Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/18

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xviii msu? or rnrvnrn Acre AND nnsonumrons. Pm Macomb Bank of Pittsburgh. An act to authorize the assistant treasurer of the United States at lflew York to wage eniiolrcementgé szctiontthugyjour hundred and slzggritygzmgepiggoighg Egggeg Statutesso as esame ec s cc am r s upon 1m no Pittsburgh, P<>nn¤y1ve»niv»· January 24, 1880. .-... - . . . . --.·----.. - ------ - --... 533 Thomas Kearney. An act for the rehef of Thomas Kearney. February 7, 1880 . 533 Granory, Wax, m•dLange. An got for the rehef of Michael Granery, Nwholas Wax, and Mohere 534 Lan . February 11 188 .. .. .···------- - ·--- - -·-·· -· ---· · --··----· ·--· ·- -·-· r;, J. B. Campglzll. An act for ,the relief of Captain J . B. Q¤·mpb6ll· F6b1'¤¤·1'S' Pi 1880 ------ -· - - ---- **4 Samuel B. Davis. An act granting, an increase of pension to Sumual B._Dav1s. February 16, 1880. 534 Jllajor-General George Sykes, remove of remains. An act making appropriation for the remove. of the remains of the late Major-General George Sykes United States Army, from Fort Brown, I Texas, to West Point, New York. February 17, 18,80- ..·--- - ----· - ----------- - ----· · -----·- 534 Henry Page. An act for the relief of Henry Page. February 18, 1880- · ·---- · ----- - ·---· — --·-· ;-- - 535 Gibbon and C'ompm6y. 8An act for the relief of ibbes and Company, of Charleston, South Carolina. 535 February? 1 80 .. . . . . ... . ... . .. Z.. ‘ J. P. Zimmerman and H. P. Snow. hn act for the relief of J. P. Zimmerman and H. P. Snow, of Olm- · ton Count,y;dKentuoky. February 24, 1880 . . .. . ._ ... . . . . .. .. . 535 Saint John’s Cat ral, Indianapolis, Ind. An act authoruinilthe remission O1`. refunding of duty on an altixiéiéo from Rome, Italy, for the Saint John’s athedral of III.d13I18»p0].lS, Indiana. 535 Marc 1, .. . . -.-. .. -. . .---. · ----- ---· ---- John D. McGill. An act for the relief of the administrator of John D. McGill. March 5, 1880.. . . 536 William McGovern. An not for the relief of William McGovem. April 1, 1880 . .. .- ._.-. . . 536 Nelson Lyon pnfégrmiah S. James. An act for the relief of Nelson Lyon and Jeremmh S. James. 536 A ri . .. . . . ..-. L. H Hgrshjield and Brother. An act for the relief of L. H. Hershiield and Brother. April l, 1880. 536 Roger An act to remove the political disabilities of Roger A. Pryor, of New York. April 537 mum inqmf `1L`tAfg£.iAi{»ig`i §é¤ié1X¤i %b`iiéi1ééé[x?is,gi¤§£. "X1{£1f2;>§,`iééoZZ§ Zjll Ijllf I Z Z I I ZZ 537 Samuel 0. Sohoyor. An act to increase the pension of Captain Samuel C. Schoyer. AXri123, 1880.. 537 Iames M. Boroland. An act granting an increase of pension to James M. Bore and. pril 23, 1880. 537 Patsy Davenport. An act granting a pension to Patsy Davenport. April 23, 1880. . . . . 538 Abram E Farrar. An act granting a pen ion to Abram F. Farrar. April 23, 1880 . . .. . . . . 538 Owner bark Grapeshol. An act for the relief of the owner of the bark Grapeshot. April M, 1880.. 538 Esther E. Licuranco. An set granting u. pension to Esther E. Lieurance. April 29, 1880- . . 538 Ellen W P. Carter. An act granting a pension to Ellen W. P. Carter. April 29, 1880.. .. 