Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/274

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 389. 1882. 247 glmnsuud dollars; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authornzul to contract with the owner of said building or other buildings for the mnt thereof to tho government, at a roto not exceeding twenty thousand dollars from J uno thirtioth, eighteen hundred and eighty two to J unc thirtiotln eighteen hundred and eighty three. For rent of a building for use of tho Bureau of Education, six thou- Bout of building Bhd (101181%. , for lluroau of Ed- For rout of 2. building for uso of the United States Geological Survey, ucagsgof building 0110 thousand iivo hundred dollars. g; U¤njw;gStat¤s For postage-stamps for the Interior Department and its bureaus, as Psgoge-¤::¤Y°pt required under the Postal Uniou,to prepay postage on matter addressed to Postal Union countries, tivo thousand dollars: GENERAL LAM: OFF1cE.—For tho Commissioner of the General Land commissioner or Omoo, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; law G°¤°¤*',L*¤d 0* clerk, two thousand dollars; recorder, two thousand dollars; three gQks°l;’:§ 0:}::;* inspoctornof survcy0rs—gcuer.e1 and district land oiiccs, td be appointed ’ ` by tho Secretary of the Interior, at two thousand dollars each; three , principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; thirty- two clerks of class four; forty clerks of class three; ilfty-two clerks of class two; lilly-two clerks of class ono: twenty seven clcrksmt one thousand dollars each; and forty eight oopyisbs at nine hundred dollars nach; eight assistant messengers; twelve laborers ; and six packers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in ull, three hundred and sixty-dx thousand four hundred dollars. Fortho following additional force iutlmGoncml Land Odlcqhcroto- Additional fun paid fom funds as follows: Appropriation for “oontingont oxpcn- ¤1¤¤k¤·¤*<=· as district had-o¤ocs," ono clerk of class one, and six copyists ; in all, six thousand six hundred dollars; From appropriation for “scttlcmout of claims for swamp-lands and swamp-loud indemnity," three clerks of class three, two of class two, and ’ tw; clerks of class 0D:; in all, ton toouiagd dollars. J or diagrams, pam mont. paper or d-patents, ituro ro- Diagnmqoto. pairs of the sameé miscellaneous items, for tho actual oxpouscsof iuspecmrs while on uty and of clerks detailed to investigate fraudulmt l¤md·ouu·ios, trospasses on tho public lands, and cases of mb , conduct, and for advertising and bolegraphing thirty thousand dollqrs. For law books for the law library of tho éencml Land Office, one {my bw;. M thousand dollars. kw library. l For connected and separate United States and other maps propnrod by in the General Land Offico, six thousand dollars. IRD1A2i 0FFICE.—FOP compensation of tho Comm1ss1o11cr of Iudum gompmugmog Affairs, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one Commnnionor Inchief of division at two thousand dollars; one iimmcml olcrk, at two 2;;; m°?;f: thousand dollars; one principal bookkoopcnyono thousand mght hundred other; dollars; three clerks of class four; nine clerks of class three; one stonogmphcr, at one thousand six hundred dollars, fifteen clerks of class two, one of whom shall be a draughtsman; eight clerks of class ooo; seven clerks an one thousand dollars each; foultecu copynsts, at mnc hundred dollars each; one messenger; ono assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, eighty live sixjxuuelred audjzwenty dollars. For miscellaneous items, including pnoo lusts and two mtg newspapers, m,°,u.,¤ , uu • to be filed and bound, and prescrgod foxhtgcéwso of tho otbco, and other expenses. n ssarohioo ox n throathousand dollars. ‘ Emo: OFM0g:-8;:; compensation of tho Commissioner of Pen- io¤o{ sions, ilvc thousand dollars- lirst deputy oomlmssnoncr, three thousand g i®:mm; ` six hundred dollars; second, deputy comnusmoner, three thousand mx cmd °l“k d“¤ hnndml dollars chief clerk, two thousand ilvo hundred dollars; as- mmm sismutl chief olonik, two thousand dollars; medical r¤feroc,.two thousand ~ . om hnmdmel dollars; assistant xpcdncal roforco two thousand two hopaired mul tlfty dollars; four qnollliod smgoons, who shall cxportson slum pmfcunou, at two thousand dollars each; Bmw modncaloxamm-