Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/923

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INDEX. 893 Stone, A., P°g°‘ p Sumumerlmad “g° payment; to .,,, __,_ ______ _ ________ Stone, Iredell, · ··- ..•· M8 mme :£1f:a(!;y&cEg R` Bryant' of Boch` s»5’3Z“3?55,“2».; ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘· · ················· **3** ·*··g;_·mng¤tg9¤»?·Zg `‘``°`’`‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ "” payment to . ,,____ ________ m ·····---- · ·--- ---· -- -. 569 sm, sam; W., . · ·· *1 Wpyglfgvc W, ' ¤ 1; d•·· · · ---··- - ·--·· . .- 583 siFZ5»$ZZ2W$°JZh$'a$%$“’“°“ °f‘ ·‘··· · ······ 564 hmggmjggrv F. t f [}H.yll'l(i1'][f[]() ________ ___ _______ L __________ 621 Suits 1mP!`°V°m6¤ 0 ---- - 482 w . ¤ 1 , ‘St°""· ‘@;‘yw; B·> Wd Ma"}! A-, WWWY8 of m ¤1=¤;¤e BLS5H?!? @116 Unite? States, appro- · rm 1011 or cxpensoo defe di .--277 4:2 , r>¤~vm¤¤t to · · · ·--·- ---· -- ·-·------ -·- 617 m °1¤·¤11¤ 6.116 the United S|;g.1;eg_T__IT€__ g77’4g`3 iszrmer, 1’m·tm·, Sul hate of Quinina ’

I>€¤)’11;0Db go executrix of ,_____ _ _____ _ _____ 617 gee from custom; duties ____     48

omng 0n onn. Swndry Oiuil ¢‘ gmc;` ```````' ` ”»l°PI`0PI‘iM10¤ kb! improvement of hm-bm- appwpriabizvfipe fop, ___________ _ __________ 259 435 Slm M ;g ------·--- ---- ---- -- --- .190,469 S&°; ; 1?kg¤g ¤ppm{1dutions for,g.mem10d_ __ ’ 51

   en on ,

approprnotxou for erection of military, at of O0¤¤¤§, to receive and transmit census Omaha; Nd)? --------- - - -... . ... 33 mal]-qlobtor free of postage .,-,,, , _ _ _ 75

 * ’ ·· • —--· ---· --•--· --.. -.. -.- 45 to   lD£.0EXg1&£i€£1 O§OWu3f§hiI) of fhg

»·, u ic e o e mm totes 7f’

 to • · · —· · ·--- - ----· ·· -·-.     Of ra;]-roads, GXPTQSS (iOITl[)8,]]'i0S, gljdijlguf. )
 6 era uce compmucs `ro t f H .1

11].t01‘l]!L] ieveuue, appropriation for gg.];,;,. Y65H` 1lGM‘0Si1 to J 111113 icliggfg . . é . 75 dm 1j;>¤» $2*% of ---- - ----- - -. 23, 27, go, 395 mWYig££10Y §KP0T;S to colicct oridésouotc 01 R01 Sm »... . . .--- .--_ , ______ { 415 ma, 1011 0 0 ~`bb Stout Isaiah ’ Unibod. Status . . . . . 0. of 75 I I'‘ ' payment to . . . . . ..___ _ _____ _____ 635 *0 Héiéwg if §¤}11¤01?¤·fo1‘S, W1-, fb? ¢0¤’<>°t· _gwtL- ceues 76 l;;,!,};;`; to Luciuda widow of 583 be collect and publish statistics and indus- Stover, Joseph, -`-- U"19»]- P080k1I00s of Alaska, _______ _ ____ 76

 payment to ______   ______   _________   563 of GO‘b~;;$;:?§?;  Iélgfpitgi for th; I¤S=>»¤<>i

