Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/9

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. ~ . IX 1’•¢¤· fhansportalton of dutlablc goods. An act to amend the statutes in relation to immediate transporta- _ tion of dutiable goods, and for other purposes. June 10, 1880 . . . . .. 173 Umleal Ctatcs courts, Tennessee. An act to establish a district and circuit court at Chattanooga, lézéinuessee, and to add the county of Grundy to the eastern district of Tennessee. June 11, - ---~- -— -·---- ----- -·-·- . --. .. .. . . . 175 City laaslionug B¢ml0i]lllauie•l1ca{Ier, M An aetJauth;>fiz}é1& the City National Bank, of Manchester, GW amps ue c ange i name. une . . . . ..,.. .- ,.., ,,-- ,,;, _,_, 176 - Th meas Owens, William; Martin. An act authorizing the President of the United States to nominate Eoctaégs) Thomas Owens and William Martin, assistant surgeons United States Navy. June , -. -·-- - ·-..--.. --. .. . . . . .- . ... 176 Pos!-Ofioe Department, appropriations. An act makin appropriations for the service of the Post- Offiee Department for the Hscal year ending §nne thutieth, eighteen hundred and eighty· ono, and or other pmposes. June 11, 1880 I .. . . . . 177 "Kale Sull¢m," of Bufalo, steam-yaohl. An aet.1;0 change the name of the ste. m-yacht "Kate Sutton," of Buifalo, to that of "L0raine," of "Oak Orchard." June 14, 1880 -. . 179 "E. Il. 1Sr_uaut," steam-yacht. An act to change the name of the steam-yacht "E. R. Bryant," of Rochester, to “Summerland? June 14, 1880 -. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 179 "Mm~i%}z," xgloojé-yachtii Anfact to change the namggiof the sloopyacht "M&Il3»h," of Rochester, ew or to t at 0 "T0urist.’ June 14 1 ... 180 Sluopyavhl An act authorizing the changing the name of the sloop-yacht America. June 1 14, .. . ... . . . ...-. .. . . . . 80 Rivers and harbors appropriations. An act making appropriations for the construction, repair, completioii, ancgopreservation of certain works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. 180 June 14 18 . .. - . . . . . .. Nimmo, yacht., An act to change the name of yacht Niantic to that of Hildegarde. June 14, 1880. 197 Texas, United Slam: district courts. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to create the northern judicial district of the State of Texas, and to change the eastern and western judicial disnricxs of said State, and to fix the time and places of holding courts in said districts," approved February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine. J unc 14, 1880 [98 Transportation of duliable goods. An act to amend an act entitled "A.n act to amend the statutes in rggaétion to immediate transportation ofdutiable goods, and for other purposes." June 14, [98 rm Hnm·1}»iiu·tit}éa¥lidhég(;AH 9[é¤`a`i{£o§{dé rb?%iib`E1é}»béLtfb}`£i.é`i‘6£fEllie}` Lihiéiiy 198 reservation. June 15 1 .. . . . . . . . . . . .. I . . . . Wickford Harbor light-house undfog-bell. An act making an aippropriation for the erection of u. lighthouse and fog-bell on Old Gay Rock at the entrance 0 Wickford Harbor, Narragansett Bay. wg Junel5,188U ,... .- .. .. . . . . . . ... .. . . ..-. Utc Indiana in Colorado, sale of reservation. An act 10 accept and ratify the agreement submitted by the coufederated ban s of Ute Indians in Colorado for the salc of their reservation in said State, and fori lothego purposes, and to make the necessary appropriations for carrying out the 199 same. une c, . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Post-roads. An act to establish post-roads. June 15, 1880. . ... t -.: . . .. . . t. . . 205 Legislative, executive, and judicial approprlalums. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for e fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and for other purposes. June 15, 1880 ... . 210 Steambgal " Boaz·dman."An act t0` change the name of the steamboat "L. Boardman " to “River 237 elle. June 15 1880 . .. . . . . .. . . . ...-. ..·- -.--. .- Public lands. An act relating to the public lands of the United States. .lune_15,_1880 - . _ .. 237 Deficiency aj¥1r0_prwtgons.l An act making appropriationshfio suplplyddcéicieiéeies the (appropriations or the sca year ending une t irtiet cig een un re an eig y an or prior years, and for those certified as due by the accounting officers of the Treasury accordance with section four of the act of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, heretofore paid from permanent appropriations, and for other purposes. June 16, 1880 . . 28B_ Sundry civil approprialabns. An act making appropriations for the sundry GIVII espenses of thefcvernment for the fiscal year cxuling June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, an for 259 otherpurposes Juncl 188 .. .. . . ··----:- ·-·- ---- ··-- - ·---- Pensions. An act to increase the pensions of certain pensioned soldiers and sailors who are utterly helpless from injuries received or disease contracted while in the United States service. 281 ‘ June 16 1880 .. . .. . . .. .- ...-.. - ·---- - ---· --·-- --·- --·- Publioéruilding, Tolzdiz, Ohio. mln actlgorlgge construction of a building for the use of the United 282 tau-s at To 0 Ohio. une ~ - ... .- ..-- · »---- · ·---· - ----·-·--- · ---- - -·-- ' Mississippi River Logging Company, shec;·-booms. An act to authorize the Mississippi River Lowng Company to construct and operate sheer-booms at or near Straight Slough.- June 16, 1 282 Portsmouth, Ohio, port of delivery. Anszgt to constitute the city of Portsmouth, m the State of Ohio, 283 a rt ful' . J e16 1 . .-.. .. ..---. ---· ·--- ---· · -·--- ·~ -·---- . FifleenthPa)nd Oslntgelalzrldwsozlg Caaah-gv Pfoluinteers, rjllef eg. lééio act for the relief of the Fifteenth 283 and Sixteenth Missouri ava ry o un eers. une i, .. .- -:-. .. . - ... Key West, Fla., navalluhgrf. Afniaet nlnakirig an lzppzgépriation for the erection of a. naval wharf at 283 Key West in e tate 0 lori a. une. .. Yakima land dislricl, Washington Territory. An act creating Yakima. land district in Washington 283 Territory. June 16, 1880 .. .. . ... ._.-. Claims against the District of Columbia, to Court of Claims. act to providetor the settlement of all outstanding claims agiainst the ]?i?rict of Columbia, and congeipéiég _|ur1sd1ction on the 284 Court 0 Claims Lo earl e same an or ot or urposes. une . . . Settlers on. public lands, void entries. An act for the relic? of certain settlers on the public lands, and to provide lor the repaylnent of certain fees, purchase money and commissions paul on V01d 287 entries of public laude. J uno 16. 1880 --·-· ·--- —— ---—-----——-·--— —- --—-~·--·— - ---—---~