Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/797

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INDEX. 7 7 ]_ Pa e. ’. · . Secretary of Trcaszuy, g Seminole Indians, I we appropriations for salaries in office of .. 149, 299 appropriations for interest to . -. . 189, 284 for defending suits against __ , ,__,_ ,108, 346 Sgymgc, to supply deficiencies in appropriation for appropriationsior compensation andmileage defending suits against . 369 of Senators .. . .. . . . 143. 294 loan and currency divisions in office of, to be for salaries of officcrs and employes of. 143, 294 consolidated -. . . . . .. . . . . l.49 · for contingent a n d miscellaneous exwhon and how to pay judgments of Alabama penses .. . . 144, 294 Claims C0u1‘t . . .. . . . . . . . 3 to supply deficiency in appropriations for 41, 226 may plucelife-saving statiomhousc on exhi· clisbui·sing—0£tlcer of, to nmike certain adbition at Centennial Exposition ; pro- vances to Sergeant;.-at-Arms; report of 1 viso. . . . .- .. .-.. - -. - 213 cx ienditures wit vouchers . 4 . shall issue silver coin in exchange for {me- presidiné olhcer of, may administer oaths, 3 tional eurrenc .. . . . CES etc. .. . . A . . . . . . 4 may issue silver coin; not exceeding, ctc., in Secretary of, and chief clerk may administer exchange for Iegal-tender notes . 215 oaths, etc . - . . . . . . . .. . . . . 34 may cause to be made and issued additional two members oi] to be appointed on commisamount of silver coin . . .. .. . 215 sion on re-organization of Amny. 101 may purchase bullion for; proviso. . _ _ _ 215 proce<·dings of, in counting the electoral ‘ authority of,to selllccgtain land in Memphis, 2m 1 votps `... .. . `enn. re ea e .. . . . . .. . . . . · proc umu lon ca ing speem seamen o . shall enforce eohection of one-half of appro- Senate Chamber, priation for protection of draw—piers appropriation for renewing floor of, etc . 115 of Rock Island Bridge .. . ... 357 Smale Committees, Se·crctary of Wm', appropriation for clerks to 1. ...:.. ...:. 295 appropriations for salaries, etc., in office of 150, 310lor stenograpl1er to, on clectmns in Mis- L ` may cause to be sold condemned projectiles ; sxssippi .. . _. .· . . . ;. . . Qzh disposition of proceeds .. 60 forexpcnses ofgon Privileges and luleel i _ may issue certain mms to Washington Light tions; how lSbl11‘S0(l,` etc -. . . 220, llb Infantry, of Charleston, S. C., and payment to clerks of certain, from contm- ( Clinch Rifles, of Augusta, Ga.; pro- 212 S t Fpepgfnnql, authorized .. . 40.9 viso..;-- . J. . ... ‘ cnac lcv r, may issue to ‘Territ0ries and borilvr States uppropriation lor improvement of .. .. . 115 certain arms for protection against ln- Smcatc Ifeqtivig-.4pyaratz¢s, _ dizms; provisosu . ... . . 214,/H0 appropriation for new boilers, etc., for; old . may lend ccrmin arms for use M ¤=M<>¤¤·1 b<p1¤r¤¤¤¤¤»y be sold -·---- - . . --.. 