Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/903

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INDEX. 873 P PWS of Er¢iry—Copbmuod._ _ aged Post Routes—~Cenbinued. Page' provisions granmng privilege of inxmcdiato established intrausporbamou of duitable goods from Amon ___________ _ 12 92 353 . P01"€S of Bhtry to ports of final desi;} Alkzmsas` ``°`'````’ Z ’ V, nation extended my · · ’``'`'‘`'‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 21*91*z06>3"‘$ > _ - Cahforma .,_,__ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ gg gg 353 Port Huron, Mich ______ __ ____ _ _______ __ 174 colorado ______ * >, Portland Me · '`‘‘'‘‘‘ 12* 92* $54 » · ---- — ——»—· - - - — --·· - --·-· · · 174 Connecticut ,_____ __ __________ _ _____ _ _ _ g2 355 £g§§;*j(j1d£"i§¥·H · - -··- · -· · ——-- - -- —--- - E2 Bafota » ~--4. .. . 12, 205, 206, 93; ass ’ ’ ‘‘‘‘ " ‘··· ····· ······· €9»W3=I'€> . . .. . . ...__ ____2()_38 35" P°r“.R°Y"#l» S- C --··-~--·--·---- - ------ 174 Florida ..., 39 92 205 20d35E gf1‘§}’];°L“”§{» R- I ·-·· · ··-- - -»-· -- -——---- · gpolpgia -·---.--·~ . 1i3,21,3i9,93;206;356 _ . ·--· -- -·-- ·--·--··.. Q, 0_ _____ __ ________ __________·¢ c I l*9hm<;¤<*» Va ----·- · -·--·---·----- 174 Illinois . . 1:; 22 §$‘3i’§32’§€$ Saints Joseph, Mo. . . . . .. 174 Indiana. ,,.,. _ __ , _____ i 14, 39, Q5, 206, 157 8**}*]* L°“iS» Mo ---·-- - ·----------—·-·-- 174 Indian Territory . . i iii_ i "205°€;:5g Saint Paul, Mlllll ·· - . .. . . . . . 174 Iowa, _______ _ _ _ ______ _ _ U 207, 357 Mm Mm ·------—-- —- ------ -—-- -- 174 Kansas .. ..:it;jr1¤i·39 s>¤'z0·/za` SM Dl°€4°», CM —--- - ----· - -—-·-—-------- 174 Konmcky .. . . .14, 22; so 92,* zo! Sw F¤m°1S0°» 0**1 -·---- -— ----· -- ---- - W4 Louisiana . 15 22 :;o’97’90s’35e Savannah, Ga ------ . . . . .-.. 174 Maine .,,_______ _____ ____ __i__i15:g7,g()7:3(;0 S‘*¤*°*`d» Dél — -··—· -------~-- ~ 174 Maryland .. , . ..._ 1.5,39 ogigov 354; T9»mP9» Bay, Fla .. . ... . 174 Michigan __________________ _ ____ 15; gg; 207; 360 Toledo, Ohio . .. 174 Minnesota . , . . . . . .16, 22, 39, 98, 207, 361 W}l¤·}¤gt<>¤, Cal ---.-... . .. 174 Mississippi . ..,,._ 1(5,22,99,2()8, 352 Wilmington, Del .. . 174 Missouri . 16, 22, 99, 208. 361 Wilmington, N. C . . . . . . 174 Montana .. . . . . . . 15,99,363 Perrtsmoutlg, N, lf., _ Nf>l>1‘¤·Ska -------- ·--»---~--- 16, 99, 208, 363 appropriationmr maintenance ofnaval has- N evada ...__. _ , , . ,,.,,, , ,,.,_,_,, . . , , . 100, 365 pim} at . ... 86 335 New Ham shire. . . . . ... 363 for improvement of harbor at . .. . 180; 469 New Jcrscg . . . . ... 100, 363 port; of entry, privilege of immediate trans- New Mexico 16, 100, 208, 363 ' porbation of dutiable goods to, au- New York . . 16, 101, 2025, 364 thorized . . . ... . . 174 North Carolina ._,,,, __ _ _ ____ 17, 39, 100, 209, 355 Portsmouth, Qhio, I Ohio .. . 18, 101, 207, 366 port of delivery established at . . . 283 Oregon ., , __,,,,_,___ _ _ ________ 17, 102, 355 surveyor and collector for port of, an- Pennsylvania ,,,_ , ,, , ____,,_,,_ 17, 102, 207, $(56 tshcrized; salary of collector rated. . 