Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/735

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710 CONVENTION—WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MAY 20, 1875. _C0¤¤¤9*i¤¤l•¤F· of the Republic of Venezuela, de- internationale et lc perfectionne- "°“> °°“““"“‘L siring international unilormity and ment du systeme métrlqne, out precision in standards of weight résolu de conclure une Convention and measure, have resolved to con- at act etlet ct ont nommé pour Leurs clude a convention to this effect, Plenipotentiaires, savoir: and have named as their plcnipotentiaries the following: His Excellency the President of Son Excellence le Président des the United States of America: Mr. Etats-Unis d’Amérique, M. Elihu Elihu Benjamin \Vashburne, Envoy Benjamin Waslnbmnc, Envoyé ex- Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- traordinaire et Ministre plenipotenpotentiary of the United States at tiaire des Etats-Unis a Paris; Paris- His’Maiesty the Emperor of Ger- Sa Majeste l’Empercur d’Allemany: His Highness Prince Ho- magne, S. A. le Prince de Hohenhenlohe- Sehillingsiiirst, Grand lohe-Schillingsfinst, Grand Croix Cross of the Order of the Red Ear de l’Ordre de 1’Aigle Rouge de glo of Prussia, and of the Order of Prusse et de l’Ordre de St. Hubert St. Hubert of Bavaria, &c., &c., de Baviere, etc. etc. etc., son Am- &c., his Ambassador Extraordi- bassadeur extraordinaire et pléni— nary and Plenipotentiary at Paris; potentiaire at Paris; His Majesty the Emperor of Aus- Sa Majesté l’E1npereur d’Autria-Hungary: His Excellency triche-Hongrrie, S. Exc. M. le Comte Count Apponyi, his Actual Cham- Apponyi, son Chambellan actuel berlain and PrivyCounselor,Knight et Conseiller intime, Chevalier de of the Golden Fleece, Grand Cross la Toison d’or, Grand Croix de of the Royal Order of St. Stephen l’Ordre Royale de St. Etienne de of Himgary, and of the Imperial Hongrie et de l’Ordre Imperial de Order of Leopold, &c., &c., &c. Leopold, etc. etc. etc., son Ambashis Ambassador Extraordinary and sadeur extraordinaire et plénipoten- Plenipotentiary at Paris; tiaire a Paris; His Majesty the King of the Bel- Sa Majeste le Roi des Belges, M. gians: Baron Beyens, Grand Of- le Baron Beyens, Grand officier de iiccr of his Order of Leopold, Grand son Ordre de Leopold, Grand oili- Oilicer of the Legion of Honor, &c., cier de la Legion d’Honneur, etc. &c., &c., his Envoy Extraordinary etc. etc., son Envoyé extraordiand Minister Plenipotentiary at naire et Ministre plenipotentiairea Paris, Paris; His Majesty the Emperor of Bra- Sa Majesté l’Empereur du Brésil, zil: Mr. Marcus Antonio d’Araujo, M. Marcos Antonio d’Araujo, Vi- Viscount d’1tajuba, Grandee of the comte d’Itajuba, Grand de l’Empire, Empire, member of His Majesty’s Membre du Conseil de Sa Majesté, Council, Commander of his Order Commandeur de son Ordre du of Christ, Grand Officer of the Le- Christ, Grand officier de la Legion gion of Honor, &c., &c., &c., his d’Hom1eur, etc. etc. etc., son En- Envoy Extraordinary and Minister voyé extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiary at Paris; plenipoteutiaire a Paris; His Excellency the President of Son Excellence le President de ~ the Argentine Confederation: Mr. la Confederation Argentine, M. Balearce, Envoy Extraordinary and Balearce, Envoyé extraordinaire et Minister Plenipotentiary of the Ar- Ministre plenipotentiaire de la Congentine Confederation at Paris; federation Argentine a Paris; His Majesty the King of Den- Sa Majeste le Roi de Danemark, mark: Count do Moltke-Hvitfeldt, M. le Comte do Moltke-Hvitteldt, Grand Cross of the Order of Dan- Grand Croix de l’Ordre du Dannenebrog, and decorated with the brog et décoré de la. Croix d’Hon- Cross of Honor of the same order, neur dn meme Ordre, Grand Officier Grand Officer of the Legion of de la. Legion d’Honneur, etc. etc. Honor, &c., &c., &c., his Envoy etc., son Envoyé extraordinaire et Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- Ministre plénipotentiaire a Paris; potentiary at Paris;