Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/249

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222 FOBTY -SEVEN’1‘E[ CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 389. 1882. Messengers. For two messengers in the House library, at three dollars and sixty cents per day each, two thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars. Laborers. For one laborer in the bath-room, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four laborers, athseven hundred and twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator seven undrcd an twen y dollars. c o m mi t the e For clerk to the Committee on Ways and Means, two thousand live ¤l¢rk¤. m- hundred dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars. . For clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; second assistlaptucdxegk, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousan o . For clerk to the Committee on the Judiciary, clerk to the Committee $01aim clerk to the Committee oln the Public Lands, clerk to the mmi on War-Claims, clerk to the ommittee on Invalid Pensio clerk to the Committee on the District of Columbia, clerk to the Com; ntnittec on (agriculture, and clerk to the Committee on Commerce, at two ousan each. For assistant clerk} to the tC•;mmittl;ce on Wear-Claims, one thousand six ollnrs, or assis t c er to the ommittee on Comme one thousand ive hundred dollars. ma, uga1km:;:;; d0For private secretary to the Speaker, one thousand eight hundred SP°°k°" For clerk to the Speaker one thousand six hundred dollars. For clerk to the Speakcr;s table, one thousand four hundred dollars. serg¤•¤¤-n- For Sergeantat-Arms of the House of Representatives. tour thoui·¤¤·» <\¤1>¤*!» •*¤· sand dollars; for one horse and wagon for his use, five hundred dollars; mexqw the Sergeantlat-Arms, tara thdusantdldollars; (poe cashier, _ ollars· n - er, wo thousand ol - book-keeper, eighteen hllgrs; one messenger, one thlosiismlid two hundred dlollaxs; one] page, ag: Sixty dollars per month; and one boreramx undredan sixty . . Doorkeqm, as- For Doorkeeper, two thousand lmeqhinndred dollars · and for hire of riswnts. qw- horses, five hundred dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; second assistant doorkccper. under resolution of December twenty-nrst, eighteen hundred and eightyone, two thousand dollars; fhg? 3::1 Dteorkleeper, oneuthonsand two hundred dollars; janitor, one o nndred Hmmeat For zgnelrinitenidncnt of (thzriqolding-rootml, two thousand dollars ; three X ‘ e g-room, one a one ousand 'vlt h lredd ll m two at otne two hnanldred dollars bupzgintendcgntlbl Nom thousand ollars· chic assista t' th d u t- room, at two thougand dollars; documeiit tile clerk, gneutheiusgicnclu 12:11- mw dlocumentalgg cleak, under resolution of Deengh n undred1, . hngdmq 1:1 fmumm (hmm _ eng y-one, one thousand three ¥¤•¤¤:•¤· oreng messe at th dm,]` . messengers at one tl§>‘:ssand‘dlbllars)ga?“e1Iit1stev;(d1:l ltalbommthtlggxtzrf hhlhdrtgd givatmylzyirclttaharsl each; ten laborers, during the session, at the rate of i..aa .t»i..§‘?‘t¢§?§§K.-2$.“i‘L"i§.?.°“ "°F *"J£2“‘i °"€ ‘2"°'°' “¥. °" » geow r-cose a u- ae ::·:ir:a1·::.;*··a:.r¤.*;;.r;g:;:*·bri¤ cbar ge 2*** _ » _ I ·r0om men ” at 0

gf§_‘;'0;§s§;¤\;]( ;l(¤;r;‘d"ior one female ,attendai1t in ladies;

For one cniployee under Doorkeeper b resol f f H November si w , mw h n y u non o the ouse of th?3 lmmtling aéglgmrmign xm a d seventy-sexen, one thousand or one e nart n m · · · · hu; §§;,;°,$.l;;)?:t:'° &'\¤:u¤;g<l;`3r:`es)oLmt;on of 3(Hril six, eighteen -“ °*¤¤E ¤_ ¤P¢0<¢ vs, and pamphlets the f ll ‘ ’°W¤¤K·•*¢- employees are hereby authorized to be appointed by the Dooi·kgew;:enx€