Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/896

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, W INDLX. 87 1 , PRQQ. Page Ivdrmr OIFg‘¢’,_ _ _ I Infectious Diaeas4·a—Continued. ° ` appropriation for salaries. etc., in . 199 z notice to officers at ports of destination 38 for ezrpenses 0fJ0int Committee on Transwhen State quarantine officers to act _ _ i - 38 _ NF of -_ ----- · ~--···----- - -----·----- 276 when marine hospital officers to act 38 Joint Committee on Transfer ot, to \Var act to prevent introduction of r 484 _ Department ... . . . . . . . .. 152 In/'ormcrs` Moicties, ` _t¤me for report ejxtended . . . . 487 appropriation for pavmeut of ..-..- . . - . 217 Indian Peace Connmaszon, for deticiencies in -` ... - . . . . . 46 ggpprgpmntrgng for ggpongeg of ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 86, 315 [nye;-3011, _4_ jj,, ` Irvdwn Pvlwq payments to --~- - ----· · ----- - ----- ---- 123 appropriations for pay of . . . . . . 86,315 Ingle, John, Indian R(8grpa{fon8• puvlnpnt fo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cattamugus. to be resurveyed -... 535 Inheritance. U·-· U -’-- Otoe and Missouria: portion to be sold; in District of Columbia, by issue of marfvfms. eff--T --. -..- -. - --~-. -- .< 471 riaszcs of colored persons .. . . 282 Sac and Fox; portion to be sold; terms, etc. 471 Inland Mail Transportation 111 Utah, restored to public domain . . . . 165 appropriations for .. , ... . . . . . . 142 357 Iudum scouts, for deiioiencies in .. . . . . .. 9, 259, 420, 424 to be paul from pay of Army . . 119 form of advertisement for; sub1ctting· sub- l included in limit of twenty-five thousand contract to be tiled -. .. ,. .. . 61 men for Army . . . . . . . 2, 146 Inman, Ha2·riet, - Indian Sqrpipp, puyrngni; fg _____ ______ __ ____ _ ____ _ _ ____ , 639 appropriations for. . . . . . .. 63, 295 Inquiries, iordeticiencics in . . 119,128,231,414.422 appropriations for expenses of ordered by fg]- detecting, gfcn frauds in _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ 233_ 398 Sguafg ______ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _’_ _ _ _ _ ______ 276 Indians employed in, not agency employes. 315 Insane Asylum, l I ndian Supplies, appropriations for .. . . . . .. - - . . 42, 230, 395 appropriations for transportation of . . ,85, 314 for support of District of Columbia infor expenses of purchasing, etc __,, , ,,,,, S6, 314 mates of _,,__, ____ .,,,_.,,, _ _ _, ,,__ 404 for deficiencies in . . . . . - - . . 414 Inaeotirerous Birds, immediately 3V3U3b1B ---------.-.-. 87, 316 not to be killed, etc., in District of Columxvhen fp be {ligtributigd ____ _ _ ____ _ _______,, S7, 316 bin, _ _____ , ____ _ ,_____ . .,.,. .- , , ,___ 134 purchases in open market. . . . . 87 , 315 I ngectg, Indian Territory, appropriation for investigating habits,etc., Apache and other Indians of Arizona and of, injurious to agriculture-. 204 New Mexico not to be removed to. . . 313 Inakeep, James W., post-roads established in . .,.,, _ _____ . .,.. 21, 437 payment to .. - ...,... . - - _ 517 Indian Trust Fundw. Insolvency, appropriations for interest on certain. . 86, 315 bank tax, in case of, when remitted ... 351 Indian Wars, Inspccting Flour, certain pensioners on account of, to be re- in District of Columbia. . .. . .. 91 stored to pension-rolls .. . ... 28 Inspecling Gas, Indiana, in District of Columbia, expenses of, how courts iu, additional duties of clerks, etc., paid .. . . . . . 209 of . . . . . . . . . 398 Inapecting Light-Houses, terms to be held at Fort \Vayne; clerk, appropriations for ... 213, 380 etc., for .. . . . . . . . 166 Inspeclor·GencraI, Army, post-roads established in . . . . . . 16, 437 appropriation for salaries in office of .. 195 Indiana Miami Indiana, rank of senior. . . . . . . . 257 appropriations for interest to . . . . . . 73, 303 Inspectors, Indianapolis, Ind., appropriations for pay, etc., of, in Indian , appropriation for deficiencies for paving, service . . ., . . . . -66, 297 etc., at arsenal at .. . . . . 13 of customs, keepers of Life-Saving Service Individual Deposits, to have powers of .. . . . . 163 for surveys, eertiticates of, may be assigned, pay Of, for Right S€fV106 ------ - .·-- » 217 gte ,_,_ _ ,_ , ,,,., .,_, ,.,,,_ . ,,,_, ,,, , 3.32 in int,rna.1-revenue service; none to be ern- Indaygtrial Eggpogilign, ployed 0XC6p1i, GTC. . . . . . . . . . 329 representation of United States at Paris; may be transferred .. . . 328 Commissioner- Genera.l,assista.nts,etc. 245 Insurance, _ _ Industrial Home School, District of Columbia, tax on distilled spirits destroyed, not to be appropriations for . . . . ... 208, 404 remitted when value 18 exceeded by. 333 Industrial Schools, I nsurance Companies, appr-gppiatiqng for, for Indian tribes SO, S3, 312 census i¤fo1‘mH.iii0I1 from ..-· . ·. . -..--. . . . . 479 Infant Asylum, District of Columbia, Ins·urarcce_C02npany, _ appropriation for Saint Ann’s ... . . 404 Franklin, oi Waslirngton, D. C., charter ex- Infantry Equipments, tended . . . . . . . . 32 appropriations for -. . . . ... 4,149 I nt<n·course_ Acta, _ _ _ In fcctious Diseases, appropriations for detecting, etc., violations, appropriation for investigation concerning- 487 of .. . . . . -. .. . . . . .. .233, 398 for investigation of, affecting domestic Interest, _ _ _ _ animals .. .. .. . . . . . . 240 appropriationsfor, on Indian trust.-funds ..86, 315 vessel from countries where any exist, etc., on debt of District of Columbia . ... . 410 not to enterports of the United States on railway bonds paid by United States to contrary to State quarantine laws. . . 37 be retamed out of compensation for V consuls to report vessels leaving infected _ transportation of Army . . . . . 44, od ports; to make weoklyhealth reports. 38 Interior Department, _ _ marine hospital and customs officers to cn- appropriations for salaries, etc., m ,192 forge qymrgntingg l{•],\V§ __________ _ _ _ _ _ 38 for (lofjqrencres rn ____ _ _____,, _ _ , _ _,,,,, ,>, 4,,.