Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/933

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INDEX. Pa e. * Pnga Penaio1w·—C0ntinued. g B PemriomzjC0ntinucd. by special acts to- I by spccml acts toj Middou h, Daniel . . . . . . 612 \ Tl10U8B; G€°Y%P° -·---- - ···-· · ·••·· · · · · 6_99 Miner, gbram v. . . . 589 I '1`!¤¤¤¤¤¤, J9¤¤;> ¤¤¤ D¤ C -----· - ----· **26 M0ITis Lydia A 595 i T111QOH, Ablggll S . , . . , , .. . .. . 6].8 Mommu, Audmw J .. . . 595 q Totten, Julm H -----· - ----· - ---·· - -—--- $$13 Mum-06 Alice ]3_ ____ _ ________ _ ___, 626 Treadwcll, James B .--- ---· ---- Murphy, Thgmgs ,,,.,.. . . . . 625 Thompson, Mary T - -·--- - ---~-- - --—- McAd“ms Mary ______ ____ ____ _ ____, ____ 573 E Tmlman, Jqnathau R .. . ..-- ---- -::50 Mc(;·1B11am1,Nmwy E ,.. . . . . 528 [ Totten, Elnzslwth --··-- - ---- - ---------- 564 Mccomy, Sarah ,,., . ... 575 1 Udcll, Nathan ------ . ---·- · ----- ---- McC0y Gem-gc __________ , _____,___,____ 512 Ucbcr, Ludwng .. . ...-.--· · ----- blo Mcpmlmd, Mary Amh _____ ____ ____ ,_,, 574 Vaun, Harmon .. . -. ·· -·---- 621 McNamara, Mary . .. 585 Ward, John ----—· · ----· - ----· - ----- 594 McTa.gga,rt., Mattie, increased . . . 538 Ward! JOMPI} ·---·- - ----- ---· ·-·· - ·---· 614 Maltby, Mglvjug, A_ __,_, , _,__, _ _ _ _ _ ,_,,, 528 Watkms, J u11a . . . . . 600 Marsh, Mary B . . ... .. . . 535 Wcbb, 0N0h3G E --- ---- ·- -·-· - -··---— 623 Martin, Dania1W .. . . . . 548 Wébb, Sarah E · ---·- ······ ··•--- - ·-·- · 623 Martin, Maw ___________, ___,__-___,,_, 547 W9bb,W31tOIH..·--•.•.·»·•-•·.-•• 6% Maxwell, Rebecca1C .. ... . .- 511 W1K3MB, J0h!1·---·· ·---·· ·-•· ---- · ·-·-· 622 Mellgn, August __,_,, , ,,,,_, , ,_,,, _ ,,,_, 583 WIDTOIS, N8th8·D A · · - - - . · --.-- . - - -· · - · - - 614 » Mmm, John G .. . . . . . . 573 Wong, Edmund ---- - --.-- ---- - ----- 620 Mme]-, Agmu H ____ ____ ____ _ __________, 581 Walker, Roxqnnq -.. . . 533 Miller, An gugtg , _,,,, , ,,__,,_ , , , , ...,.. 526 YV6b8E6K', BCI1J3mm C . .·· · -.·- - ·---- 531 Miller, Rebecca . . . . . ... 526 WBQOIBI, J11I1B J · ---- · ·~ --·· - -·---·-·-- • 548 Miller, Rom .. . . .-.. 530 Wpntohcad, George R .. . ---·· · --·- , 548 Mum, William A .. .. . . 529 Wgllges, Mary .. . . .. 528 Mizellc, Cynthia A .. .-.. 549 WQHINDS, JH1I9B G ·~·· ·--· •- ··-· F-- ·--- 550 Moore, Florence V . . . ... 531 Wnscu, Magcellngirestmted ···. ·-- -·¤-·- Q80 Murphy John .. .. . . 534 WIDWYSVEIBIDQ ·.·»··· ···»·-·-··-—·- ·>49 NSY10T, hHthmb0u°...--...•...-••••-• W $"q1Frrv•¤••• wr-•-1 —·••••·—-· m Newcomb, James . .. 538 Ysko, 0hv‘¢ ·.·,.·...·.,-..•··--.1...-.. 548 Nimg, wsmm H __,...,,,, _ ,_,,,,,,,.,. 579 Yonai, Joseph L . . 1 1... ...1.- .. 53 gyghngg 0 ,,,_, _ _,,,.,.,,,, ,,,,., , ,,,.. 678 Yams I, Peter .-.. . . 611 Brmn, Agatha, _,_, ,,_,,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, 569 Y0l1I\g, Th0lD&SC...- . . ..-. ··.· --·- 607 Parker, Mary E .. . . --.. 620 Pmiwqtgr, Mich., I’81'1'0*i*F, Jacob ------------ - - - - ·--· - --·-- 613 appropriations for improvement of harbor Pauley, Mary E .. . .