Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/801

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INDEX. 775 P . > Smimaonian Ijnstitation, age South Carolina, 1 age, appropriations for preservation of collec- nppropriamion for harbor improvements in., 135 tions nu .. ~ — _. . 1 ...» . . . . }09, 350 lor light-stations on coast of ~..-..-. 112 for fitting up armory building for use oi; for expenses of House Special Committees proviso _ -. -. .. ._ . . 120 on Elections in ; how disbursed, etc.- 219 for tmnsportation,ietc., of articles from, for payment of amounts duo certain conto Centennial Itxposition .. _ .. -46 tractors for mail- service in .. . . . . 302 to supply deiicieucies in appropriation for post-roads established iu.. .. .22,331, 341 _ care of national museum in charge of 370 district court for western district of, to have staiustics, etc., of Indians to be published on circuit—court jurisdiction, except . 230 approval of regents of . . 197 propriety of establishing naval rendezvous secretary of, to he one of commission to re- on const of, to be inquired into . . 66 store writing of Declaration of Indo- I)1‘00l}LIX13.tlOl1 commanding disorderly porp6¤<1<>¤<><> ·-·· ---· ----· ~ ···-·- - ----- 216 sous in, to disperse, etc . . -. . 60:% Smithsonian Grounds, South Carolina State Stocks, , appropriation for payment to certain wetoli- appropriations for payment of interest on mon m . . . . .. . . . 298 certain .. . . . ... 198, we Smoke, Ma0·y E, South Haven, Mich., appropriation for payment of claim (br use appropriation for in1p1·0vernent0fhcrb0r of. 136 of .. ..-. .. . . .. . - . .- .. . 482 South. Pass Light—Station, Louisiana, Snake Indians, l’Val—pah·nc·e Tribe, appropriatioii for wharf at ., ... 112 appropriations for installment to. .- .. 193, 287 South Pass of the Mississippi, Snake River, Oregon, appropriation for survey of . .. 44 appropriation for improvement of . 135 for examination, etc., of l£a:1s’s work at.. 13:5 Snell, Susannah, Sonlh Washington Railway Company, appropriation for payment of claim oi . 537 not to amend charter of . . .. . . . 50 Snodgrass, Benjamin 1*1, Southern Claims Commission, appropriation for payment of claim of . 476 appropriation for preparation for printer of Snodgrass, Elizabeth H., summary reports of .. . .. :146 appropriation for payment of claim of . 476 office ot} continued two years - . 404 Snodgrass, Francis M., not to recoivo new claims. ... . 404 appropriation for payment of claim of. 476 time for filing evidence beibro .. . .. 404 Snodgrass, Joseph, deceased, may re—0pen and examine curtain claims. . 489, 537 appropriation for payment of claim oi' heirs Southern States, of ______ , ___., , ...,... ..-. ,.., . 476 appropriation for payment of amounts duo Snuf-slam Geflililll mail-G011t1‘n.ctm·s in . ...,, 362 2* - s u rm approprmtion to refnndto Berthold Loewe1a- °“ ’·°’""¤ '_ t_ v f f I _ , r2_) tbal amount expended by him in pup v ¤ppl`OpI‘I8 10D 0I' paymfmil 0 G mill Oi. . ..- .1 ... chasing________________________ ____ 490 Sou.tlaporl,_Oonn., _ · . uppropmation for improvement of1mrbor of. L15 Snyder, B. M. D., _ Spa,,,,,` appropriation for payment of claim of. -- .. 462 ggueml Pom,] union ,,.%,9, to m,_,h,d,,__ ____ 577 S°ld“""?· extradition convention with . . 050 pensions to, whohzwe lost an arm and ui leg pmt0c0I wm], in relation to him of Pomona In the Sm·`Vw0· · · · ······ · ··‘·’ · ····· · 264 ghgpggd with grime ,_______ ,, _ ____ (SSG 'g°'d‘"*, H“"‘°¤ . . . Spanish Claims Commission, t" M °X°mp" .f*`°m mxa’m°“ by Dmmct °f approprinvions for salaries, etc., of . ... 175,2iS .C°I°mbm’ ·‘·‘ · ·· ‘ :· " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ *1 ‘‘*‘*‘ 399 Spanish, Military Academy, ‘ commissioners oi, uuthorizeal to admit John P,,pp,.0,.,M,O,,S for ,],,9,,,.,,,;,,,;,,,,, of__ ________ 126, gg; NGWBS PY0"iB° -- · --—· · ·· ··-- -· ····· 497 Spalding, John, Soldier.? Home, Volunteer, appropriation for payment of claim of . 430 appropricltinms for . . . .- . . 119, 360 Spangm., Hm,,,,,;, J_ S°ld“"’, M””*‘m°Pt» , up iropriaition for payment of claim of . 537 appropriation tor, nit oentra.1 branch National 31,0,,.},,,, 1;,,,,;,,,, Ev Mlhtgfy Hvmv —----- · —·---- - -— · -··· H9 appropriation for payment of claim of . 520 Soldiers and Sailors, Span-, Louisa, _ . houses in District of Columbia, to improve appropriation for payment of claim for use _ - condition oi] to be exempt from taxa _ of .. . . . 48:: tim! -----· - --·-· · ·-;· - ·— ---· -· 8** Speaker of the House, h°¤°mb]Y diS°h**·*`l!»€d: and the'? mdows iflm appropriation for funeral expenses of late. .— 2*36 orphans, to be retained m Executive _ for Payment of wmow of ______ _ ____ _ _____ 225 D€p3Ttm6U'UB, Wh9U, M0 ---»—- - - --··- yl? mgmgyju] a_(}g}p6SS€g on Lf]; Of; to bg priuijedg artiiicial limbs, etc., to clisableil .- . :203 portrait to bg engraved and priutgd; I Soldiew and Sail0rs’ Orphan? Home, District of appropriation -. . -.. 207 Ovlumbiii _ Special Agents, Oaaloms Service, ¤#PPT0PYi¤;i0¤9 for ---—-— — · ·~-- - - - » —· ·- - — · 109. 349 mgmbgp Of; reduced ;d(;01]g1;`ens3,tion of, , 152 Solicitor 0 'renown . S ccial A ents Ind en ent easure , appropgialtions to/r salaries in office of . 168, 319 pappropgimghs fg c,,mp6,,Sm,30n`/4;0 ____,, 456, 306 Solon H. Johnson., _ Special Agents, Indian Service, !19·m6 of Flt€2·l¤·b¤·l`g6 Dolphin 0h3i1g6d Fo- - 91 appropriations for pay of, _,.,..,.. . .,... 176,27i Somerville, George, for Eastern Cherokoes abolished . ...-- 170 a p1‘0p1‘i¤f»i0¤ Y0? payment of claim of ·---- 4** S cial A anla, Post—0_0icc Depuzrtment, Sorgells, Jackson T, _ pgppropgiamions for . . . ..·. - -··--------- 78,383 apiiropriation for payment of claim of --·- 437 Qieeial Bonded Warelwavcs, South Bra/ncl: of Elizabeth River, Virginia, regulations for storage, etc., of grape brandy _Q__ appropriation for improvement of . 1.35 IH .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ·l· ·»