648 soldiers' reunion; proviso. .. . :213 Smzafor Jltzlcc Norton, _ (M may require bridge across Syuepuxcut Bay r _ name oi steamer, changed to America., . .. . . < to be altered or removed .. . . 2Go .SeuaLm·a, I _ _ _ authorized to reopen and adjust s<~ttl<-ment appropriations for compensation and nnleiw 294 gith Western and Atlantic Railroad, 409 t Sl;ag;;>];odéiiL 1; . . . . 41, 226 p eoroia. . . . .. . . ,. e I ·, . . Z , to issue \$2\»I'1‘&ll{S for amount <luc.i .. 403 presiding oincer of Senate may admrinistei .34 shall transfer Fort Dulles military i·usi·rvu- oaths to. . . . - .·..··-- i 1-1 · tion to Secretary of Interior for sale. . 406 monuments to _ dcccaised, to he orectejcl fur M shall deliver Army blankets to Ilcforin- C0l1g1'6SBl0lHI.l l;BlDGl'(¤lY-, hzw p.u¢x ol e School, District of Columbia 409 may send and roeeiyc puh ao shall apoint commission to exauninc aud re- through tlicniail hoe , ion x @6 345 port on contracts of United States term ot privilege. . . ... . . , . with Moline \Vl\l7BY·POW(‘1‘ Company. 410 ,gc,w,,a lndjglgg, f lh. tc to 189 284 'tiea 0 Mailed States, . a 1 iro mria ions or enum ies, e ., ...--- » Suaippropriition for printing, etc.; whore to be t rl S,.,,,;;,, [kdm,,? Q/· Now york, 89 284 ` done; proviso. · --·- · --··· · -·-- · 3-*-; ;ipp;·opgag;'o11s forlagpligy', BW., to .. J , ’ Seneca anaumce ·n a , Segcisilawaiian Islands to be free of duty Wl10U, [mo ;\,1)l)I'()l\]‘l{),lZ[lL'lES for aan11i?;, ct;;, to ... i90, 285 , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ , , , - - - . . . . -·--· - -~-- - i S¢;n(z(·a, _N¢zLi0n €8(Z]"L!(l ions, (*147 OT f, · Segdg a»"({;?la,m;y7 _ _ _ __ app;-Op;-iation for surveys 0 f _,,. . . ...- 120 _ appropriations fordistribution ol`; prov1so.1(>7, J1: Swekwx Jcmwg, I l V V. l Seeds: Avutas O" Cumngsv . approprin,tion for payment of clmlfl oi .---- - $$3 planting of', shall be deemed 9i compliance M Sqmmte E,m.,w8_ ' with ’<»i¤¤l¤¤¥·<>“ll?m`° **0* ···· · ···‘··‘‘ `A may be made of packages of imported mer- S°*9”i°"“·9°¤ _ , , . . ehantiise, etc.; declaration; oath.. -. 49 °“ ""“‘“§§‘g,§’§,#{,`§*"°"”“1 S`}Y?Y.Y?l.’{’.P?Y il?] as 5¢1~·*‘¤’***¤ "°·***·°f”°°“· b M, , ,0,,,,,,,- say J»9i$ ~ ```'`'‘”"°“ "‘*°`V2‘“F3- 2'?§i?§c·.‘i Llfwimg? ‘ . 82 appropriation for payment of claim of . 475 Scrgmm t231E;'";? (House, Sclbi Walier -` ‘ __? ‘ { , » , .n S _ ali/l>Y°Pm*5*°“ *`°" P”*Y‘”°““ °f °1“““ ”f ‘“’‘ ‘ 4"` appwxgxitiggiigatggggsejizclioiizrglbc Select C0m{";€ig;’for ua of steuographcrs for bnrsed, etc., by .. . .. . ... :220 appmlclgrtain 1 y . . .. . .. . . 226 Scrgwwat-ut·A¢—:2a.s, penatv, 6 of Commmia on ' ""2“",, · , · '·orex enss 1 for qxpgnses of on Eedeml Omccs m LOU 54 Jpprotgigileiges andp Elections to be mlmmna ···· 3 ····· ‘ ‘`‘"‘‘'`‘'’' vmmed to; ropmt, of CXI,w(]3mmS_.220, 227 Sem"!] Coummlfat Com, 223 disbursing-oiHcer of Senate to make C64'- S ‘" ‘’'' ° ```` , °`` - h A tain advances to ; report Of gxpendl - 4] eappropriation,£or payment of claim of . 48% tures with vonchcis .. . .