Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/855

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830 1NDEx. P . Pago. Chatfahoochic River, Chickasaw Indiana, appropriations for improvement of . . . 153, 365 apipmpziatious tbr mmuity to . 1. . - . 67, 298 examination and survey of, from Geneva, to or interest on trust-funds; prnvmos- --:. 233 Newton . ... . .. . 374 im- interest on non-paying stocks hold m above Columbus ... . . . . . 161 trust for . . . . . _ . .86, 315 ghauerton, William 1g_, part of iutcgest 01.1 trust-funds 0iQ to be 1u- 233 C,P;>‘m*j,f;;I ·-···-····--- · -···· ·---·· **3* ,,a,..,J.‘i’*.E$ E.;;;,;;.;;;x;;,;1::::::::11;:i:: 233

  • 0 (wg""1 .°° ‘> . Chickaauhoy River, .’|ILxs.,

approprmhons for 1mp1·0vomont of harbor exmmimmcn {md Survey of _ __ _ _____ ___ 160 °f ---- - -··· ··-· ·-·· ···· ----156369 vm2y of 1snq»s»mm·¤, Amy, CMM Md 0hv¢k—B¤¤k¤» uppmpumon for ¤».1»»m¤,m.,a¤ umm or.. 196 ¤1>1>r<>1~ri¤fi<>¤S f<>r printing ----·-· · --·- - -190, 379 may recommend mu-commissioned officers ibr deficiencies in .. . . . . 412 {0,- pmmotjml ______ __ ____ _ _____ 150 Check, Elizabeth, deceased, Chief of Ordnance, Army, _ payment to estate of . . ._... - . .. . - 629 appropriation for salaries, ofc., m Omcc of.. 196 Check, R. M., administrator, 29 Children a Hospitai, District of Columbia, 208 404 payment to .. . . . . 6 appropriations br.. . .. . . , Ch Childress Ii deceased

3:2:0 pmvextpvcdpcopgiou in sales of, in Dis- 264 1 C’g?g2;;;‘2t‘}?ét2;§c3fJ ·-·-----···-···-···· 505

tricto cum ia .. . .. . . *  : ‘· ·» s _ 0’··Wm¢~» DM ”*» o ¤z}2?3.L”.$` $¢$3zs£TL‘ii ‘°°‘‘'`°` ‘ `°`‘'‘`'‘``‘` 5% P*’~Ym"“* *0- - ----- - ----- - ----··----- · ----- 544 * mymin to . . 'Z . . . 557 Ch0¢’86q¤{¤k€{ Omfk, N JZ, 1 Chilton, James S., 0X¤·¥¤m8t10¤ Mid ¤¤!'V6y of- - - —- · --··· · - - - 374 I new land patent to, ctc . . .. . .. 546 Chmfmw . i C’¤'*<2··z Robot IP-. . regulagop fo)1: dmponsmg, m D1StH0b of 137 j Olpclnipcal d1?a,;>;l11;cs . . 512 0 um m. .. mma qaguq n e, a., Chemistry qxam11mt1o11' and survey of . . . . 373 appropiiagous for department oi} atMi1itar{09 2 1 Chg';;'; IzT;z}£-$1% Court of Cl . _ Pm_ ca cmy .. . . . , . .,,,,. , 6 S , _ ; hmm I . cecdmvs etc .. . . .. . 171

puy:1f;u€?g?  ,, ,,,_ ,_____   ,515 Chippewa Lzdjazal _ _

Cmom Imaam approprumons for installments, ctc., 170..;.67,298 . . ¤ . . for mterest ou non—pa.y1ug stocks hold m appropmatnous for mterest on mm-puying | mm fm, 86 315 stocks held in trust for .. . . .86, 315 1 for can ctc bf gh ’ for payment to Georgia for suppressing., 385 [ tim; _ _ _ ______ _ _________ _ _ ___ __ _S3 312 Cherry Inland Flats, Delaware River, 5 ghimwwa River, Wm, appropriation for lights to guide past .. . .. 215 ; appmpriutiou fm- comphtjug, Btu_, wing. Ohealay, John F., dams and jottics in; proviso t... 158 payment; to, ._.. ,,,, ,,.. , ._,,_ _ __,__ __ ___ , 500 for protection of banks oi; em. ; prowqo. 372 Chesnut, James, for examination and survey for reservoirs politic;] disabilities ,,,,_,_,,,,,,,,,__,_,, 592 ou headwaters cf. . . .. .162, 246, 370 Cheanutt, Hugh K., administramr, Chwpola Ifivcr, Fla., _ c,p:,yu1cnt to';. . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . 659 appropriation for 1mp1‘0V6m•3D'b of 61011311 365 nut! Rod am connecting . . . ... .. paymént to. ... . .. . . . . .-.. 659 Chisholm, Clevarq 5., deceased, r _ ghwter, pan panyment. {zo henr of . . .. ... .>b3 appropriation for repairs of ico harbor at- . . 157 Ch“"'f’l”'» film" Bw 563 crmr nM_ Md-. C,}§;$,"‘;§” H" ················· ···· ·· ···· a.pp1·0priation for improvement 01; at Kent pnlyjncbt {6 __ __ ______ ______ __ ___' _ _____ 500 Island Narrows. . - .. . ... 152 Cmtwwd D‘mM O7?3Z•%}_7;07*;*°§I<:» 343 Clpayxnélm no .- .. .. 652 B .-..-.-.. . ... . ,[} _ E18 of Ifagkages of - -··· • ·----- · --··· - ---· 345 Cliifnizgc ;)z 3(ZS8IZbi0]]. removed ... . . . 618 .V*m"W F 'f"W» _ Ocfaw lmlians appreprwtwns for rnswllments, etc-, to - - -égg,_Z6iZi appmprimimfs for annuities, otmgo. .1:1.. .68, 299 · f t st - st s h n for ¤¤bSi¤f¤¤¤¤» ¤t<=··<>f -------------- ----84Z313 €L$;$1bY?.??{ .??¥ }{$. Y. ...f,..?.86 315 2. f‘115.2i€°i$;“‘€§l5?a wu.;; a;,;.;‘er;;;t: **4 ¤*·~¤#~¤M·i~ P ym funds of 396 app1·0pri¤.tion for improvement of . 365 __ ' `' '"'‘'‘ Cholera, UM!/0n7W F"/¢"f· Dak-, appropriation for oxpcnses of investigating oxzumuatxon and survey of . . 374 , Origm Gm, of ______ _ _____ _ _________ 487 Chicago, I ll., i Choptank llirer, Md., appropriation for salaries in 0H50a of as- examination and survey of . . . ... 373 sistant treasurer ut. .. . . 190 Chmmm, ibr custom-housu building at .. -..-. 209, 377 payment for services of steamer . .. 225 fer <*·>**¤i¤¤¤i¤¤ i¤ ---- - —----- - ----- 43 cmm .n·sm, N. 0., fo?_!mP¤ °V€m9¤t of h-“b°T Of -;- ··-· 156- 338 examination and survey of . . .. 162 cortmu parts of custom-house budcling ats, Cllyhti ,1 C; an to be finished 209 ’ · A ’ _ _ · ···--· · ·--· · ·-···· · - · - approprnatmns for pay of . ... 124, 401 Chwlulwminy Rover, Va., Clniaiian, Jacob, appropriations for improvement of . . . . 156, 365 payment to . . . . . . . . . . 224