Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/878

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84,8 . INDEX. page Page. Icons, William S., Je_fersonvillo,_ Ind., _ _ payment to . . . ... 567 appropriation for construciaon of carriage- Ivins, Samuel P., jr., way to military depot 1D city of . 447 payment to .. . ... .. .. . . . . 425 Jenkins, Bartlett M., I payment to . . . . . . . . . . 5492 J. Jenkins, George W., _ Jock, Albert LL, payment to . . . . . . 615 pension to- . - . 610 Jenkins an: tiaee, M0 Jackson AZ red a. en .. . . . · paymlmtfto .’ . . ... . . . . 560 Jolley:;; J W,admim2¤¢v·¤wr ofJvv<#ph, dvvwed, Jackson, Elizabeth, payment to . . 630 payment to .. . ... . . . . 623 Jennings, Nancy, Jackson, James, payment to . . . . .. . ... 631 payment to . . . . .. . . . . 631 Jennings, Wiley, Jackson, Margaret, payment to ---- -· - - -·-· - ------- - ----- 578 payment to . . .. .. . 4.. 560 Jennings, W G., Jackson, Minter, payment to . . .. .· 631 payment to .. . ... . . . . . . ._- . . . . 578 J'e_p801t, CGS4wd0T D, Jackson, N B., payment to ·.-. - ·--·-··-- -- -·-·.- . - - . 616 payment to .. . ... . . . . 616 Jell, John, Jackson, Thomas J, payment to executor of . . . 574 pension t0_. ... .. 587 Jetties at South PMS, Jackson, Wiley, appropriation for payments to James B. payment to ,__.,. _, - .,. _ _,.. , ,,._,, , ,,,,, 561 Eads for constructing; proviso. . 4 Jackson, Miss., for examinations of .. . .. . .. 189, 479 appropriation for construction of public Jetty System, _ buildings at . . . . . . . 379 for improvement of Mississippi River, report Jacksonville, Fla., on .- . . .- ... - ... ..-. 38 port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- Jewett, Mary S., portation ofdutiable goods to, author- payment to trustee for. . . . 570 ized .. - . . . 174 Johns, A., Jacobs, John, deceased, payment to . . . -- 425 payment to administrator of . . .. .. 566 Johns, Thomas, Jacques, Lancelot, ayment to .. . . . . . . . 631 payment to .. . . .-.. .. .- . . 620 Johnson, Abraham, Jacques, Lancelot, payment to . - . .. 562 payment to . . ... . -. .. . . 620 Johnson, Allen R., James, Alcah, deceased, payment to . . - ... -... 631 payment to administrator of . . . . . - 631 Johnson, Anna, James, Drury, administrator, bark, formerly British ship Ada Iredale, payment to . ... . . 631 American register authorized to be James, Jeremiah S., issued to . . . ... . 170 issue of patent corrected for . . . ... 536 Johnson, Asenath, administrator of William, James, John D., . payment to .- .. ...- .- 578 payment to . . 578 Johnson, Edwin, James, Joseph, payment to .. . . . . 562 payment to .. . . . . 562 Johnson, James O., ‘ James, Paris, payment to . . .. . . 578 payment to .. -.. . . . . . . . . 562 Johnson, John, James, William D., payment to .. .. .. -- . . .-.. 620 payment to . . . . . . . . .. 578 Johnson, John, James, William S., payment to . . . ... . .. . 578 payment to .. - ... . . - . 623 Johnson, Jonathan T., administrator, James Fisk, 'r., payment to . . . .. .. .. . 568 name of fgrry-boat, changed to Passaic 41 Johnson, Malcolm, James River, Va., payment to .. ... -.. .. 578 appropriation for improvement of . . .. 185, 474 Johnson, Narcissa Keene, Jamison, John C'., payment in full to. ... . . .. .. .. . .. '645 payment to .. 623 Johnson, Pleasant, ’ Janeway, Isaac B., deceased, payment to .. 630 payment to administrator of .. 566 Johnson, Rachel, Janitors to Public Buildings, payment to ,... - ..,.. ,., , 630 appropriation for pay of . . ... . . . .265, 441 Johnson, R. H. and James 11, Jasper County, Ga., payment to ,,,... - . ._,...,_,,,_ _ _ ____ 631 transferredfrom northern to BOH‘6h0IDUDit0d Johnson, Mrs. Sarah J., States district couut of Georgia .. 62 payment to . ..,.. . . . .,..,,, , ,_,_, 63] Jay, John, Johnson, Uriah, payment to .. . . . . . ... 415 payment to . - . . .. .. .. 623 Jeannette, Arctic Exploring Steamer, Johnson, Willis, Secretary of Navy authorized to send vessel payment to s ... . . . . .. .. . . 616 in searchof; proviso . . . . 448 Johnston, Carrie J., Jcferson, Thomas, payment to .. . ... 562 thanks of Congress presented to heirs of, for Joint Commission, desk upon which Declaration of Inde— for settlement of claims with the French pendence was written ,, , .,.,. , . 305 Republic .. , ___,,., . . ,___,,__.. 296, 454 Jejferson, Ten., _ Joint Committee on the Library, terms of circuit court to be held at .. . . 10 appropriation for purchase of works of art.281, 449