Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/883

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INDEX. 853 . . . _ Page. . Legulatwe, Executive, and Judtcwl Approprm- Life-Saving Stauom, hw J»·m$'f?“ °°”"“°‘*· **m:2:;as·;i;r::»L**~» M-» 0* -······ gxpcnscggf gems. .. .%,43,235,41% fordemewies1.1...Iif.];TZZZ[ZZiZZ[41<sf429 L6"), ;C‘éfw;’_d Uimw ···· · ·----····-··--- 93, 237, 413 M Lorxgwgillc, Ky., establishment of; pm- W9 P°¤¤i°¤ to —----·---- - - - ---... . . . . .- - . 542 Ijyhpgougg -'-'``'`'``````````'.```````` ` Lawrance, Esther E.,widow of Stephen, erection df at Wickford Harbor Nana a. P°““i°“ t° ········-- · —-----·— · ··------ --- 538 seth i3a,y · authorized ’ g n- 199 Lvmmg, John, deceased,Light-House Board, l payment to Ehzabeth A., wdmmstratdx of . 567 appropriation for salaries in office of. . .23 219 394 Lmmzr, Albert IS., Light-Houses i y paym cntto Ca.thm·ine F., mdmixnistmixix of. 567 a.p?1·0priation for maintaining, etc ... 262, 436 Letter Balqvwes, or beacon and fog signals for .. 262, 436 aokrioggations for, for postal service. 178, ;_'0r dencicucy for pay of keepers of .. 42.9 · 1 ncy 111 . . . . . .. . . . . 01* deficiency for repairs of .. .. .. 429 Lctler Carriers, for deficiencies in . . . - . . .. . .. appropriations for pay of . .. . . 40, 177, 375 Light-House Establuhmen t, 240 Latter Envelopes, sxppropriatiau for salaries, etc., of 261, 438 appropriation for, for postal service .. 178,375 Lnyht-House Service, Lwevjs 1·‘awn¢. appmpriationrs for .. -262, 436 United States, appropriation for classified appropriation for completing two steamabridgment of ; printing and distri- tenders .. . . . . . ... .263, 436 buh0H of; proviso .. - ... 509 steam-ten dere of] granted police powers over Levee §ystem, government property and smuggling. 263 for 1mprovement of Mississippi River, re- Light Vessels, L Dplort cm . . . . . ... .. . . 38 appmgxgwtion for expenses of .. . 546.262, 433 ewes, e ., for 0 cionc in .. . . . . . , 429, 43 appropriation for emotion of light-house Lights and Buoys? near .. . . . .,... .. . . . 263 appropriation for maintaining .. . .262, 439 Lewis, A bner, rcuppropriation of unexponded balance for 243 Lgvpaymgnt to .. . . . . 578 on Mississippi, Ohiokand Missouri R.ive1sé62 439 is, . R., appropriation or .. . ... , payment to, amended ,__, _,,,,, . . 51 Li hte and Signals deficiency appropriation for ... 253 gn bridge across Wabash River, Ind ... 42 Lewis, Hugh, deceased, 1;;,1,,;, fm puma; Buildings, L pziyu}cuL no A. A. Tufts, &dl111DiStI‘8»fo1` cf.. 644 approplqatgou {0,- ______ _ _________________ 265,441 “'"8s W":" "·; Lillard Abraham E payment to, as executor of Hugh . -... 564 pgyuieut to ,___,. ’ .,., . . ... 579 Lewis, John E and L. L., executors of Samuel Lilley, Nw1mm9L V., H- L9'Wi8, gymentto ..,. , . 579 payment to ,. . . . .. . .. 569 Liiiipyton River, N. U., r*“”·`i$· J 0861*7* L-, a. propriation for improvement of . 475 suit concerning devise to United S1531E9B, pug, John S., compromise ot; authorized .. 171 pgymgnb go, ____, , _,,,. , , , . ... 579 Lewis, Nathaniel D., Lilly, William, payment to . . . . .. 562 paymmlt 1;;; _________,_, _ ___,____..___,_,,. 579 Lewis, Samuel, Lincoln, Nebr.,

 Fo · · · · · · ···' · · · ‘'‘'‘ ‘ ’' ‘   103,11 of 3_,[•t,i_]1g]_·y’ 3f;},, to 30id_i9]‘§’ [‘8\1)]iOIl, , ,  

Lcméd Www M‘# . . . court-house and post-office, appropriation payment? to John S. Manmx, admmnstmtcr 646 fm. _________________ _ _ _____ ____ _ _ 260 l o ,,, . ...- - ···· · ···· ·· ····‘‘ Lindsay James M., —’»·'¤··¤¢·y, ’ .___ . . . 564 3·ppI0pria.tion for purchase of books for for I/i£$§®B1f;?ueZ, Director of Mint . .. ·-- -é7.223» 398 Payment to ,,,... . . . . . ...·..-- ··- - 578 for Patent Office .. -. - - -·· ··-- 25:233 409 Lime Henry F- for Supreme Court . . . . .. . .· ..-· 23 paémcut t0__, __________ _ _____ _ ___________ _ 611 for D•¤1·¤·r’¤¤·¤¤¤ <>f J¤¤¤¤¤ ------—-· 23*% 413 Linthicum mm, n. 0., for Army, Surgeon-Gcncra·l’S 0506 · -33,113» 349 appropriation for interest Ou ,, ,.,.. 160 for P0st—Ofiice D6p2bI‘tm0D1i ..-- . . - - - - · · - · 409 tb], Payment Of ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ___,__,. , 466 for Treasury Department . -·-·· 220, 26G» 442 yngmfglwr, John, Library of Congress, palvmenttm ______ __ ______ ____ __,._... 579 8·]>p1‘0pria.tion for salaries in . . 23, 215, 290 Mnggnfvum., Mich,,,,;, ior purchase of books {0I` ...· - ------ 23, 215; 390 Pension to _ ____ _ _____, _ __,,,.,... . . . . . 547 for contingent 6XpG11SGS of .·-- -·· ------ 215,390 Lmwgmpjuing and Mapping, for furniture for . - .-.-- - ·---— · -··-- 272 appropriation {0;-___ ____ _ ,.. . 71, 278, 455 for purchase of Yorks cg art ft): . ..·- - 281 for dggcigncy fm-, in departments · -- - 114 joints committee o two ouses 0 prov: c . P · _ _ additional accommodations for .. 165 I"m“ K‘"‘€"“'i'“ RW"} W Va ’ 0 f l-. i I _ H 191 475 . . - a»pp1·0pr1a.tion for imprcvom ut 0 , three additional u,SS1Si38·T\iS to be °mP]°Y°d· 4 Ljttlg Mary JG'/16, in ,..,.,. ...-- ···--— · --·-· ’ tm 1I____________ ____ 569 I/{come, paymeu .. .. . . .- · Little Na amen Bay, R. L, of vcSs;iio1iv1i1¢$:tsis1li>zj,itei;ctJ of . 44 oppropmion for improvement of 184, 469 Life saving sem, Um R°°’€» 4"‘·> f umhouse and ,,0,,. ¤»PpI0priation for salaries in ofdce of ..27, 220, 395 appropzéutxoxi or co 259, 435 for (]g§gig]](;i9si1]_, .. ..-·--• --·- -•-·241»429 0 00a" ---· -·-· ···· ······""'