Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/782

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CONVENTION—U`N1VERSAL POSTAL UNION. JUNE 1, 1878. 757 qui doit é-tre convenablement en- packet, which must be suitably in- Registered artiveloppé et cacheté de maniere a en closed and sealed so as to preserve °l°°» °°““““°d preserver le eoutenu. its contents. 2. Ce paqueuentoure de la teuille 2. This packet, with the letter d'avis. est place au centre de la bill around it, is placed in the cendépéche. ter of the mail.

 La presence, dans la depeche, 3. The presence in the mail of a-

d`un paquet d’obiets recommandes packet of registered articles, the dont la description est iaite sur la description of which is given upon liste spéciale mentionnee an para- the special list mentioned in paragraphe 1** ci-(lexus, doit etre an- graph 1 above, must be announced noncée par Papplication, en tete de by the application at the head of la feuille d’avis. soit d’une annota- the letter bill, either of a special tion spéciale. soit de Yetiquette ou entry, or of the label, or of the regisde timbre de recommandation en tration stamp in use in the country usage dans le pays d’origine. of origin. 4. Il est entendu que le mode 4. It is understood that the mode d’emballage et de transmission des of making up and transmitting objets recommandes, prescrit par registered articles prescribed by les paragraphes 1 et 2 ci-dessus, paragraphs 1 and 2 above, applies s’applique seulement aux relations only to ordinary relations. For ordinaires. Pour les relations im- important relations, it appertains portantes, il appartient aiu: admi- to the Administrations interested nistrations intéressées de prescrire, to prescribe, by mutual agreement, d’un commun accord, des disposi- special arrangements, under resertions particulieres, sous reserve, vation, in the one case as in the dans l`un commedans Fautre cas, des other, of the exceptional measures mesmes exceptionelles a prendre to be taken by the chiefs of the parles chefs des bureaus: d’échange, exchange oitlces, when they have lorsqu`ils out a assurer la transmis- to assure the transmission of regission d'objets recommaudes qui, par tered articles which, from their naleur nature, leur forme ou leur vo- ture, their form, or their bulk, canlume, ne seraient pas suseeptibles not be inserted in the mail. d’étre insérés dans la dépeche. XI. XI. Indemnité pourl a perte d’un emvoi Indemnity for the Loss of a Regisrecommandé. tered Article. Iiobligation de payer Pindemnité, The obligation to pay the indem- Indemnity for en cas de perte d’un objet recom- nity in case of the loss of a regis- 1°”°“· mantle, incombe a. Padministration tered article, devolves upon the Addont releve le bureau expéditeur, ministration to which the dispatchsauf recours, s’il y a lieu, contre ing office is subordinate, Sllb_]00l)_1'D Padministration responsable. appeal, if necessary, to the Administration responsible for the loss. XII. XH- Ctmfcvtion des dépéches. Making up the Mails. 1. En regle générale, les objets 1. As a general rule, the articles M¤ki¤g¤D¤¤¤ll¤· qui composent les dépéches doivent of which the mails consist must be etre classes et enliassés par nature classified and put up in bundles acde correspondance. eording to the nature of the correspondence. _ _ 2. Toute dépeche, apres avoir été 2. Every mail, afterhaving been iicelée interieruement, est enve- first tied with string, is mclosedin loppe de papierfort en quantité sutii- strong paper of sutheient quantity Sémtepoureviter toutedétérioration to prevent any in_]ury to the condu contenu, puis flcelée extérieure- tents, then tied again on the outside