Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/175

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]48 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gu. 267, 268. 1882. etures for the idin of raf steamboats and other water-craft; @5* through the gdlssaggway, assslmll be specified in his order in that behalf; and on failure of the company or persons aforesaid to make and Penalty. establish such additional structures within u reasonable time, the said Secretary shall proceed to cause the same to be built or made at the expense of the United States, and shall refer the matter without delay to the Attorney General of the United States, whose duty it shall be_to institute, in the name of the United States, proceedings m any dxstriet court of the United States in which such bridge or any part thereof, IS located, for the recovery of the cost thereof; and ull moneys accruing - from such proceedings shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. - Spednl rights of Sec. 7. That; the right to alter, amend, or repeal this aet_is hereby ex- U¤i¢¤·i $*•*¤ ¤>· pressly reserved. And the right to require any changes ID Said struc- ‘°"“°· ture or its entire removal at theexpense of the owners thereof whenever Congress shall decide that the public interest requires 11:, IB also expressly reserved. Approved, July 3, 1882. CHAP. 268.- accept md rsagreement with the Shoshone and Ban-

 neck   im :1e of a rticn g:`fyth:e?r reservation in Idnho Territory required

for the use of the Utah audyorthern Railroad, and to make the neeenury appropriation for carrying out the same. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Ropresentathes of the United Aeeqmme and Siam of idrrcricain Congress assembled, That a certain agreement made r•¢i¤c•ti<>¤_ of by Joseph K. McCammou, Assistant Attorney-General, on behalf of the

:n:£:nh United States, with the Shoshone sndBannoek Indians resident on the

meh mmm 1-,,; Fort Hall Rese¤·•tion,·int»he Territory of Idaho, be, sndthesame is ale or I-mm or hereby ratitied and eonhrmed, subject, nevertheless, to the conditions - reservrvgls in I•i¤· hereinafter mentioned. Said agreement is executed by s majority of all §° |* ° U'B'hu ml the adult male Indians of the Shoshone a.ndBennoek tribes occupying or C y_ interestedin the lends therein more particularly described, in conformity ms., 616. with the provisions contained in article eleven of the treaty with said Indians of July third, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and is in the words following, namely: · . Prumbk “This agreement, made this eighteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and eightzyone between the Shoshone and Bannock Indians resi— dent on the Fort Hall Reservation in the Territory of Idaho, represented by their chiefs and head men and heads of as majority of families, and being a. mqiority of all the adult male Indians occupying or interested in the hereinafter described, of the one part, and the United States of America, represented by Joseph K. McCa.mmon, Assistant Attorney · » General, of the other part. · ’ “wll8IBBS the Utah and Northern Railroad Company has applied for permission to construct a line of railrom from east to west through the Fort Hell Reservation, and the said Indians have consented thereto, and for that purpose have agreed, for the consideration hereinafter mentioned,_to surrender to the United States their title to so much of land compnsedin said reservation as may be necessary for the legitimate and practical uses of said road: Amemmt **Now this agreement wituesseth thati for the consideration hereinafter mennoned, the said Shoshone on Bunnoek Indians do hereby code to the United_States all that port of the present _1·`ort Hall Reservation, in the Territory of Idaho, described as follows, namely: “A strip of lend not exceeding one hundred ieet in width (except at Pocatello Stzmon, where it is two hundred feet) as will appear on maps hereto annexed, commencing on the eastern boundary of said reservation, striking the south bank of Port Neuf River, and thence following down Port euf Valley, sometimes on the sontb side and sometimes on the north side of saul Port Nenf River, nntil it reaches the Utah and k