee C°“gr°“S]°“‘°"1 C°m°““Y F h°W Pwd ,.4 section 838, p. 158, zmiended . . 241 f"` ···‘ ··‘·’ ·‘‘· ‘‘‘‘ "" ° section 875, p. 165, a.mended .. 241 Requiaitione, _ section 1044, p. 193, amended . .. 32 pi‘0ViSi¤11S TOT, 111 6XT11'9¤di'0i0H convention section 1094,p. 202, continued in force . 131 with Ottoman Empire .-.. . .-···· - - - 574 amended .. . . . . . . . . . ... . 241 with Spain ---- -- ·· ---- -- ·- -··-~- - ---- ·· 650 section 1097,p. 203, amended .. 241 Rggguing _,4mer1jcan Cit’iZ@1l8`n'0m Shtpwreok, I section 1102, p. 203, k1.u1BUdBd.. . ... appropriations for acknowledging services ¤¤<>i5}¢>H NIO, p~ $04, ¤¤101}d<>d-_-_---_ -··- - -··· Z0! of masters, etc., of foreign vessels G60f40B 1119. D- 20}, c<»¤¤¤¤¤w¤1 m *0100- --·- Pl for __ __ __ __ _ ______ _ ______ __ ____ __ _175,Q33 section l11Q, {1.20:1, amended .. ,... ,,,. 242 Rescrvalions, see also Indian Reservations and “°°§I°“ P' Zglggggg ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘‘ MW""' R"’°""“"°"’* zggtiou 1I:$2’P·2U6’lL!118D(lBd '``'`````` "` 242 at Hot Springs, Ark., to be laid out, etc., and B8 tf; 11;,6* p' 206* umuudcd ‘''`'‘ ‘ ‘2,,2

        • 1** ········ · ···· ·· ···· ·· ·· · ···· 378 eegnge 11:svf£[ 206; amended;:;;:; ZZZZ ZZZZ me

Reservations: District vf Cozumbaar _ section 1139, p. 207, mnouded. . .. . . 12112 appropriations for camo of ... . ., .. 115, 358 Section 1162, p_ 209, amended ____________ __ 242 fb! improvement, 0150-; of ·-·- - --—·-··--· - 114section 1163 p. 209 amended ,..,., .-.. 242 iron fences around, not to be taken down or Section U6?' ,,_ 2m' amended ____ _ _________ 242 remvved —- -—-- -- --—----~··-··- ·- --— 350 section 1174; p. 210, emeeaea .. 243 - Metropolitan Police Board to have author- Section um, p_ gig, ,m,,mq(.,d ___ , ____ ____ 243 ity. ew-, m ---- -- -- ---- -· ---· -- ·-·— U0» 040 ection 1194, p. 212, »epee1e41 .. 270 Reséngcr, Charles S., section 1207, p. 213, amended .. .. . . $243 appropriation forpnyment to .. .. -. 118 section p. nmenggg .. , t rations to Aww Sec ¥°“ . *.p‘ * B’m° ’‘`‘’’’' .. Rtxomu E· Meek -- -- ·-·- ---- · ----·· Q2? 233333 5 Si? ZEEESZS ‘·‘‘ " ‘·‘‘·‘·· *2:2 X?;;;?? (geufifsstlf 9i___ ______ ___ __ ____ 461 section 1259, p. 218, amended . . James B. Sinclair . . .. . 441 ¤<=¤¤z<>¤ 1{§°· v- #1*% ·~m<>¤§·=g- -—-·- — ——----- 9,;, C _____ _ ____ _ _________ ___ 407 section 1.270, p. 220, mnenre ...-.-.- -- ~ · T*‘°'”“° J· S'“"“ °‘ 1: 1273 220 amended 100 Samuel K- Thomveou --—- -- --·--- · ---·· 416 ‘ ZZ2t22E 1e7e;£iee1;,.,..e.d;;:;iijiijiiii 243 Re':“u_D€“Z0"8; * , . section 1280, 221, amended. ,..., .. ..,.,. 243 · in hq°°m¤°t°" qu passcngcr m'l]w°'y`i?1:8`ms{ section 1289, p. 222, amended . . .. .. 243

30-; SP6<M}·¤¤·X SWWPS may 00 **000* 213 section p, gg? nuiengegq ,_ _ ________, 2;:2

···-·- · --------··· j ···•' ‘·‘ ‘‘'‘ ‘ " section B` ,p. ‘ ,3.1116H G --·· · -----·--· ~ Retired-List, Navy, section 1::42, p. 229,a1mended. ... .. .. .. 244 Revised Statutes, 1460, page 253, awe]-1d6d section 1675,1;. 246,a.mende<1 .. .. -. 204 S0 ¤·¤ *0 e110W P*`0m0*i0¤ 0*% of 00** section 1417, p. 249,¤.n1endcd .. 06 tain commodores .. .·..---· · ··--· -- · 204 section 1460, p. 253, amended .. .. .. 204 Retired Pac section 1480,p. 256, amended .. . ...,. .. 244 . J' . · . . 244 01 Clement A. Finley established. . 447 wcmou 130%, P, mneneiedl .. -. . . (2 Returniw -B0ard of Louisiana, _ section 1 , p. . , mnem e .. ‘ 1 eppregnenee12»» expeeeee of ebceimng we- section 2034, p- 369, a·m¤¤¤g¤3 ------·- - ----· gg timony filed before .. . . . 357 section 2055, p. 36.:, amen e ..