538 Ingham Bryant, Wood Parker Pinkerton, Wright. An act for the relief of Cyrus B. Ingham, of the 'Ilcrritory of Dalsots.; Hlervey Bryant and Guilford A. Wood, of Kansas, and Richard Parker, ¢i»§8(Minuesota, James H. Pinkerton, of Colorado, and Ed. G. Wright, of Kansas. May 3, . . . .. .. .. .,.. '39 Charles Olivier Duclozel. An act to oonnrm the title of Charles Olivier Duclozel to certain lands in 0 the State of Louisiana. May 5, 1880 .. . . . . , ...,_,,,_ _ ______,__ 539 Mrs. Mary Allison, pension. An act grantin s. pension to Mrs. Mary Allison. May 12, 1880 ... 530 Relief of Solomon Morris. An act for the relief of Solomon Morris. May 12, 1880 .. ..-. . . 539 Elizabeth Dilfhomos, duplicate clugclih din azz dérecting the issue of s. duplicate check to Elizabeth .omas, a pensioner 0 i e ni tates. Ma 14 1880 ... . . . ... . . 540 George V. Hcbb, relief of An act for the relief of GeorggV.’Hebb, Ma, 14, 1880_ ,____ ____,. __ 540 Peter Meaghvr, rolkf o . An act for the relief of Peter Meagher. May Li 1880. _ _,,__ _ _______ ____ 540 Peter gg {o;%:nLpmgg.3u?tn$viran§n§ 31 ppguglion to Peter K. Morgan, private in the war of 540 omg, rims, mmf qa _ An m for me must br oebléinéiééf "1CiQ§idiééoffYZIIIIZZIZZIZZIZZI 541 Thomas L. Harrison, political disabilities. An act to remove the political disabilities of Thomas L. Harrison, of Mobile, Alabama, May 22, 1880, _,,__ , __,_, __ _,,..,...,.. , ...,,,,.,. , ,_,,_,,. 541 William B. Tallqfcrro litioal An act to remove the olitical disabilities of Willi B Toliafoyro, of lg;-ogipia. May 22, 1880 ,____,__,_ _ _,,_, ___? ___, ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ __jm?__: 542 F*ranciaML. igltigggitioal disabilities. An act to remove the politics.] disabilities of Francis L. Galt. ¤Y‘ —·--- -- --·--- · ----- - ----- -.-.. . . . . ..,,,__ 542 John D. Defroes, relief ojj An act to relieve John D. Dcfrees, Public Printer. May 26, 1880 .. 542 Marlha Robiowonuamawn. An act granting a pension to Martha J. Robinson. · May 28, 1880. 542 Mary Meighan, pension. An act granting a pension to Mary Mei han. May 28 1880. 542 Edward U Leib, pension. An not granting a pension to Edwarcl Leib. May 28 1880 ... -:- 542 James P. Sayer, pension. An mot grantin an increase of pension to James P. Sayer. May 28 1880- 543 Judith Brown, lpayment lo. An act to autorize the payment of sixty-six dollars and nine cents to Judith rown, one-seventh of the pension of Margaret Duncan. May 31, 1880. . .. . . 543 Edwarg!grua;lmJa`;;d> relief of An act for the relief of Edward Braden and J. W. me Han, may of Im at ééé £hé`iéi1é%`6£·`isii1h%'iféaLC".iH1ié`1Q`iéé6§l§Z ZZZZZZ XIII III III III Scttmzgizigasmigslgand Zfelzlaskkcglggkof. Jhlngict Ifgbthe relief ofoertain homestead and pre-emption _ _ nsas . _ ,_ .. . . .1. .-..:. 543

 it tifid.  Z,‘i’8£§T‘Ti“. ??‘?E“.?; .’?f’l‘P'{‘{? ff? EIT? Y’?°’°k°° N“"°“* ”° ““° “‘ 5..

swim . `tioa · mea. Anas ·- · '`‘' ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ mh ub ont, .f’S'£‘$.i. cmu... an. 7, 1§8J‘T.T?’TT‘TY‘?.'Z*}‘?-¥’f’iY‘f’f" ‘“"“‘“*‘°“ °f J°"““*"“” ,,,5 ia mo e aylor pension. An act to ame d t tit] d " -.--·g·;a¤`"--" '`.-`` "`Y ````` Sophia. Brooke Taylor widow of the lata_]}-Maj?;- grcanlsis 'l`;y1or%P me 7, g.!:????]?.?? 545 Lgndi,bI•trg,clI;"a., refnrnd ofjohaocod lax to ocrlam citizens of. _An act for the relief of certain citizens of hynw axgnmggs rfgggding to them taxes 1mp1·0per1y collected from them 'on manu.- , , _______,___ _ ____,______ _ _________________ _ ,_,_, _ ,_,,_ _ _,,, , 545