Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/174

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FORTYSEVENTH CONG REBS. Suss. I. Ch. 267. 1882. 147 scribe such rules and regulations in regard to toll and otherwise as may be deemed reasonable. Sec. 2. thgnt spid bridge shall be built with a draw, so as not to im- Draw. padc the uavngatrou of said river; said draw shall be a pivot draw, over the channel of sand river usually nuvigated, and with spans of u0t less spam, thmr two hundred feet in length in the clear on each side of the central or pwot pxer of the draw and the next adjoining span or spans shall not be less than two hundmd and fifty feet, and said spans shall not bc lege than ten feet above extreme high water mark and not less than therty feet above low-water mark, measured to the bottom chord of the budge, surd the piers of said bridge shall, as nearly as practicable, be Piers. parallel with the current of said river: Provided, That said draw shall p,.,,,;,, always be opened promptly upon reasonable signal; and said company, or 1ts successors and assigns, shall at all proper times keep and maintam all proper lights on said bridge during nights, so that its presence Lighm mgy always be noticed by vessels and craft navigating the channel of sud river. And all plans for the construction of said bridge and ap- Plan to be ap pronclms thereto must first be submitted to the Secretary of War for Pmwd gy $¤¤¤+ his approval; and when the same shall be approved by said Secretary ****7 °' “· the work thereon may be commenced and prosecuted to completion : And provided further, That said bridge shall, as nearly as may bc, bo‘ Proviaoo. constructed at right angles with said river or the current thereof; And grovidedfunher, That any change in the mode of construction of said ridge shall be first submitted to the said Secretary for his approval, and when approved the s1;d£ompa.n;A1:3y then proceed w®w§ 00]; struction accm·ding to said an o · provided further, t said Not to ippodo bridge when constructed shall, ig tim opinion of the Secretary of War fm ¤•'*8•¤°¤- . be an substantial obstruction to the navigation of said rivcr,the Secretary shall require said company to change the construction thereof so as to avoid any serious and substantial obstruction to the navigation of said river at the expense of the owners of said bridge. _ . Sm:. 3. That the bridge hereby authorized shall be a. lawful structure, De¤1m·¤1_¤ lawsmd shall be a post-mute, upon which no higher charge shall be made M ¤¤‘¤!¤*¤¤>, MQ for tho transportation of the mails of the United States, and the troops ‘ P"“*"°“*°· and munitions of war, or for passengers 01- freight passing over said bridge than the rata ger mile paid to railroads and uansportaticn companies leading to said bridge: Std. 4. That all railroad companies desiring the use of said bridge Railroad compashall lmvc and be entitled to equal rights and privileges relative to the qiw w have ¤<};¤1 passage of railway trains or carscvor the same, and over the approaches ;'l§:'*“& °:°· 9 0: thereto, upon payment of a reasonable compensation for such use ; and ,,,,mp°,,,,§;? fo, . in case the owner or owners of said bridge and the several railroad wor bridgetobo companies, or any one of them, desiring such use shall fail to agree dwidvd by 8¤<=¤¤- · upon the sum oi- sums to be paid, and upon rules and conditions to my °f W“’· which each shall conform in using said bridge, all matters at issue between them shall be decided by the Secretary of War upon ‘a. hearing of the allegations mid proofs of the parties ; Provided, That the pro- Proviao. visions ci section three in regard to charges for passengers and freight across said bridge shall not govern the Secretary of War in determining any question arisiugus to the sum or sums to be paid to the owners of said bridge by said companies for the uso of said bridge. Sec. 5. That this act shall be subject, except as above mentioned, to 17 BM-, it the limitations and provisions of an act entitled “An act to authorize r the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi Bivor at or neu- the tzovm of Clinton in the State of Iowa, and other brid urges said rivengnud t0J¤ta{>lish them as post·rouds", approved Aprgzrst, ughtsm hundred an seventy two. · sm. cs. mm sz mn mum amy of me smamyorwu, m uuanw Qqgymgeg wry pmofthst s necessity exists therefor, to require the wmpuwwnmdmdggm owuingsddbrldgotocmucnaslnsidn to the pnsnguataiid muN mdmduwmmumchwnwwmé ‘ nxpansqbttufnrnatr