Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/19

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LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AN D RESOLUTIONS. xix Page. Lewis Lewis. An act granting u, pension to Lewis Lewis, Jmw 10, 133-,; ______ _ ___________________ 707 William H. Styles. An act granting it pension to \Villium H, Styles, Jung 10, 133-; _ _____ _ ____ 797 Preecilla Decatur Turigga. An act for the reliet of Prescilla Decatur Twiggs. June 10, 1882 707 Savings Bank of Sonia Rosa, Cal. An act for the relief of the Savings Bank of Santa Rosa, Cal. June 13, 1882 ... , ..,.. . ,,,,, , _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _________________ _ ____ ____ 707 Joaephua Hawley. An act for the relief of J osephus Hawley, Jung a3, 133,3 __ ____ __ ________ _ _____ _ 705 Thomas Evans and Albert T. Whiting. An act for the relief of Thomas Evans and Albert T. Whiting. June 15, 1882. . . . . -. -.-- .. . . .---. . . . .. . 708 Jlx rrill Lexctu. An act to increase the pension of Merritt; Lewis, Jung 16, 18g1g_ ___________ _ _____ __ 709 Albert fl: F{/ield. An act granting an increase of pension to Albert G. Fitield. June 16, 1882 .. 709 Jlmph Ii. hzurtevant. An act granting a pension to Joseph K. Sturtevant. Jime 16, 1882 .. 709 Lucien Kilbourne. An act granting an increase of pension to Lucien Kilbourne. June 16, 1882 709 William H. I1. Anderson. An act granting u pension to \Vi1lium H. H. Anderson. June 16, 1882 -. 710 Rebecca Reynolda. An act granting an increase of pension to Rebecca Rey nolds. June 16, 1882 710 Anyvw Jlvd rdvy. An act granting a pension to Angus McAuley. June 19, 1882 .. . . 710 Emma Schell. An act granting u pension to Mrs, Emma Schell. June 19, 1882 ._,,,, , .,_,, ,,__ 710 Samuel Horner. An act granting a pension to Samuel Homer. June 19, 1882 . . . . . ..-. 710 Elkabefh Gray. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth Gray. June 19, 188:. . . ...,. . 711 Christian Ruppert and others. An act for the relief of Christian Ruppert, William F. Mattingly, and Christian Henrich, trustees, of the District of Columbia. June 22, 1882 .. . . . . 711 Marian .4. Mulligan. An act granting an increase of pension for Marian A. Mulligan. June 22, 1882. 711 Rose .1I. Wood. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Rose. M. \Vocd. June 27, 1882 .. -- .,... 711 A/icc .l!v.l1ah¢m. An act granting a pension to Alice McMahon. June 27, 1882 -.-. - ... 712 Simeon Crain. An act granting a pension to Simeon Crain. June 27, 1882. . . . .. .. 712 Ilrederick Aé8Garl£cIc. An act to restore to the pension-roll the name of Frederick A. Garlick. June 27,1 2 . . . ... .. . . . . . .. . . . . ---. ., 712 George Gans. An act granting an increase of pension to George Gans. June 27, 1882 .. 712 Jennie S. Mitchell. An act for the relief of Mrs. Jennie S. Mitchell. June 27, 1882 .-.. 712 Janes Rea. An act to authorize the Secretary of State to allow for expenditures within named to James Rea, late consul at Belfast, Ireland. June 30, 1882 . . . . -. . . . . 713 ` J. H. Merrill. An act for the relief of J. H. Merrill. July 1, 1882 . . . . . . . . .-.. 713 Loan of tents. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to loan tents to the Northwestern Missouri and Southwestern Iowa Veterans Soldiers' Association. July 1, 1882 . . 713 J. E. Cobb. An set to ro sun a Treas draft originally issued to Geoggs C. Cobb, an assistant gssessor gnsglabama, deceased, to Cobb, custodian of the minordren of said decedent. N3 . uly 7,1 ‘ . - . . . . .--. .. . . . . . . .--. . William J. Pollock. An act for the relief of William J. Pollock. July 12, 1882 . . . . 