Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/884

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INDEX. 859 G;;;zL;:e:;;n“2::l;£;em f G**~»G~q·¢~·<·~w-» ’““ o . . -- .. * puymen or use of mndchildre of ... '< General Lqmi Opico, _ _ Gibson', David J2, udmgnistmtor u Go`) appropmeuons for salaries, etc.,111 ; proviso. 199 pznynxeut to . . .{ . . 560 {br deiicieucies for . . - - . 46 Gibson, Jeremiah D, qiwemwd · - - I i - I HI- for reproducing dcfneed plats of original payment to estate of 560 surveys .. .. . . . . 229 Gibson, Tyre, `--I ```` N" when public lands may be entered at. . 201 payment to . . 629 National Academy of Sciences to consider Gibson, William, ``·```` ' gngegeport plans for surveys, etc., 230 Gggfcoredéso s,ct§e1istofN:mvy. . . . . 257

. ... . . . ... m s cor .

General Mad Lettings, pe.y1¥1eutstoqi.. .’ .. .. .. . . 397 584 how advertised. . . . . 141, 356 Giers, Charles C., ’ General Maintenance of Yards and Docks, paqnneut to . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 645 appropriations for -. .. . . . . .52, %7 Gilbert, Jogoph [_, Gtmcral Supmintmtdmt _L€fe-Saving Service, Paynlellts t0- -··· - ··-·. . .. . . . . . . . . 238, 419 appointment, pay, duties, etc., of .. 164 Gilbert, Nancy E., dceoaaed, Gcmeral Term, payment to estate of .. . . . .. 507 of supreme court District of Columbia, qu0· Gilbert, William G., rum; justice trying case below not payment to .. .. . . . 638 to sit at beaming in .. . . . 320 Gilbreath, Dicy A., may ordeitwo terms of circuit court at 321 payment to .. . . .. 551 same ime . . . ... G·ilIn·ea,th William C. limit of appeals to Supreme Court. .. 321 payment to .. .. -. . . . . 654 Geneva, _ Gilchrist, R. C., steam ferry-boat, may have Amer- bond cf, discharged . . . . . . . 248 i03.D. register .. . .. . .. 473 Giles, Russell, Gentrqq, Harvey A., payment to . . . ... . 557 payment to .. . .. -. .. . . 654 Gill, James, Geodetie Surveys, payment to . . . . . . 659 appropriation for - - - -. .. . . 382 Gill, Thomas W, Geographical Surveys, payment to . . . . . . . . . 652 appropriations for ...- . ...22.. -1,229, 395 Gillan, John, certain, discontinued .. 394 payment to . ... . . . ... 563 Geological Surveys, G·illemvatm·, Luaette, appropriations for. . . . . . .. 229, 394 payment to . . . . . . 645 director of ; salary; duties . ... 394 Gillespie, James B., collections made by, to National Museum .. 394 pension to. . . ... . . 546 P“bhS"“°“l““ °f·: ·----· - ----· - ----- ·- -·---- 394 Gwvvpw, Jamw H, deceased, Gxygrjrggsyyuuucd ------------~--- - ---- 394 Giwymmé; to ?at0 of ..,,.,,,, , _...,,.. , 519 ·r 08 w 0 m . pension to . ... . . . . 527 I,,,y‘€ném, to _ _ ____ _ _ __ ____ _ _ ________ ____ 560 George E Blake Manufacturing Company, Gillespie, Pauliow A., admmislratrix, payment to .. . . . . 122 pslymcllii to . . . . r . . . . 519 George, George TK, Gillespie, Robert, pension to widow of .. 527 ;[£0»}'1'Ii(>I1G to .. I. . . . . . . . 519 G‘*°Z;”€;1£;J’£is ‘ **06 "‘.';;1£'¤‘2;n€"1T"”‘* 560 G£rzetown, 1). 0. Gglliam, Caroline H., deceased, appropriation {or improvement of harbor payment to estate ot .. . . . . 508 of -. . . 159, 364 Gilmer, Elizabeth HZ, _ for support of almshouse mt . 404 Q plcum of, to be exa,m1ned. . ... 591 records ot, declared to be records of District _ Gmlpin, George 1*., of Columbia ; penalty for stealing, 23 G g;ey;n;en;s tow]?. -5 . xgé;. .. . 50*2 etc .. .. . . . zreaz, am ., ccc , inspection of Hour in. . . .. . 91 payment to estate of . . . . . . 555 two justices of the peace to be assigned to- 100 Gilreatlar, Jgory, rrr Geor ia. puymcn o .. . . . . . . . . ooo epgropriaxion for payment to .. . .. 385 Gilrcalh, William IL, F F post-roads <>St¤1>iiShcd in - . . - . . .. .. 16, 433 payment to - -- . - ---. - - - - ----·· - - · - ->5·> Germain, Catlmmine, _ Gdaon, James, portion of annuity of Cheyenne Indians re- pstyment to .. . . . . 638 served for use of. . . . . . . . 603 Giltmger, George, Germwin, Sophia, _ payment to . . 502 portion of zmnuity of Cheyenne Indmns rc- · Gwen, Jaxmee, served for use of .--. .. .. .- -. 603 G 7? -------- - ~---------·---------- 638 Gorman: ’ rr conve/ntion with g weights and measures.. 709 G2?%{?l°“]g;’%éZ ··········· · ···‘······•·‘‘‘‘· '·"’1 PMI U¤i··¤ ·--- · —---- · ·-··--·- 7*4 2 3e2m to ’ 63;; Gees, Zlargaret 0,,GEM) J - · . . .-.- . . . . . . , , . . 052 M?/r am"' ‘¤ G01;;¤y}¤;;g¤$lt<> ----------—-·--· · ·——--·-·-·· Puymgnt to _________,____,,___. . ...,, soc paiymefi; to ______ . . . . . · ·- 638 Glavymv, _ _ _ I, VI. , Gibb,} gh,,,.;,,, J_, i eipproprnmon for improvement o i msouri wl F¤*mb¤¤€m¤¤°°f -··--· · --·· · ···· ···· ·"‘° b i(1 J‘;Y§' $,2 1;,111254;;.;;;me;l;;;1a;¢;e ‘ Gzbba, Charles N, executor, V F E t M conditions . 29 payment to .. - . .. .. .. 6,:9 Hwr, ¢¤1‘¤1¤ ·—·-· --·—