Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/750

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CONVENTION——KINGDOM OF ITALY. MAY 8, 1878. 725 Convention between the United States and the Kingdom of Italy concerning May 8. 1878- the rights, privileges, and immunities of consular ojiicers. Ooncludcd `"`_"— May 8, 1878; ratmcatiem advised by the Senate May 28, 1878; ratified by the President June 4, 1878; ratwcations erchanged September 18, 1878; proclaimed September 27, 1878. BY rm; Pnnsrnnxr or rm; Uivrrnn Srarns on Annexes: A Proclamation. Whereas a consular convention between the United States and Italy Preamble. was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Washington, on the eighth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, which convention is word for word as follows: Consular Convention betzreen the Conrenzionc Consolare tra l'Italia e United States and Italy. gli State? U niti. The President of the United Sua Maesta il Re d’Italia e il _Contmctingpar— States and His Majesty the King Presidente degli Stati Uniti, rico- msof Italy, recognizing the utility of noscendo l’ utilita di determinarei defining the rights, privileges and diritti, privilegi ed immunita degli immunities of consular officers in Ufliciali consolari dei due paesi, the two countries, have determined nonche le loro attribuzioni e gli obto conclude a consular convention blighi ai quali sono tenuti, hanno tor that purpose, and accordingly, deciso di conchiudere una Convenhave named: The President of the zione Consolare, e a quest’ eifetto United States, \Villiam M. Evarts, hanno nominato: Sua Maestail Be Secretary of State of the United d’Italia, il Barone Alberto Blanc, States: His Majesty the King of suo Inviato straordinario e Mi- Italy, Baron Alberto Blanc, his nistro plenipotenziario agli Stati Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- Uniti: il Presidente degli Stati ter Plenipotentiary to the United Uniti, \Vil1ian1 M. Evarts, Segre- States. tario di Stato degli Stati Uniti. Who, after communicating to I quali, dopo presentazione dei each other their full powers, found loro pienirpoteri, trovati in buona in good and due form, have agreed e debita orma, hanno convenuto upon the following articles: negli articoli seguenti. Anrrcnn I. Anrrcoro I. Each of the high contracting Ciascuna delle alte Parti contra- Recognition or parties pledges itself to admit the enti si obbliga ad ammettere Con- °°"“1” °m°°"° Consuls General, Consuls, Vice- soli Generali, Consoli, Vice-Consoli Consuls and Consular Agents of e Agenti Consolari dell’ altra in the other in all its ports, places and tutti i suoi porti, luoghi e citta, ad cities, with the exception of those eccezione di quelli nei quali non si in which it may not be deemed riputera couveniente di riconoscere proper to recognize such function- tali tnnzionari. aries. This reservation, however, shall Non potra pero questa riserva. not be applied to one of the high applicarsi ad una delle alte Parisi contracting parties without being contraenti, senza che si applichi applied in like manner to all the ugualmenteatutte le altre Potenze. other Powers.