Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/809

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INDEX. 783 Tipton, John B , l "¥·‘” ay a T’=¤:4·» · . ° _ _ dc Dullmy Ti°*PPF°P¤¤*»10¤ foI‘ payment of clmm of . 485 coinage of, how to be limited .. . . . 215 "°w°"h· Tl"?”'“8; d““*“d» not to be a. ksga.1 sender. -. .. gp approygxgatnon lor payments of claim of heirs 13·ade-Marks, ```` _ — -~--· · ··-· · --... . . . . ... 458 tmud1110ntly dealing in goods to which rcw- T0:a;’§?’] _ _ _ istcrod, or imitation of, frmxchxlcutiy P W ·@¤X St<}H11>S mqy be issued to rctml attached; penalty .. .. . ls] T0bac00_gt;?;g;B m, 0¤ 1‘MlW¤·y-br‘=»»i¤¤, cbc 213 nfiixiug xsgistemd, or imitation of, to goods . .= 110 emu 0·_ It .. . .,,,_ __ , approprmtxon to pay Bavtlxoyl Ifoexventhzrl iilling wit? gggdg £2? ggnuina, package ?;;°:_1;_*; §;;P8¤d¢d by Ulm lu p111‘ch¤S— 4% bcargug registered, or imimtiou of; 1 *· - —----· - - -·---- - . - . . . . tz . . ... . . to rc§r;11;;10J. E. Pzmkcy a.m0m1tpaid for 491 uxakingédzzxgzug iu, ctc., couuturibib dies, ·· ···· · ·---- - -·------··· tc. 0 rcwistered · penalty .. . . . HI ma, Mm, m»,ka¤° ’ - · " · ’ - _ . . _ g dcahug in anu. counwn·fc1t.s or ¤P[>10%1‘1M¤l0¤ for-payment of cla.1m of. 524 célomblo irmiimmiorrs of rc·>·iswrm1 · T°l“"d¤ °"'"‘ Sv . peuwy . . 1 M Txgslzz gmntcd *0 ·---—· - -·--· - -—--- - ---- 507 buying, Selling, ew-, empty pzwkengcs bmw- 0 0 @0 _ ing rcgisiscrcd .. . . . . 142 ¤pp}¤pm%m¤ for improvement of h2»1"b01' of. 13:; *’°‘"`°hjW“·*"“““ f°* "°““*°*`f°m*» °‘·°·· °f mg" Tolar, William B., xstercd, how procuxmcl . . .. 142 Ta»ppropx·iz,ti<m im payment; of glgyim up ____ 460 d<;?U‘\I0t»i0i1 05 countcrfeits of regi¤Lm·¤41 , _, 142 0mJasper nd hw nm a ubsiugiu fo mg<>i:1go{¥1>11s<·s .. 142 sms uémmum, changed no Centennial, 2 P'°"i;i°“$ i¤ ¤·=¤v<>¤¤ to ¤¤¤¤·¤·¤rf¤i¤*¤¤:r Md Tmnbigbeg River, Azapmm, r r<;g1si:mt1<>11 of', in treaty with Bvlapproprhmtion {br improvement of . 135 W""-' · ····· — ···—· · — -··- · -··-- · --·-· 63;* 7bnq1kirzs, Caleb Traders at MiL· tm·· Post . a.ppr0printion for payment of claim nf. 479m1m·b0r m1<1 m0¥l0 of xmxninntnnwnn of .. 100 ,T02lB 8 Bayou, Louismzza, Traders to Indian. Tribes, npproprmtion for closing .. . . . .,.,. 135 ra.pp¢;iut2me¤t of ; rules governing.:.. . . 200 Tonkawa Indians at Fort Uri n {-*'“”w Um app,0p1.iati0uSfor bwcmgg LOW expanded; n,ppr;>pria.£iun for payment. of claim of . 475 proviso .. . . . . . . . . . 196, 290 7D·¢m.>;/br, Ilbole-y J. W., when Uompbroller 0i' Currency and receiver appr0priamo11s for pamyuwnts to. . . 104, 372 of nnamionml bank shall nxucaxte, ol` Topeka,_Ku,nc., . assets of bank in liqui<hn|.i<m Lu agent certmu settlers ou 1{ausus Iudiam trust-lzmds of stockholders .. . . -.. . G3 Towedo Bm”§§;J?“YmB“t for Same M · ·~-- 75 77·au.s;/kara of Distilled Spirits, __*` _ I.] ·l· t l· I ·blfr= qbapggoprxzmtnzyus fox? oxponxscs 01. .. .. 66, 387 §;;,E;3§ f, _ . ,,j . 394 T]! OCQ qs, w z \V} . . I a.ppropr;€;JLi0u5Iu1·,for]1:u·bm·dciR—usc>s; pro- J :i;Z;; ;f £Q??a g: :; ______ ___ _____ __ ______ _ 82 M WSU ·_ ·-·--· · ·-·· · -·---· - ~ —·--···—·- 5° y 391 Hmnsicnt 1’auprrs Distric! of Uulrmzbia, !°U’*d¤’ E¥’P6Q`*y”®¢"’#8» _ appropriations rar support of .. . . 109, 360 nrpproprxzmtxons for, for harbor and land dc- mmwu Duma

