Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/872

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INDEX. 847 Pa. . District Courts——C0ntiuued. ge Dgmgguc V;,,;,,,,,,, P°g°‘ in Nebraska., term of, to be held at Lincoln. . 169 proclamation all persons a ainsi; in North Carolina, western district, term to committing in giarvland g 804 be held ut Charlotte . . . . 173 in New Mexico .· .--Q I----. 806 in Ohio; nviortlxiaru district, terms to be held in Pennsylvania. . U .--` -·-· 805 W Oc 0- ----- ·--· ·-----·- -... -.. 101 jnYV•35i;vi;·' ____ __ ____ _ nn.""' in Tennessee, judge for western district; i Domimbn of Cavéwau H -·. U"-"- 803 ‘uVi“i°“*» °m°°”¤ ***0 ·-··-- - ··—- 132,235 Vessels wrecked in waters of United sums in Texas; new district created; rearrange- i contiguous to· when may be aided b mcut ot territory, sidjoumed terms,, 3[3 { vessels 0{___f__ ______ _ _____ y 17,, in Virginia., western district, term at Dau- j Donaldson, William J., executor, ...- .-~· l _ ville cliangexi . . .. . . 111 payment to.-.. .. ._, .. 644 m West Virgimu, time for holding . ... 27 Donato, Cornelius, District Judges, puyulgut to ____ _ _____ ____ ____ ___ 557 appropriations for salaries of . . .. . . 4,204Donham, Benjamin F., H l U I · .-. in Tgnnggggg, for weston; district, to bg ap- payment, to _____,____ _, ,,._,,, ,,,.-, ,,- 656 pointed; salary; powers . . .. 132 { Donmzlly, John, " present judge to remain judge for eastern payment to . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 638 and mjddlg digtriot _____, _ _____ _ _ _ _ 132 Dmmarant, Henry E, . . - wggiggru district divided ____ _ ___________ 235 , payment t0_ ____ ,’ ____ , _,_,,,,,,___ , _ 644 in Texas, assignment of present; appoint- Donnelly, Mary E., - · -.` mont, ot;;,, of pow _ _,__, _ ____, _ _____ 320 I payment to ____ , , , . ,,,. ,... . . 659 Dividends, · Donolaoo, Michael, by Cgufral and 'Union Pacific Railway Com- payment to _,,, , _,.. . ... 632 panics prohibited under certain cir- Dan Pedro, _ cumstemces; penalty. .. . . . . 59 claim of owners of schooner, referred to Dmm, Abner A., A Court of Claims. . . . 483 payment to . . .-.. 657 Dooley, J. W., Dunn, Jmzez C., Dpayment to. . . . . . . ... 644 paymen o. . .. ...- .. 654 oorlceeper Home Dobbin, William A., number of cloaic-room men on roll of .. 252 payment to . . . . . . 519 Dorcas, Jacob, Doobina, Samuel, payment to .. . . . . 632 payment to . ... . . . . . . 649 Dorsey, Mack, Dobson, of Tennessee, I payment to .. 555 claim referred to Commissioners of Claims. 664 . Dorsey, Rebecca E., Documentary Stamps, payment to ,,,, , ,,,.. _, ,_____ ____ ____ ____ 550 Dredemption of unused, etc. ; restrictions.- . 349 Doty, Dc Forest, ocuments ension to . . . . .. . . . ... 612 appropriations for folding, etc., for Senate. 179 i Degtblc Postal Garda, ibr deficiencies' in . . . . . . 10 I Postmaster-General no provide; provis0s.. 362 for Hons0I .. . . . . 181 Doud, Daniel R., adminiatrator, prices for piece-work in folding., . 179 payment to .. ... . . ... 632 may be bound by Public Printer for Sen- Doud, Jonathan, deceaaed, atom and Members at actual cost 5 payment to estate of . . . ... · 632 Senators, Representatives, and others may Dougherty, John H., send mid receive, through mail free. 10 y payment to .. ..-. -. . . 239 superintendent of, I uterior Department, . Doughty and Cord, provision for salary of, repealed . 198 i payment to . . . . . . .. . . 235 Dodd, John J., z Douglas, Beverly B., deceased, payment to .. .. . . . . . . 654 i appropriation for payment to children of.. . 401 Dodd, John UC, * for cngraviy, etc., portrait of . . 355 payment to .. .. . . 13 g Douglass, John ., _ _ Dodson, Elyah., paymentvtos credit m accounts 602 payment to ,___ _ _ , , . . . . , . , , . 555 I Douglas, Il zlham, Dog Inland Light-Station, é payment to . . . .. .. 124 reimbursement of keeper of . . . .. .. 381 I Douglas, TK H., administrator, Dugan, Robert IL, p payment to .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 649 payment to .. . ... 563 Dover, Del,, _ _ _ Doggett, Samuel L., ‘ appropriation for post-office bmlding at. .. 210 payment to .. 505 Dvwdy, Benjamm, Dogs, _ i payment to. . . .. . . 654 in District of Columbia, regulations, etc., Dowdy, Jenme O., concerning tax on. . .. . . 173 I payment to ._ . .. . . 644 when to be personal property. .. 174 , Dowdy, Lucy E., cvecutrm, may be required to wear muzzles · .·-- -· 174 ~ P¤5°¤1€¤§ fo· ---·- -·-· --·· ···· -···-- · -·-·· 505 penalty for removing, etc., mx-mg. . 174 _ Dmvdy, William P., deceased, _ ` for allowing dgmgorous, to go at Iargo. 174 payment to GBTMG of-:-- - ·----·-··-- ·--·-- 500 palm-gy, George Q_, Dou·cII, James D., admmwtralar, _ payment to .. . ... . . . . 238 payment to .. . . . . 644 Domestic Amman, Dow", imvdu. M84v6d, appropriation for investigating contagious, j PUXUIOHD fo <>¤t¤·W of- ·--·-·-·-----------· 644 etc., (images affecting . . 240 Dwvirny, IIa11h, Domestic Distilled spine, ; 1»¤»>·¤¤<·¤¢ *<>- ------·----·--···---·--·--·-- 6*4 forfeiture for using imported package for. 342 5 Dmvner, Jam/cs C., Domestic and Indian Missions,Penswn V)- ··--· · ·-··· · -···· · ············ 569 appr opriation for relief of, of Southern Bz»p· { Downey, Jamieson H., 660 tist convention ... ..···· 282 P¤Ym°¤t *° -----·-·• = ···-·--· · ··•·• · ··••·