283 Rhode Island . ..,,,._,.,_,,_ ,_ _ , 368 Portsmouth,, Va., South Carolina . 17, 22, 102, 209, 368 appropriation for rebuilding wharf at buoy Tennessee ... 18, 39, 103, 104, 209, 369 and supply depot at 262 Texas . ... 18, 22, 40, 105, 205,209, 369 Post-Ojioe Buildings, _ Utah . . ..,.. . . 1025, 210, 370 at Baltimore, Md., purchase of site, cost, 1 66 xermont . ... .. . ... . .. 19, 371 etc ,,.,.. .. .. .. 2 irginia . . . . . . ..19, 40 1 6,210 371 Danville, Va., purchase of site and ercc— i Washington . . . 19: 107, 210; 371 tion of, authorized . . . . . . 65 West Virginia. . 20, 107, 210, 371 Montgomery, Ala., construction of, au- wisconsin . . . 20, 22, 40, 102%, 210, thorizcd . . . 142 yoming . . . ... Pittsburgh, Pa., construction of, author- Post-/{auto Mapa, f 177 375 ized _____, , _.,..,..,. . . ,... #142 appropriations or .. . . .. . .. . . ‘ appropriations for, continuing work on, and deficiency .. Z. . . .: _. . . . . ,249 completion of ____ __ __ ____________, 259, 435 sale of, authorized; disposition oi proceeds V Post-O]7ice'Department, _ _ of · ----· - ----------- - -—--- » - - - --·· 177, 37v appropriations for salaries, etc,, 111.23, 29, 234, 410 Postage, _ _ for salaries in office ofA11ditor ofTreas1érg1 592 appropmatgons lforh for 1’oshg)iiitce €epart£79 W7 f th ________ _ _____________ 23 2 ‘ 8 ‘ , men unc er mvcrsn os a 111011. ,f for fiigéugcup rooms in __,.., , _. t . .1260;*153 fo1` TI`€0»Si11`)’ D6pM'/0¤l0l1lr -------·-- - - · -920, 395 for lithographing, mapping, and engravé'78 4N ;`o1‘g?V?»1‘ D<>}E¤·Ftm•i¤i1 - - -- ----· · --··. · _ ____ __ __________ ____ . or n emor epar men `... , ... , dggégpgies in __,__, . _.,_ . .. . 71;11Z Postage Stamps, _ _ for purchase of postal-card canceling and approprlamon for, for Senate .. 23,421% 387 post-marking machine ... . .. 177 ior House ... i; . . ... 23, 21.:, 3tSQ for contingent expenses of the .. . 235,412 for manufacture ol, che . . . . 179, 370 dgfigjgngy for ___________r_______ i _ _ _ 249, 423 for Copgrggslolml l_{(·)(]()I‘(l 33]]; {30 leg;;,- V for additional compensation of engmeer QM S Stix1Q;:; Hé.0t_ 34o of th ______ __ ______________ ,,... . cor ari _ _·_ * for defncigncy for salaries, etc., in money- 249 Iél&k§r&]{0g;1:Egi1;l upon Postniastcrglw 413 · · - ·------ GU--·--··-—·-· ~ · - - ··· v forfupda? gig] . . 423 for deficiencies for, for master addressed to to be credited with official postagcstainps Postal ·Un1on countries .. 1 . 249 required by several (leparmnents of Pos/al Appraprzctwvas, 177 374 government .. . .237, 413 mall depredations . . . ... 177, _;7l_ uso of appropriations for oxpocliting mgvwos 72 P3Sl7·TE{ll#60m21PS ...» . . . ...-· - ·----... 177, $$7;; ‘t‘ l qt · ( , oh'bii,e . a ver 1s1n . . . . . . . . _ ... , ; dcficicggi§s)inda1;p?~i>ii‘;i;rd?>risrfe; the ., 423 pggf poirgasggrséiggrliglagd ié;. Pigbéliliglfed in- gent, i'ur11i1;nre, and miscellaneous 178, Alabama .. , 11,21, 38, 90, 205, 352 i trausportamou .. . ..--- - ·-·-----· 178.-*%