Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/936

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INDEX. 91 1 P . » Pvllml, Bmw, dwvwd, uga l Portage Lake sm -0,m,,z, P°g°’ ,,£;§3°g;r?h°§*¤*° °f ·----- - ~---· - - ---—--- 565 y ¤r1>r<>pri¤ti¤n¥or pier-head light on pm- or; • · .. . . . ... .. payment to I .. - . 554 I Porter, Emma, " " " 214 Polngrore, Jacob, deceased, payment to .. . . . . .. 559 payment to estate of .., . ,,,,, 631 [ Port"-, Amr", ```' " ' Polagrovv, Nathaniel, administrator, payment 1;,; ______ _ _____ _ ________ __ ______ 520 Ppuymeugo . . . . 631 Porter, Gcoryc I1, 0 WH, - · a ent t .,., ,, ____ _ ____ _ ______ ____ ____ Payment c6 ·-—·-····· -- · - ---- - ---·-.. 631 P:‘lg':uL{ary? 217 PONW ]¤dl¢1¤§, _ payment to ,.,, ___, ,,__ _ _____ ____ 551 appropriations for installment, etc., to 76, 305 Porter, Mary, cvscuhiz, tor subsistence of ... 84 payment tu ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ ___________ 529 Ponohartrain Railroad Wharf, PW""; _-NW}, _ _ survey and estimate for breakwater near .. 375 “·PP°mt°d mgmt of S¤11tl1¤0¤1·¤·11 IDG6h1E0D 247 a e . .. . .. . . . $ D - --·· · --·-- · ·---·.. . . Po;di;0ii,t,to 631 Piuyine t to r 520 Ponder, John, deceased, -P°"“"1 mu‘“* Hp payment to widow of ...,. . ..,,. ,, 655 Piymimt ·-·· ---- . .·-·. .. .. . ~ . 554

  • ’;··*;*,;,”m··*·**· ,,5 52,

g gn _____ ___________ _______ ____ _ 8 8 -,.. ,_,,, , rm, Peter 4., Portland, ye-, f · l Pgymg¥·w¢:· ,_,,_, , _.,_,,,_, ___, ,_,__, ____ 553 Poeahrzxg 0 surveyor 0 port of .. . ... 322 P•¤“¤¤, r . . . condemned carmon, etc., donated to ... 483 °PP1’°Pm*¤°¤¤ f°? °¤B!'¤·VmdH, 6*6-, of d8· Pollmr Doing, _ 0e0B0d Senators an Repmsenta- K Hzppmpmtnpm for remodeling, for Army .. 3, 148 P ---·-·--- - -··-----· ·~- -24, 248, $55

 _ mtlmoul , .L • •

1,,;;.,,,,;, to ______________________ _ _____ 640 appropriation fdr deficiencies for fog·signa.l p,,;,, Jon E, f lag entrance to hlegbor of . . .. 43 on ________ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ ____ 503 or a or in navy- a at . . . 45

 ,g_ mmm, for improvement ed harbor of  372

pmt to __ _ 3__ ______ _ ___________ _ _____ 518 examination and survey of harbor of .. 160 room, Thomas awww, PM of Entry, 1,.,,.,,,,; hhub of ______ _ _____ _ ______ __ 518 additional, in Maine .. . . .. 243 m m' ’ Ponigiigtalitéou ‘th weights and ensures 709 P.ym,m' ______ __ ________ ____ ______ ____ 513 wi · m .. mxw Co, . Postal Union. ... .. 734 P°°'° °f . . °f "°b°°’ Portuguese Colonies appropriations for employment of .. . .250, 488 included in Unhiemal I; ,_ 1 Union .,,34 for medicines, etc., or ... .. 250, 488 Pom, Comm," " ° " P°P°v Samuel D'! Armv nottol>eusedas,except etc 152 Ppayzpint to .. . ... .. .. 559 1,“t_0:m0c BME5mg, ’

  • . .' - . -. .. .. . . 209

certairfarticles m, may be imported free of 99 aPE,?g,§Etg2:z£§u_:___ __ __ __ ____ ____ ____ 1§,W3 duty? Mud ······ ‘ ‘'*‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘'‘' at Kansas City, Mo.; limit of cost, etc . 39 Porch, E""'"' Av at Cincinnati, Ohio, sale of, authorized 488 1>¤r¤¤<=¤¢ tv - ----- -· -- ---- · ---· · ---·· ~ - -- 543 europa o,,,,,.,:,,.,,.;, P‘”`"h‘ Avlw, app riations for salaries, etc., in .. .. 201 1·=~y¤¤¤¤¢ to --·--------- - --·-- - ·---·----·- 557 for .,¤m,.c.s¤ m- .,., , .. . ... o, 45 PM Ch“"9“» , for service of ... ...1%,355 °°“““1’ to NP"" mms °fr °“ *mP°rt° md 273 for office of First Assistant l’ostmaste•r- _ ?XP°d* ····:· ···: ···· ·· ···· . '*‘ Z “General corrected ... 256 PIOVISIODB 111 (l0DVOX1t10l1 with for Printing and for- _ · · _ · . _ i . ’ . W, tm . Japan ‘ T ‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘‘’‘’’' 798 for deiiciencies in. .~. .. .. .. M7 P", Cl"'t°”v _ Ohms , copies of new edition of Revised Statutes to . 4B'] appropriations for- improvement of harbor_ mms ,-0,. advcrtisin fm. _______________ __ _ _ 62 °f ·--- _ ··-· · - ········ ···· ···· ‘ •'*'‘ 1°5* 369 disbursing-officer og to disburse appropria- Port H Musk · -

  • '°*'»_ _ ·» In hon for post-route maps . . .. . ._.. 14-3

tum °f dlstnct wut to b° hda at ···· ·‘" expenditures irom contingent appropria- Port Jejaaoa, M Z, tion . ... 20 appropriations for improvement of harbor Pogt.Oj4·gg, _ P of of .,2 .. . .-. ..-.159, 363 advertisements of general mail lettings to 356 ort of New or be posted in -. . . . . · ·-··· 1am3S_ :,2, oxunhod .. .. 324 Pm:-Rlo&0d · Orcy. estainexamination and survey of ..-- ·- - - 162 Alabama . . . . . ...--· ~·-- - --~·--· I5, W7 Port mq now, s. 0., _ _ Arizona. ... .- . ...-- 428 appropnahonforrauge-hght on Pans Island 214 Arkansas. . . .. .-.. --·- -·-- ---·-- 14, 499 me mp: mm, s. 0., camomao . ... ...- ·-L}, 4W examination md survey of . . ...- -· 374 Colorado . .. ·----- · ·---··-·· --- -10,4}*0 pm wonsm, rm., oO1mm1m:.. .. . -- .---15. W appropriations for improvement of harbor Dakota .. . . .. ---·---- -- ·--- 21,4-*2 of .----. .. . . . --· -.155,368 Delaware .. .. · -·--· --·· ---· ···- ·-·· Pvrkse Ink, Wir F*°“*l‘=’· ·-·· · ··········· · ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘ ‘ ’ V

§·;-hgrbqrgfrefngltt . 371 G001`g18 ---·-· -·-- --- ·~-·· · ···•• •·"°'°'é¥':’§

examination and survey for har of ref- Id?h<{ -·---·--~ ··- ---· ···· ·····‘ ·‘ ‘*‘‘‘ ,6*435 ,, uga3i.,, ,.,, .,,,,, ,.,. .,..16I,373 I IH¤10lB—-- -----··- · --·· · ···· • ·•‘*'‘ "" ’