Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/744

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CONVE1NTION—\VEIGHTS AND MEASURES. MAY 20, 1875. 719 labors. as the high contracting par- giques que les Hautes Parties con- _D¤ti¤¤. ¤<>¤— ties may decide to have performed tractantes décideront de faire exe- t““‘°‘1· at the connnon expense. It shall, cuter en commtui. Il est charge, moreover, exercise supervision over en outre, de surveiller la conservathe safe-keeping of the international tion des prototypes internationaux. prototypes. Anrrcun 10. Anrrcnn 10. The international committee shall Le Comité international se con- Officcrs. choose its chairman and secretary stitue en choisissant lui—meme, an by secret ballot. The governments scrutin secret, son president et son of the high contracting parties shall secretaire. Ces nominations seront be notiiied of the result of such notiliees aux Gouvernements des elections. Hautes Parties contractantes. The chairman and secretary of Le President et le secretaire dn the committee, and the director of Comite et le directeur du Bureau the bll1’021ll, must belong to ditlerent doivent appartenir a des pays difcountries. ferents. After having been formed, the Une fois constit11e,le Comité ne committee shall hold no new elec- peut proceder a de nouvelles elections and make no new appointments tions ou nominations que trois mois until three months after notice apres que tous les membres en thereof shall have been given to all HIIIODL ete avertis par le bureau the members by the bureau of the du Comité. committee. Anrrcnn 11. Aizrxcmc 11. Until the new prototypes shall Jusqu’a Pépoque on les nouveaux Meetings. have been finished and distributed, prototypes seront termines et disthe committee shall meet at least tribues, le Comité se reunira. au once a year. After that time its moins une fois par an; apres cette meetings shall be held at least hi- époque, ses reunions seront an ennially. moins bisannuelles. Anrxcm 12. Anzrrcnn 12. Questions upon which a vote is Les votes du Comité ont lieu ala Quorum. taken in the committee shall be majorite desvoix; en cas de partagc decided by a majority of the votes la voix du President est prepondecast. In case of a tie, the vote of rante. Les decisions nc sont valathe chairman shall decide. Ko res- bles que si le nombre des membres olutiou shall be considered to have presents egale au moins la moitié been duly adopted unless the num- plus un des membres qui composcnt ber of members present be at least le Comité. equal to a. majority of the members composing the committee. This condition being fulfilled, ab- Sous reserve de cette condition, sent members shall have the right les membres absents ont le droit de to authorize members who are pres- deleguer leurs votes aux membres ent to vote for them, and the mem- presents, qui devront justiiier de bers thus authorized shall furnish cette delegation. Il eu est de meme proper evidence of their authoriza- pour les nominations au scrutin tion. The same shall be the case in secret. elections by secret ballot. Anrrcrrz 13. ARTICLE 13. During the interval occturing be- Dans l’ intervalle d’une session Discussions. tween two sessions, the committee a 1’autre, le Comite a le droit de shall have the right to discuss ques- deliberer par correspondence. tions by correspondence.