Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/901

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INIQEX. 871 1'¤u¢~¤» R··»fu~¤`H·. Pm Peo: charge, Pm Plggggmgutlgo ····· · ····· · -----··--- · ·—--- 633 of A¤1?l‘i0¤»Dér11d foreign vessels under State , • . _ - t . » r=~y¤¤<=¤¤ *6 - ---·- - ----- - --·-----------~-. 617 tivdéugsigsil?.??????????.????????} 442 Phelps, J. tW, 617 PiL.kert0n, James H., paymen to .. . . . . ‘ omestead. d - t'l1t· Phelps, Martha M. Hanserd, late, Piper, James hl} aii1d64S;i:a%a,l0n mg wstomd to 539 payment to ,. . . ., . . , , _ , ,,,... 577 payment to , __,, . __.,,,._,.,,_,_, , ,,,,__ 569 Philadelphia, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., appropriation for salaries, etc., in mint construction of public building at, authorat --------------------- · ----· 2. 23.223.399 ized . .. .. .. 142 <T·»fi<=i<=r¤¤=i<=¤ in ------------------· -- - 240. 428 appropriation for public building at. . 259, 4;;:. in office of assistant treasurer at 23, 222,397 port of entry, privilege of immediate transibr post-ofhco and courthouse, eontinu- portation of dutiablo goods to, aning work . . 259, 435 thorizod .--. .. . . .. . 174 for maintenance of naval hospital at 86. 335 Plans, for naval asylum. . .. . .- . .86, 394 appropriations for, for public buildings . .265, 441 port of entry, pri vilegc of immediate trans- Plants, portation of dutiable goodsto, author- 1 4 Plappropriation for distribution of .. 2:2, 294, 382 ized . . . . . . . . . 7 atta, enjamin, g , ‘· , ,· · · ·· . p¤·y¤nentt<>.. . . .. .. 565 "‘””"”"é'iZ$4£}’§’t'2ffZ’3?4€ »’é2”Z%]""°"‘ °f P" P--—¤··mz··. N- Y-. Bppmpriation for c0mP,,m,,g msu of WOO], apprgprrfation forimprovement of harbor at. 181 ctc_,. M, publication of report Oi- _ _ _ 384 ug to way., etc., onUn1tod Statesland at. 44 Pm3m:;;,,? g" 565 PZSz7c(tgt;.i?:Iy"¢i(i‘7'li?eas11ryto give certificate neat PIB"? 8 Jéhn ''°‘`’° ‘ ''''‘'' cattle for shipment abroad are not M {Epub t0’ 562 affected with. . . 442 1)],[,k[;;p8 I M in- no-- an--l nu H--H t--` Plowrum, Matilda, tm""---------- 0n____________ 581 paymentto .. . ... .»62 P1iiiaitg0lt1a4u.4 Urmbrry, _ _ _ _ {L mhut to ’ _ 614 inspector of, for District oi Columbia, au- ,,,3, Mum; '‘‘‘’ thormed, duties oi, prescribed ... 318

  • 1 °]£* M10 ‘> 581 a ppropriation for salary of . .. .. .. 461

,,,9;; °N ,, ···· ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘‘‘ deficiency in . . ...------· .. . 426

m@1;fLHt“tJ“”> 58, Pmmly, Lucinda,

. ·. ‘ _ ‘ " ‘'’’’'''''`` paymentto . . ... -.. .. .-.. 648 P]"""p’¤ ’S:'1:h# ,,.9 Plyley, John P., deceased, P”¥"*°“ . ······ · ····· · ········‘ · ‘‘‘‘‘ " "" payment to administrator of .. . .-. 624 Plutlllpk, WI.Il|.G’IIl., r lnlymouth, Md8B_, P”'Ym°nt t°; ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘’‘' ‘ ‘’' °62 appropriation for improvement of harbor I’imzg£’·tg-» M8 at . .. . . . . 180,469 · ··‘··‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘’ ‘ "‘' " ` Poe Arm l 1’h.iZIips W S. ’ ’ payment to ... . ...---.---------- 633 p£8¥;?,;$?t to ``````````` `"` 'U "` '````` 568 PM'”"'=m George Md PM`! payment to executor of . . . . .. . 568 Paymwli **0 ------ · -----·-·-----· · ·--··- -- im 1>oj)”é4»1m·ge4·, Andrew, acimirzismtor of Henry, Plwfolithographirg, payment to . . .. -... . ..---- 581 appropriation for, for PatentOffice Gazetgte, O poympp,-gm-, Hwy, etc ,..., . .. . 2i ,233 4 9 payment to . ..-.. 621 deficiencies in . ...--·------ _ -·-- -- - - 7420 Point (imnception Light Station, Gal., for- reproducing copies of dl‘=1»\\‘1llgS d0- appropriation for rebuilding station at 437 stroyed by fire at I’¤·t6Hi¤ 06600. -·--- 233 1’ointAux Barqurs, Luke Huron, Piankeahaw Indians, l appropriation for widows and children of I r appropriation for interest on non-paying _ S111‘i¤lB11 Wl1G p01‘1Sh6d M .. .. -. .. 208 stocks held in trust for . . . . 132, 502 Prices, fatiou for pay of Ca, Noi 23 26 212 lm . . p rop 1 , . Piclfmngv Samueh 624 lor the Metropolitan, D. B . 160,374:46) 44E3E3E3i4E?.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘`‘‘ f{’f*’“y°§“ }¤3jr¤; IM?-, -·--- ;,-,,6 ;31·’·°1 »n·~¤·¤=~¤<>¤ for =~·¤¤»r<¤¤» ec-- of- -· ----- 12*% 4**8 “"fIJ?& ..°...‘??1??T.T"T‘Z.f’..‘???.¥`. 34,414 Pierce, Alfred J., administrator, r policy (pm-;, paynleutkiilg, ----·- - -··-- - ----------- · · - - *81 appropriation forggn District of Columbi:-14.161, 463 Pierce Par `0· Pol that Crimea and jrnsee tax ,refunded to, .. .. . . . . . .. . .. 587 persons charged with, not subject to extra.- Pigg, Ransom P., dition under convention with the paymentto ... . . . . 565 Netherlands .. . 771 P'lce Co ni Ga. P lif: l Diubilitiee ltrmisiierigd fiom Northern to Southern q·é,;;gVcd ;`p0m— ’ United States district court . .. . . 62 i Bagby, Arthur P ... 526 Pilgrim, Maurice F., Beall, William N. R . 526 payment to . ... . . .. . .. . . 251 Brooke, Jol1u M.. -. - . .. .. .. 557 Perego- cmppewa adam, , BM. W¤·l*¤¤ R ---——- - — ---------—----·- appropriations for iustallinenis, etc., to ,.118, 488 A Qlay, Clement C .. . . ... glp on Wliite Earth reservation, appropmation (»341`lJ€l', J ohnuthan H ... . p fc,. ______________ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 129, 499 Galt,`Franc1s L. . . . . . . . . deficiency ,,,,,,,,.,),,,.,,,,;,0,, for __________ , _ 430 Harrison, James F .. -120