Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1067

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1040 1SDEX. ?4ppropriatlm?s--Continued. Page. correction of error, in act for ............ 394 for consular and diplomatic service ...... 1'28, 424 for Department of Justice ............... 335,630 for postal service ......................... 5'2, 453 for support of the army .................. 117, 4'56 for military academy .................... 1'23, 416 for naval service ....................... 284,472 for naval academy ...................... 293,478 for marine corps ........................ 295, 479 for pensions ............................ 174,431 for Indian servi2e ........................ 6 -, 433 for fortifications ......................... 93, 471 for river and harbor improvements ........ 191 for deficiencies, etc ................... 7,257, 5?2 for the temporary support of the Govern- ment ......................... 384,390, 39'2 for salaries and expenses of territorial gov- ernments ......................... '235. 548 for Tenth Census ................ 2, 4, 267,331,636 for preliminary surveys and examinations of rivers and harbors ............... 213 for support of District of Columbia ...... 135, 46'2 for Agricultural Department ............. 89, 408 for printing report of Commissioner of A?riculture ........................ 395 ibr civihzation and instruction of Indians.80, 445 for transportation of supplies to Indian agencies ........................... 80, 450 ibr extension, etc., of Washington Aque- duct ............................... 169 for public buildinge under control of Treas- ury Department ............... 280, 603, 612 fuel, lights, water, ere ................. 381,612 for compensation of railway pest-office clerks, mute ageat? mes12nger? etc., con?olidaiaon of .................... 180 for monument commemorative of battle of Monmouth ........................ 152 for Army, etc., use of, for c?rtain purposes, prohibited ......................... 119 tbr salaries in offices of surveyors-general, eta ............................... '250, 2.51 for contingent axpenses in offices of sur- veyore-general, eto ............... 325, 621 transfer of certain deficiency ............. 8 for expertram of sale of Urnstills Indian reservation land& Oregon .......... 298 for settlement of claims arising from illness and burial of the late l?esident, James A. Garfield .................. 284 for navy-yards and stations t etc .......... 324, 620 for expenses of paxties to observe the tran- sit of Venus ........................ 323 for expense of removal of certain men? from expo&tion, Atlanta, On.. 3 for base and pedestal of monument to late Rear-Admiral Du Pont. ? ........... 4 for relief of Eastern Shawnee Indians ..... 7 for statue to the memory of Chiet:Justice Marshall ........................... to General James A. Garfield ........... for purchase of Freedman's Bank building, etc ................................ 29 for continuing work on Davis Island Dam. 30 tbr purchase and distribution of seeds, etc .................................... 44 for removal of obstructions from Hell Gate. for observation and exploration in the Arctic 8ess ........................ 384 tbr expenses of Congressional Committee, Centennial Celebration, etc., at New- burgh, N. Y ........................ for making certain changas and repairs at Capitol ............................ 9 for room for storage of property, etc., in the Government Printing Office ......... 637 Page. A?propriations--Continue?l. for payment to Burlington, Cedar Rapid, and Northern Railway Company .... 401 for printing, binding. paper, et .......... ;?34.6'29 for allowance to widows and heirs of de- ceased diplomatic and consular offi- cers .............................. 135, 430 for monument to Major-General the Baron De Kalb ........................... 421 for payment of Japanese indemnity fund.. 421 for payment (o officers and crew? of U.S. steamships Wyoming and Jamesso wn? ere ................................ 421 for erection of public building, Jefibrsou City, Me ........................... 453 for refund of ce?ain money t? State of Georgia ............................ 4? forextra clerks to ?jus? accounts of funds, etc., of ?ldie?' Home .............. 5? ?queduet, WasMngto?, D.C., appropriation for extension of ............ 169 for ?psirs and maintenance of ........... 4? Ara?sas Pass and Bay? T?., for maintenance of ............... ] ...... 136, ? appropriation for improvement of ........ 194 appropriation for installment, etc., to.. 71, 75, ? for ?moval of, in In,an Territory ...... 4? for subsistence, etc., of ................. 82, 445 for ?mages from mid of the ........... ? for ?building sch?l-hou? on ?erva- tion of the ......................... 86 deficiency appropriation for the ........ 9, 47, 2? Ar&?s H?e l?ir?, Va., appropriation for ?provement of ........ 198 Archtrot of the Ca?tol, appropriation for salaries, etc., in the offi? of the ....................... ?0, ? for ?ov? ? ? ?th-r?ma ......... 9 for payment ? ?1? d?ng o?ui? of late ?ident ................... 314 authorized to make ce?ain c?n? ? west wing of Capitol .............. 2' deficiency appropriation for repai?, etc., in . ?st?ffice of House, and Library un- der the ............................ 593 ?r?ic ?s, appropriations for continuing o?rvatio?, etc., ? the ....................... ?. 616 Arga? (? Arg?ti), ?bra?am, payment ? .............................. 694 Ar?, J?a ?.? ?nt ? .............................. 7? appropriation for subsidence, etc., of ...... 8?, 446 Arg?tia? R?b!?v, ?Hef of wound? of armies, etc., in con- vention with ....................... 940 ?d and Waste Zands, appropriation for reclamation of; proviso.9?, 411 ?riz?a. p?routes establish? in ........ :... 14, ?2, 573 appmp?ation for incidental ex?n?a of In- dian ?rvice in ..................... ?, 447 for deficiency, etc ..................... ?8,?2 for sa?'ey of private land claims in ..... ? tbr salaries m office surveyor-General of. 2ol, ? contingent expenses ................. ?, 6?2 fees of judicial officers extended to ....... ?4 for expends of government of ......... ?, M8 for survey of confi?ed private l?ud claims ia ........................... 6? peons warned by p?!amation ? d?ist from violence in the Te?to? of .... 1? ?n? ?ght ? way through lan? of Pal? ?o I?n ?ation ............. ?