Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/220

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FORTYFIFTII CONGRESS. Sxss. II.. Ou. 329. 1878. 195 WAR DEPARTMENT. For compensation of the Secretary of W`ar, eight thousand dollars; Salaries, etc. one chief clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars; one disbursing- Secretary’s ofclerk, at two thousand dollars; one stenographer, at one thousand eight H°°· hundred dollars; two chief clerks of division, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; eight assistant messengers; seven laborers; and six watchmen for the Northwest Executive Building; in all, sixty-eight thousand six hundred and forty dollar . For contingent expenses of his office, eight thousand dollars. For the purpose of examining the rebel archives, and having copies furnished for the government, six thousand six hundred dollars; but no part of this sum shall be used to increase the salary or compensation of any officer or employee of the government. IN run Omron or run ADJUTANT-GENERAL.—UD0 chief clerk, at Aajutuutoeuer. two thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class tour; seventeen clerks of ¤·l’¤ Olhcc. class three; thirty-five clerks of class two; one hundred and fifty-one clerks of class one; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each ; eight assistant messengers; in all, two hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred aud sixty dollars. For contingent expenses, nine thousand dollars. IN arms Omroe or crnm INSPECTOR·GENEBAL.—OD€ clerk of class 1u¤p·uuu~-oeuerfour; one assistant messenger; in all, two thousand five hundred and ¤l’¤ 0&l¢<>· twenty dollars. BUREAU or MILITARY JUs·r1on.-One chief clerk, at one thousand Bureau or Mineight hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class one; wry J¤¤ti¤¢- one assistant messenger; in all, Eve thousand three hundred and twenty do lars. For contingent expensestwo hundred and fifty dollars. IN trim SIGNAL Om1cE.—Two clerks of class four; one assistant sigma oem, messenger; in all, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. IN cruz Omron or rms QUARTERllIASTER·GENERAL.—()¤0 chief quartemursterclerk, at two thousand dollars; seven clerks of class four; one draughts· G¢=¤°¤l’¤ OEM- man, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; nine clerks of class three; twenty-four clerks of class two; forty-eight clerks of class one; twenty copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one female messenger, at thirty dollars per month ; one messenger; two assistant messengers; six laborers; one engineer, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one tireman; and five watchmen; in all, one hundred and fifty thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. For contingent expenses, eight thousand dollars. IN rum Omron on term Comnssnmz GENERAL.-One chief clerk, Commissary- at two thousand dollars; one clerk of class tour; three clerks of class G¤¤¤mi’¤ OHM- three; fonr clerks of class two; ten clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger ; two laborers ; and two watchmen; in all, thirty-one thousand nve hundred and sixty dollars. For contingent expenses, namely: Rent of building, repairs, and miscellaneous items, five thousand five hundred dollars. IN THE Omron or um Sunosoa-GENERAL.-One chief clerk, at Surgeon-Gem two thousand dollars; eight clerks of class four; six `clerks of class ¢>f=>i’¤ Oi’1i¤<>· three ; nine clerks of class two ; one hundred and six clerks of class one; fourteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one anatomist at the Army Medical Museum, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one engineer in division of records and museum, at one thousand lour hundred dollars; one assistant messenger; and twenty-two watchmen and laborers; in all, one hundred and ninety-eight thousand and forty dollars: Procided, That the Secretary of War, if the public necessity so re- Detail of enlisted quire, may detail not exceeding twenty enlisted men for clerical service mmin this bureau.