{ ,g lD um 1a oma. eanuua, T;?m8:1:1;g ’ ____ _____ 569 gpogyé reéceipts sénzl oxpeuditures. . 156 Sz 7 _ S l ' "" nc 0 0 swing crvice, a, propxia- ‘;;9h;£"€§’4> 280 none for salaymes, ctc., in o£ee of. 220, 395 SImd67_ VawnM% 0 life-savipg stamens, appropmsmons for pavment to . . . . . . 578 of nat$g'}1°;E1°:$ °t°£é vf ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ *1* hr" · {wor 437 S,. ·; J h 11 me ries a,ppropr1a. 10D. or ZY3i5S3E3k til Y'... . . . ..--. , _ 619 M of -—---- -—-- - —-—-·-·-- ”'·"=‘“· Mmwlwm William"‘ of Nava.1 Obecwamory at Washington, to paymmft to ’ 583 select site for Observatory . . .. .. 65

 `'’ ‘ ''’'°'’' of ra.11wa.y mail service, allowed pay for

Sir zder Samuel W. . . pa {lent to ’ 614 actual expenses while tmvohng, ap- St,. ny , · '``'''''''` ‘ '‘'‘‘‘ " ‘ propxiation for . - - --·-- 177. 374 0 g, Eliza.!. . . . . pzwmgm to 564 of Post-Office biiildmg, appropriation for _ S¤··~>·i·»» L¤·=#~», Su ,,,,,-S,$,°"“§,§’;';$$*6*;t°;¢°;£·,;,;,,;· ···· · ···· · ···· ”"· "“ paymmt to ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘·····•······· 569 gpproprgatiou for salmgies I?]/:!{;m00 of . .23, 217 392 Stucgt, .CohgkG. , administrator of Samuel Sqvely, Supglgwqs of g;w;e.,, 8,w ’ P ym AH 0 -------· · ·---- - ------·..-.---- au omze 0 amsmib and receive census Study, Dand, deccageti, mail-ma/m:er free of postage . 75 PEUIDGIUQ 410 ad-Tm!11$u'9·170¥ of -·------ - ----- 579 Supreme Court, United States, Stump, Phdqr S., · appropriation for salaries of judges, etc., payment to . . . . .. 634 of...z.. . ... . .. 23,235,412 Sturgeon Bay! Was., for defijznying expenses of the. .. 277, 454 appropmatiou for range-hghts on . . 437 deheumcy ui .. . . . 249 Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wis., for printing and binding -. .. . . . . 455 appropgacgii for improvement of hatb0ié reports of, to be furnished certain judges 0 re ge at- proviso .. , and courts . . . 4'4 Stutts, John R., , Supreme Court, District of Columbia, O payment to .. . . .-.. .. 559 appropriation for salaries ofjudges, ctc., of Subsidiary Coin, the; proviso .. .. 23, 41, 236,412 redemption of legal tender . . .. ... 7 for defmyiug expenses of the ... 277, 454 Subsistence, reorganization of .-... 167 appropriation fog, for Army . . .31, 111, 347 jurors for, cause of challenge of . .. 167 for dciicicncy 111 . ... . ... 431 Supreme Comet, Wyoming, stores, $2.10 of, to 0m0B1'S and mcu 32 a,pp1·0pr1a/moi: for prepming zmd pubhshing Q-uddeth Edwina O'. at al. reports of the ..·. - --·.~-· ·- --·----- 404 L paiyufent to . .. 563 Swrfmem, Sugar jyom S0;·ghu»m,, appropriemjaiou fol: pay of crews Of] at 11fB- .upp1·0pria,i1io11 for experiments in manufaic- g¤·Vll1gf’zl·T»1011S ·--- ---- -· --·- - ----- 261,457 iz f .. . . . ... . . ... urgoon- mwra rmy SuZZira¢z’su;(ia(;zd, S. 0., appropriation; for galaxies, ctc., in officp appropriation for improvement of . 192 of - ----------- · ---··--·---- 23. z27S40B