 • 1

Tom ey O;8;;sS"{r '‘’‘` "'“ ‘‘‘`‘' ‘ '‘ " """59’ 'ggl provisions in respccb to I`0(j`ii] )f(>(5{),l frmarloux

 8 WJ- f·   t :1:* Th E F 1 . . . ('32

g b1;$>[>l‘0{g‘?»]?0n grugnyrnant of claim of .__,_ 489 munsu O} 3 0 km l

    • 990 ‘*P*° a"t' f · by *·b' f .. 3%*7

a.ppr<>pria.tions for .1.. . -. .. .. 66, 386 , · p T0""! Hm°° h 8’ gm?o £i; £T}0r reduction of 0b<crva,ti0x1s dcliwry of, ou ccuhoxmml mmivcrszmry rcc— PP Em ‘.*,7 ommended; copies to be deposited, Tnmspo tat;; '`°' ‘`‘‘‘ ' om . . . 211 ·‘ " » · . r `.' for , 98 Towmsmgg ·mpg;~cprmtion _ _ _ ‘ . ’ · , account ot addntnonal cu,va.1rym0u . . . A04 ¤-·~·¤·$g&§gqggg${¤j9${*_f~{·j·§~_·§¤j*jfq }{¤{»_·j{· liv:: to supply qsgmzms ill . _ ...e.. . 47, m lands entered but erubmced within limits T"“"·"If°' "'“°'* W W » of, and riot dcvutud to public use, may R°"*$€`d_ $t“_}“3°“ 2993 tg 29f7» PR; 572¤(?§0> _ be patented; proviso .. . 39;% OMOUSIG YW *“¥ S _° is g P3”lG_° *1** 7 rw proceedings where more lands n.rccxnbraccd {_ °¤°€’»4 · ·¤_ QQ} gn;} iw y mu ·--- » · ~ iu, than nlluwcd ; acts incorpormzing I"“’*8P°*"$fff*0_'* °f1'<{'¢·*9’*· 0 -9. 80 QB? towns to be furuishcd to surveyor- ¤1*P¥`°PU—*U°“S fm --—- ······ · ····· ·· >· " genera,] , __,,_ _ _ , . .-.. .. 392 Tp-qm;poriu.1io_n of Indian Supplwa, _ where less than maximum has bman entered a.ppr0prin.t1ous for · provsso . ..1%,291. for, additional land may be cntcrcd; mudc humcdmtcfy zwzmmblc .1. . . . .. 293 proviso . . . . . . . . 392 Tra,nsp0rtmion of Mails, suc also Mad Ommuczx, · laws in relation to pri?-imlgcu cig, extended 3pp1`0pI3&?0US for . ._. . . . . . . 79, 384 to Osa e cade an in ausus ex- comsruc s or may a sxgne y econ: s— cept, afi , , , , ,, ,_,,,. . - . . - . . . _ . .1 , . . 128 SiSti],]]t;POSbmR$tOX'-GQl]0[‘&1 .,_,,, , _ _ , 335 1‘0·ums, in certain cases fno be advertised and 101; n recommendation to people of States to have to lowqst bxdder _ . . - . 190 historical sketch of, delivered on can- 1x111d-gms11b rsulwzmys @:0 rccmvc 80 par ccutum _ _ tenma.1 anniversary .. . .. .. 211, 663 ui ynmpensamxou fixed by law for 82 Townsend, Jesse, _ T¢·a·nsp0a·ta_tz0gz, Marmc Cows, _( a.ppx·0pria.si0u for paymenu of claim of 522 apprvprumous for . ... . .. 71, JJ!