714 Mary E. Ambrester. An act granting a pension to Mary E. Ambrester. July 15, 1882 .. . .. 714 Rebecca Wright. An net for therelief of Rebecca Wri t, widow of James Wright, a soldier in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. July 15, 1882 -. .-. . .. -.-. .--- .. .---.. 714 Emma A. Ramsey. An act granting a pension to Emma A. Ramsey. July 15, 1882 .. . . -;.. 714 Sarah C. Golderman. An act grantm a pension to Sarah U. Golderman. July 15, 1882 715 Ellen Moore. An act for the relief ofg Ellen Moore, widow of Allen Moore, deceased. July 15, 1882 715 Ellen M. Godjrcy. An act granting a pension to Ellen M. Godfrey. July 15, 1882..-. .--. --.. . 715 S. Annie An act granting a pension to S. Annie Esterbrook. July 15, 1882 715 Cornelia E White. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Cornelia F. White. July 15, 1882 . . . 715 William Haeelil. An act granting a pension to William Hazelit. July 15, 1882 .. . . . .. 716 George 0. Quick. An not granting a pension to George C. Quick. July 15, 1882. . . . . . . 716 Ellen Lardner. An act granting a pension to Ellen Lardner. July 15, 1882 .. ..-- -.. .--. . 716 Florida G. Casey. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Florida G. Casey. July 15, 1882. . .. -. 716 Jwob R. j{eFa1-ren. An act granting a pension to Jacob R. McFarren. July 22, 1882 .. 716 Jlargurd Beyner. An act granting a pension to Margaret Beymer. July 22, 1882 ...-.. ... 716 Laban Connor. An not granting a pension to Laban Connor. July 22, 1882. . . . ... 717 Enum E Collins. An aet increasing the pension of Emma H. Collins. July 22, 1882 - 717 Theodore Ruullne. An not granting a pension to Theodore Rautbe. July 22, 1882 .. . . . . 717 Jacob M:. An not granting a pension to Jacob Nix. July 22, 1882 .. . ...-.- - .-..· 717 Martha Westenelt. An not granting apension to Martha Westervelt. July 22, 1882. .-.. .. 717 Elizabeth T. Dubois. An act granting a pension to Elizabeth T. Dubois. uly 22, 1882 ---- ---· 718_ Elizabeth Tenor Henry. An not granting a penmon to Elizabeth Vernor Henry. July 22, 1882 4... 718 Kate L. Usher. an not granting a pension to Mrs. Kate L. Usher. July 22, 1882 ...- . ---.- 718 Mary Wade. An set grantinga pension to Mary Wade. July 22, 1882 .. .--- .. . ... --.. 718 Thomas U. Rolhrock. An act granting u pension to Thomas U. Rothroek. July 22, 1882 . . --.. 718 Joel R. Carter. An not granting a pension to Joel R. Carter. July 22, 1882 .. . .. . 719 · Elyah W. Penny. An actto increase the pension of Elijah W. Penny. July 22, 1882 . . . .. 719 Janes F. Bone. An not granting a Hension to James F. Rose. July 22, 1882 . . -- .. 719 John H. Jackson. An act for the re 'ef of John H. Jackson. July 22, iv - . ... .-.. .. 719 George J1 Webb. An act granting an increase of pension to George J. Webb. July 22, 1882 --.. 719 Dieu; Babbitt. An act for the relief of Dicey Bobbitt. July 22, 1882 .·-··· · ·-·· · ···-· 719 David Darling. An act granting a pension to David Darling. July 22, 1882 ... . . . 720 Lizzie H1 Mitchell. An uettgranting a pensionto Mrs. Lizzie M. Mitchell. July 22, 1882 . . . 720 Robert P. Walker. An act or the ielie of Robert P. Walker. Juv 2, 1& .. .. ... .. . 720 Betty T lor Desdrldga. An act grantingapension to Betty Taylor Dandridge. July 22, 1882 . 720 1.'¤elis•:l’hk. An not granting a to Emeline Pink. July 22, 1882 . . . . .. . . 720 grailés B. Efqgleston. An ae: granting a pension to Mrs. Spedie B. July 22, 1882. .. 721 eter J. Wehhbillig. Lu not granting a pension to Peter J. Wold1b' rg. July 22. 1882 ---·-·-·-··· 721 Newton Bushnell. An not granting a pension to Newton Boutwell. July 92. 1882 -·~· - --···-- y -··- 721 Ili•s.\I.B¤•e. Au•ettore•toretl1enameofElizaM.Bass_to thep onroll. July 22,1E·8J.-.· 721