Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/722

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CONVENTION-ITALY. Maxon 31 Ann APB1L 20, 1877. 697 BALANCE- To credit of Italian otllce. To credlt of United Staten odlce.

Amount of orders, lseued in the United Amount of orders, issued ln the King- { Santos .. . . ... dom of Italy ... . Amount of commission due Italy Amount of commission, due the United Amount of international orders, originat- E States . . , ‘ \ ing in ltaly, and remaining unpaid , Amount of international orders, origi- I I g = nating in the United States and re- , 7 ? malning unpaid. . l .-- dolls. --— cts., converted into —__ .1 --— L. —- ct. converted into dolls. —— lirc and ct .. . ..and ets . (1 doll. : 5 L. and 18 ct.) (5 L. 18 ct. = 1 dollar.) Total . ... . , ,,,,, _—_—t—-. Total .. . . . . _- United States credit to be deducted . . . . . Italian credit to be deducted .. . l Balance to credlt of Italian onlce ... Balance to credit of United States otllce ..__ L. Ct.Dom. Ou. Ping on account by the United States 1 ’ Paid nu account by the Italian otllce. . . ce .. . . . . | ` I Balance remaining .. —_ 1 Balance remaining ... _ . -_ ‘ I The within account exhibits n total balance of -- —, which, after deduction of the payments on account, as therein etntcd, Heaven n balance reumlulug of --—· duo the -— ---. Turin, -- -, 18-. The above statement of account is accepted, with a balance of -- duo the -—- ---—. Auditor of the Ihoaury for the Pon-Ojlee Department Washington, -—-· -, 18-.