Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1065

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appropriation for contingent expenses of
pension ........................... 175, 43'2
for employes at Indian .................
for salaries of agents at Indian ......... 69, 433
for contingencies of .................. 434'
appropriation for salaries of Indian ...... 0, 433
for pension ........................... 175, 431
tbr salaries oC, at seal fisheries ......... 314,612
deficiency for ........................
for payment to, for collection, etc., of
bounty, prize money cc., to colored
soldiers and sailors ................. 393
for ptal ............................. ,
for distbution of postal notes, etc.; com-
pensation; boud ................... 597
ljastiu claims to swamp lands, appro-
printion for ........................
gnel, Hyacinthe brt,
payment to hei and legal reprentatives
of .................................
Jgoaltaral Collies,
act donating public lands for, amended.. - 484
loan of endowment fund ot of Sta of
Iowa, authorized ................... 50
ppropriation for repo on, for I-' ....
for 1, proviso ........................
pnting and dbution of repo on, of
Tenth Censns ......................
Alture, Drtt o
sppprtions for the .................... ,
for purcha and distribution of e.., 410
for repaim of oun, ere ..............
mmov of simn otc., f i-
lion, At ........... 3
sap Harbor,
appropriation for impvement of .........
Ai, D.
paymen to ............................. 3,
Akin, Jamo
mtion of pension to .................. 7
n, ,,
paymen to astfix of ..............
mus establh ............. 14, ,
public lands in Sta of, exempt kom
operation of minel-ld laws ......
a Ci,
blhnt of e Co of z
miione of .......................
appropfiaon for paeng of juden for
lama er,
appmpation for improving of. ........
A labt and 8r
duty on .................................. 511
appropriation for ta, etc., of agents
at al hedes ................. 314, 6t2
deficy, for ..........................
for protection of al fisheri, in ......... 612
t-utes established in ................
ppmpdation, etc., for pubHa bd-
ings at .............................
Jlny, V. Y.,
appropriation for public building aS ..... ,
ter of di nr for noh
tct of, etc., ag ....................
duty on, unmauufu .................
mljudicatioa of claims of capto of he,...
exempt from duty ................ , .......
duty on preparaio of .................. 494
Alcorn, Henry,
payment to .............................. 790
duty on .................................. 503
Alexander, Charles F.,
payment to .............................. 660
Alexander, Isaac,
payment to .............................. 673
Alexander, James,
payment to .............................. 673
Alexander, James and Samuel R., Ee#ors of
James B., deceased,
payment to .............................. 673
Alexan&r, Ky.,
payment to .............................. 673
Alexander, aws,
payment to ............................. 779
lexander, M. H.,
paymen to .............................. 724
Alexands, S.
payment to .............................. ' 673
A lizarine,
natural or aificial, exempt from duty .... 516
Alk, Tkomas,
pension anted to ....................... 7
Allegheny River,
appropriatb n for improvement of he .... 198
A!l, Bjamin, debased,
payment to Williamson Allen, admiuistra-
. tot of ...........................
Alien, gliah A., administralrix of m. [ 673.
paymenS to ..............................
Allen, Eugene B.,
payment o ..............................
Al!, Hekia, das,
payment to widow of .................... 779
Alle% Jas .,
payment ......... .................... 660
Atto, Jon M.,
payment to .............................
Ali, Marrzt
paymen to ................ : .............
Allen, . B,
paymen to .............................. 674
Al, Will
payment to .............................. 674
Alien, llm, sun 9 admintrator of Ben-
janin, d,
pamen to .............................. .
n, William A.,
paymen to ..............................
l, arz 751, D.C.,
eling of, authz ....................
uare 1, D. G., elg of, sathorned .. 4
t chang ............................
Allison, Kimbro, deoas,
payment to execur of ................... 674
llis, J.,
payment to .............................. 7
Allman, Gge T., deastd,
paen$ to execu of ..................
llmond, . Z, adistrat,
payment to ..............................
apppation for, to widows and hei of
consular and diplomatic oce .... 1,
duty on ..................................
payment to .............................. 791
Almaha Rtr,
appprlation for pmvement of J ........
Allmann, Marzel,
homeste entry by, authoz ..........
dut on ................................. 4