Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/254

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FURTY-SEVEN’l‘ll CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 389. 1882. 227 dollars cnch; ono messenger; and three laborers; in all, ninety-eight thousand three lmmlrcd and twenty dollars. 1-or the following additional iorce in the Second C0xnptrol1er’s Office A d d i t i on ul renclwed necessary by increase of work relating to pensions: Three °l°*k¤· clerks'0t' class tour, three clerks of class three, and two clerks of class one; in ull, twelve thousand six hundred dollars. · (JGMMISSIONER OF UUSTOMS.·—Fo1‘ Commissioner of Customs, four Commissioner of thousand dollars; duty commissioner, two thousand two hundred and C¤¤*°¤¤¤· d°P¤*Y· fifty dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred d0l· °l"k”’ °t°‘ lars ouch ; two clerks of class four; five clenks of class three; eleven clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; two clerks at one thousand dollars each; one assistant mcsseugef; and one laborer; in all, fifty one thousand six hundred and thirty dollars. Fmsr Axmrron.-For the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thou- First Auditor. send six hundred dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred ‘1°P¤*Y»°l°¥k¤·°°°· and lift; dollars · (our chiefs of division at two thousand dollars each; seven c erks of class four; nine clerks ot: class three; ten clerks of class " two; sixteen clerks of class one; three clerks at one thousand dollars each; two copyists and two counters, at nine hundred dollars each ; two assistant messengers; and two laborers; in all, eighty three thousand four hundred and ten dollars. SBGOND AUDITOR.—Fof Second Auditor, three thousand six hundred Second Auditor, dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; six ‘1°P“*Yr °1°’k“» °*°· chiefs of division at two thousand dollars each; eight clerks of class tom-; thirty seven clerks of class three; additional to one clerk of class three as clerk two hundred dollars; fifty two clerks of class two; thirty-fourc olzclass one; eight clerks at one thousand dollars each; three assistant messengers; and eight laborers; in all, two hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. For twenty additional clerks of class one in the Second Auditors Addition.,} Otllcc rendered necessary by increase of work relating to pensions, clerks nutbvrizcdtwentylour thousand dollars. Tnmn Avnuzou.-For Third Auditor three thousand six hundred runs mmm, dollars; deputy auditor, twothonqmd twolnundrcd ond Mty dollars; seven d°P“*7»°l°"k*» <>*¤· chiefsofdnvision 8£GWOC`0|$!l‘l}¤l¤fl&·$;§i!d6!kIOY dI55E1B!; . éxteen olerlcsodclsustbms; Rutyclerks ofclosso¤e·•ixcl¤rlrssto¤e 1 ;¤bllau·sesch:oel·ght·clerksst nine hundred dollursemh; one assistsntrmesssnger; and sixjsborers; amlone!smal¤lsh¤¤r,et£¤¤r·l:undredau¢leighty dollars; in ell, two . ‘ ` hnndredandonethonssndunltendollars. _ _ For the following additional force in the Tlurd Auditors Omce ren- _Additno¤•lel¤·k| dared necessary by increase of work relating to pensions, namely: Five ‘“*h°”°"· clerks of class three; seven clerks of class two; and eight clerks of class one- in ell, twenty seven; thousand four hundred dollars.

  1. 0UBl'K ACUDITOR.-·•Fo1' the Fourth Auditor, three thousand six Fourth Auditor,

hundred dollars; dc nty auditor, two thousand two hundred and fifty d°P°*‘Y·°’°"”» °*°· dollars; three ching of division, at two thousand dollars each; two clerks of class four- fourteen clerks of class three; eight clerks of class two; nine clerks class one· three clerks at one thousand dollars each- . five clerks at nine hundred dollars each- one assistant messenger; and two laborers; inalksixtynine thonssndthreehnndred and mnety dollars. F i nh. hmm Fmrn Aunxron.-For the Fifth Auditoqthree thousand sxx hundred deputy what; dollars; deputy auditor) two thousand two hundred and ilfty dollars; ’ three chiefs of division; 8C'°¥WG<:fh0B*ld dollars esch; fom- clerks of class four; ilvc clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; su clerks of class ono; two clerks nt ono thousand dollars each; four clerks at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger; and two laborers; in ull, forty seven thousand six hundred nmljen dollars. , . . Avnrron or rm: Tnmsrmr ros nm Pom--Ormcn Dnnm- Auditor fg: amsr.-For the Auditor of the Tummy for the Post-01'llee Depart- Putlfgmco D°_ ment, three thousand six hundred dollsrs; deputy auditor, two thou- Pmmms mW_ _ and two hundred and tllty dollars; clue! clerk, two thousand dollars; clerks, eu.