Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/869

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INDEX. 839 P meat and Little Osage Indians, ago, Gulnare Steamhip, Page accounts of lands sold in Kansas to be stated, President authorized to accept from H. W. a.pproprin.tious for .. 292 | Howgatc, for oxpcditnon to Arctic Great Pedoe River, S. 0., seas . . . .. . . . . 82 appropriation for improvement of 191, 475 I Gustiu, Samuel I., Gran Sodug Ba_y7]\1 K, Payment W ---· ·--· ·---·-·--· -··· --·- ---- 602 appropxeiation for improvement of harbofs G;?I€“;)"¤_ 2: for _ P em f 472 an ____ __ __________ __ ____ __ ____ ____ 1,469 I0 l‘13~1 1.1 1m 1‘0V<>m 0 Greenbacks, ‘ Gutlme, A. J., issue of fractional currency, reserve of 30 Payment tv - -- ------ ·- -- - -·--· --—- 575 ` Green Bay, Wis., Gultry, Bcmamm E, r appropriation for improvement of harbor Paymcn? to —-·- ·- ···--· - ·-·----·--··--·—- 059 an .. . .- .. 183, 472 Guy, MMM W, """'· "“""’ ”~ G£§';E$22}E E2;:; W va ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 576 15 'IE .. . ... .. . . 248 ‘ `v · · G¥e2'¢{§¢:ith0P., sxppropriatioxx tbr improvement of 186, 475 payment to ,,__ , ,_,.,,... , ,.,,. ,, 564 Gm"": Andmw J', ,6 Greene, .F•·ancis K, payunent to . .. .. . .> 6 permission given to, to accept present . 604 Greer, Jlliranda Gilbert, H. p¤~ym•>n¤ to - ----- - -... . . . . .. 500 Haw, Jvveph D-, ,,76 Grcyq, Gaihmnc, adnwnwmmx, payment w ---------- E ------ - -- ---- -— -- ·> payment to ..,... ssc H¤dWy» Dmy P-, {Wwe · f 630 G¢·e·qm·y Beverly J. payment to &dl'l\1DlStl‘H»t0I‘ 0 .. · 7 7 payment t0, us executor of Williznm .. 576 I Hadley, F} g;»aS&d'l1i1liStl_atOr 630 G•·¤¤~·v» J- H, ¤dm*~**~*<>¤ u£“LI”°$} '1z’ and w. H. »yk¢¤"am;.kLA-a`»L;- G£;Q;lm_‘?;,€tL;?ld"" ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ······ · ····· 575 `qof Jjyhes ,91,;,6,, deceased; 63r v aymont to . . . . . . . . . . .> Baymcut to``' " `` ‘ '''‘‘ ’ 562 Hgger, 1WZlia,m H., G··u7i», JOM 0·, Payment to __________________ _ _______ 620 Gpgivunyni 1:% . . ... 566 Hmm Ja/wb Ow [ ri ··· M - .. . ... sac payrlncut to ., . . . . . . 559 H£5yr;j:;J(3· · 7 '7 Gnji/n’ Joseph W, Payment to __________ _ ____ _____ ____ ______ 630 P”‘Ym°“t m ······ · ····- - ---···---·-· - ---- 566 Hay, David gg, Gnzzdv I’““"» me to .. . . .. 577 pay ut payment to .. . . .. 647 Han, Drury, d66mm_ GT"°m”» H"""`U qw pnynneuu to administrator of . . . 629 rucrcaswfpcnsnou . .. . . 607 Han James M_, G*‘°°*· W H-, pa$,m6m, to ______ ____ _ ____ _ ______ 252 appropriation for retained percentages on Han John ll., dwwwd, contmct Of- --—--· · -- · ---· · ····· ··· · 272 accounts of , credited and surctics released. 591 Grocsnum, Alexander, Hall, Moses N, Payment to · - - - ·-·-·--·-· · ----·-----·---· 575 psyymnmt fo . - . .. . .-.. 577 Gros Vemm Indians, _ _ _ I Ha", Rvbwt WG 646 appropriations for subsistence and ClVl]lZBr· I P¥W¤}€¤t to I- - - -··- · ········‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ tion of. . . . 128,1%,498,499 Hambwyhf, Jv M -» 562 Grown Heights, _ payment w - -3-- ----- · ----- - ·-··---·----- ,3·PpI‘0p1‘iafi011 for centennial celebration of H andivn, Betty vm, 564 bajgtlggf ______ _ _________ ____ ______ p&ym€n%0b,.t.N... .·-····-»· fbr repairs of lll()l.ll1l!l0llt nt . 379 H41w11N0n, to W -; · ___. _'.- 566 Gro·v<·, Jacob C., _ rP“¥;'°l;E.l;? 'yk ‘'''` °` payment to, as a.dministra.to1·0fJ0rem1ahP. 575 H¢;gZm,lLS€ t)f';m;Si0u U _ · - l - I · U I I N I- _ _ U _ 612 G1;é?·ghgz¥cz;1Q to ____ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 555 Ha·milténécRidm5d, executor of Nathaniel Batael, Grubb, John W., é f?" ’ _______ 515 payment to . .. . ..,.. , .. . 562 Hp¤»>Z1;;<>¤d l0<;,L· ja ····-· · ···· · · · Gwmman, Hamm, wr ¢;v;¤y•in:mb•t0,; -, M i 630 paymautto --.--· -- ---- —>—> % _ -—-- · ·-—-- ·-·- Guardians, _ Q Hamm, Dé g, l _ _____ 593 GODBOHU of,rcquix-cd for enlistment of mmors I>¤¤»§/111*5:; A0 ·';ibEIh ·······‘ · ‘ ‘ iu MMI S<¤·vi¤~#>- ----- - ----- ·— ·----- 3 m"'"""" E t;" · __ ________ 5,, GMM8, _ , Hlmymcg David ·f*"j5]·-M¢;z;¢é7f rwd as Went 00DSl1]m‘ service, n,ppropri3.tion for pay of . 34.: dm'/1Z0/ifér S Armghonm , Gwgeom W H" Q. 575 pa.ym<=nt to .----- - ---—- - --·-- - ·--·— 620 mwment to '`'`'`````` `````'` Hammond Matthew ‘*'{,“fg,°,§;0;fg";{-g°”"*· 564 p,,ym;t to m,.,;.t.,, of ,_._ . 625 GMM, Mrs. AMM Ir,-Mivw of JOM, deceased, 6_0 H¢;*;;”I*;;’};tT;2"”"* Ev _____ _ _____ _ _____ 630 pension to ---- - ---- - --------------------- => M -----· - ···~· · Guclch, Lmpia Hampden; 8-» . U U U- _ 325 payment tc, administmtrix of . . . . 572 1 H2:F}$d;»ap0Tt of d6l1V€¥`Y ·-·· -- · · Gumm James S" 560 Najgiougml Hémc for Disabled Voluntpcr S01- G,{}“yg"°“* *° ······ · ····· · ···· ·· ····‘‘‘‘ I diets nt, summed with mmm pw 22 f oa8t’ · ‘ 263 4'%9 I lic documents. . . .. 3 survey of, a.ppmpmm0u for . .. ,. , ·