Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/876

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846 monx. l d Page` I d` C f d mgm Indian Territo -Continue . n mus- on inue . _ for suppoity of J oseph’s band of Nez Percés for support of industrial schools, etc., for. . 129, 501 in the ________ __ _ _ ____ _ ________ 67, 129, 499 for subsistence of, prisoners ot WM ..-- - - - · IU of Pawnee Indians in _____________ _ _____ 67 for removal of, in Southeastern Idaho, to Indian Trust Funds, _ reservation . . . . . . . 130, 409 appropriation for interest on non-paying for support of, at Fort Ifeclc Agency. . 129. 439 Stocks of _____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _______ _ _ _ _ 132, 501 for education of, within hmits of late Central held by Secretary of Interior to be deposited Superintendenc y .. . ... . 120, 499 in Treasury of the United States ; in— 1 Indigent Insane, D. C.; F terest payable semi-annually . .. . 70 3 appropriation for ... . 4o2, 459 Indian. I Industrial Honze, D. C., _ schools, appropriation for support of . 129, 501 i appropriation for . . . . ... 157, 460 reservations, agreement of sale of the, by Industrial Schools, _ _ Ute Indians in Colorado, accepted; Indian, appropriations for support of .129, 501 ' proviso . . .. . . . . . . . 199 Infantry Equipments, ( lands, relief of actual settlers 0n, in Kansas. 68 appropriation for . . ... .34, 113 Bureau, to keep account of supplies pur- Infected Vessels, _ _ chased from Indian manual and train- appropriation for construction of refrigerating schools ,,,__ . .. . , . , 131 ing ship for disinfecting . . . . I agents cg prohibited from granting per- Infections Diseases, _ mission to Indians to remove to appropriation for investigating, of doxnestuc Texas .. . - . . . 132,133 animals . ... . . . . . 30, 295, 384 Osage trust and diminished reserve lands act to prevent introduction of, into United unsold, subject to disposal to actual States ...- - ----- 5 settlers, when .. .. . 144 detail of officers to execute . 7 war bonds, California, appropriation forpay- quarantine stations to prevent introduction mentof .. . . . .. -.. .. 510 of .. . ... , .. ...-,...47,266 Indiana, Ingham, Cyrus B., et al., bridge across Wabash River, near Merom, right of homestead entry, etc., restored .539 in, restrictions .. . . . 42 Inglc, Peter, post-routes establishedin , . . . 14, 39, 95, 206, 357 payment to .. . . . . . . . 559 Knightstown Springs, National Sol<liers’ Ingram, Hugh, deceased, _ Home at, to be supplied with certain payment to executor and guardian of heirs public documents ... 322 1 of . , . . . . -. 564 Fort Wayne, two terms United States dis- Inland Mail Transportation, _ trict and circuit courts each author- appropriation for. . . . .-.. 178, 376 ized to be held at ... . 511 Insane, J eifersonville, appropriation for construe-claims topublic lands under preemption and tion of carriage-way to military depot homestead laws, of persons, how to in . ... . . . . 447 perfect title of . z . . , . 166 Vincennes, sale of government lands in, au- persons, penalty for enlisting in naval servthorized; title vested in .. . 505 ice . . . ... . .. 3 Miami Indians of, appropriation for interest, Insane Asylum, D. O'., etc., to .. . . . 491 appropriation for expenses, etc., of. .- 275, 452 Indiana Chute, Ohio River, l for denciences in . . . . . . 246, 426 appropriation for improvement of .. . . 187, 472 i Insects, Indianola, Tex., appropriation for investigating habits oi, port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- injurious to cotton, etc . . . .. 29 portation of dutiable goods to, au— for deficiencies in .. . . . . . I . 421 thorized . .. . ... 174 for investigating habits of, injurious to Indianapolis, Ind., agriculture .. . . . . , 294, 383 created a port of delivery .. . . 512 Inspecting I/l;ght8, port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- appropriation for expenses of .. . . 262, 439 portation of dntiable goods to, au- Inspector- General, Army, thorized .. . . .- .. ... . . . . 174 appropriation for salaries, etc., in 00506 arsenal at, deficiency appropriation for 419 of .. . . . . ... 23,227,402 elevator in court-house at, appropriation Inspector of Plumbing, D. C., for . 417 appointment ot, authorized; duties 318 Indians, appropriation for salary of. . . .. . . . 461 appropriations for, when available -. .132, 502 deficiency in . . . . . . . . 426 additional clothing for, Secretary Interior Inspectors of Customs, authorized to purchase, appropriation compensation of, for night service, prefor . 131 scribed . . ,,... . .,,, 173 S\1pp]i6S for Sllbsisiiénce of .. . . 502 for day service, prescribed .. . . . . 429 not permitted to enter State of Texas. . 133 deficiency appropriation for pay of . . . . 429 appropriation for support of, ou Malheur Inspectors, lndian, RBS6W3i9i0H .-... . . 130 appropriation for pay, etc., of ..,. . .. 116, 487 fo1‘ Gefwin tribes Of . . . . .. . . 67 I Insurance Companies, Apache, at Abiquiu Agency, rations, etc., reports of, to Superintendent Census, how to be issued to .. . . . . .. . . 81 made ______ __ __ ______ _ _________ _ _ _ _ 75 {0I` SUPPON7, etc., Of} M3 .. . - . . 500 Intcrcourse Acls, Wmnebago, of Nebraska and Wisconsin, appropriations forpunishing violations of.277, 453 _ census of authorized ... 316 proclamatitn warning against violations roving bands ofz, Southeastern Oregon, ap- of .. , . . -. . . . . . . 7 97, 7 95 propriation for collecting and support Interest, of . . .. .- . r . . .: . . . . . . 130, 499 rate of, ou arwerages oftaxes, etc, in District 3#]•P1'0P¤¤171011 fo1‘ V3·001H&'G10¤ of - 116, 501 I of Columbia. .._... , .,..,..,,,,_ 36