-... . . . . 606 I of . . . .. 156. ::60 Phillips, George D . -. . .. 624 1 pemqa [many, ' P°t*°i'» Fmfwis MGNGU --—---- · ----- - - - - 623 1 appropriations for mterest on non-paying gmx, C=»1];m_El 6 --.--.--.. - ..--. . .-.-- $8 4 stocks ma m mm rm- . . ss, 315 11 BID, 85.118 .. ...-.-.. I 'gg Geog- Reed, Miles L .. . . . . 594 I %;y,{,cm, gmdow of ____ ____ ____ ____ 653 Ecfncgls, William . . .. .. , pgp5M, Jang, 1 6 3·m€¤ ------··—---·----·-·-·----- cn .. . . . . . ... " Robgnts, Elizabeth s. . 626 l p6!].'};?,::,,?? t° M Robertson, Smfmal B · -·--·- · ----- ······ 608 alcohol used in manufacture of for export R€¤0fd¤, F¤¤¤i¤ E ·----· · ···---·-·------ — 513 I msw be withdrawn from warehouse R€°¤°» E!i¤¤b¢*h -----· - ----··----·· · ·- - 534 · witchout. payment of tax .. . . 351 Rcuss, P. F ... . . .. . . 572 pm", Ira Ri¤¤¤e¤¢¤<>¤. Mfwi -----·- - -----·------- 536 payment no .. . . . . . . . . :,2:: 11Y.IEL’§’§".f},'.Z'.1‘?hI;.; '’‘‘` ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘‘ gg?) Fmdical S¢··~1·¤· my xm Lmism. ZIZZI III Zff Z ZZZZZZ ZZZZ 512 I ’*PP'°¤"'*"?i°“”*`°' '“““"*“°*“'° °"°’ P°°*'§42 35, Royisum, William .. . . . . . 530 I b . ’}°"‘°° 2 · ;t;§·£é· ·(;i;}··Rb · Ryuc, Hamilton, restored .. 547 gm") fmnmlssl P ° B °u In Samm, mum .. . ... . . . . sas 1 _ _ ° ““° "“ ············ ···· ···· ···· S§¥‘{a?$“°°°“T ······ · ············ $2 "'”°“'°Z'JA.m»» umm- my on `o , amos- .. .- . ...-, ... W ¤° mi · y 9 Shu1tis,WilHamH. ... . . sm 1>¤y¤¤¤¤¢ -·-· -- -----------·- 3-59 smwum, 01m1m . . . asc ¤¤¤\¤¤¤r¤¤1>r¤1¤¤b¤+¤<»<1 ---· -- ------ - ---... 359 save;-8, G __,__, _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 541 Pcmuytcd . ... . ... 359 Small, Dguigg ______ _ _____ _ _____ ____ ____ 547 I fu sc ey1de¤ce of cnamqter ot'; penalty,. 359 Stallings, Jesse, restored .. . . 577 °°¤d}U°¤¤ °f °]¤§¤1H¢¤¢1011;—-- --·· ·; -··- 359 Stinson, Adam .. . .. 512 j 1·¤b1¤¤h¤<h¤f¤r¤¤s¤ <>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤; °°PY¤8ht¤ Stone, Elizabeth D .. . . . -,.. 521 EYGWGWG -; -- -; --·- ··---- .··· . ..-.. 359 streets, Hannah ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 523 free t yn1g2x msnls m county when pun Sanders, Bqnjamin. . . . . . . .. . 614 lm}! ¤X¤¤P$ - -----··---··.. . ·. 361 Sample, Elm; A _ ,,,,, _ _,___ _ _____ _ _____ my mtgés at ldrbqr·carrn¤r oiiws -... 361 Silvgv, Isaboua H _____ _____ _____ 621 t transient, classniicstion cf; postage on 359 Smit};, Charles C . . 624 Perkeraon, Degpwy, Spradliu, Cynthia . -.. . . 610 l payment to .,,_,,__,_ __ _ ______ _ ____ _ __ 556 SIGBPHD, GEO®g0 W. . . - . .- . .. . ,. . 610 Perkins, Jameg, ‘ Steele, ADH .. - .. . . . . 619 { payment to ,... ..,,,, ____ ______ ______ 640 Stephenson, William W. . . .. 611 I Perkins, John, Smngham, Henrietta. .. 614 4 payment to -. .. .. .. ..,,_, _ _______________ 641 T¢¤g¤d¢n,.]·l1izab0th .. - . . . 607 s Pvrkma, M C., admipmmxqy, Th¤¤¤,P!¤kp .. . . . . .. .. 610i pnymeutto ..., ...,,,,___ __ __________ gg