Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/402

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 472-47 5. 1882. 3751 Also, to the Post of the Grand Army of the Republic at Fall River, G· A· R-, Fall

 5;% gguvdemned cast-iron cannon, to be placed in their River, M“”·i

Ijgggsplvtribgrzipt {pup eondemngl castiron cimnon with iron balls to Al;€S*¤MN<>mB§, . - im er ig y- woo e rant rmy othe Republic at Marble- · ·· ‘“ “ ° · head, Massachusetts, for monumental purposes. P Mm' Approved, August 8, 1882. CHAP. 473.-An not donating condemned tcaistdron cannon, mortars, and cannon balls August 8, 1882. Ol` IIIODUIHBD 3 PUIPOSBS. —·i·——-—-- S Be itjenfeted by theé Senate and House of Representatives of the United Utatex o_ meriea in ongrese assembled That the Secretary of War be D¤¤Mi0n of cangid hp Im herel;yhautli{orize)di and direeteil to deliver to the post of the; 2°‘g °§$é;_nP‘{;f1G- ram rmy o e cpu c at ern ndiana two co demned and°’ ’ ‘ pgsoleae) mortars aid fomilcast-iron balls, for the purpose? of decoraiting e so iers ceme ery a t at city. mighat thf=.eESecretary)oftV\;_a1Lbe§ andlhe hereby lis, fauthorized to deliver wgfgxsalc Q212- cnera arrison os o the ram yof the epublic at Kokomo ’ · _· ·¤ Indiana, two condemned (aud obsolete) mortars and tour cast-iron ballsi K°k°m°’ Ind" for the decoration of the soldiers’ cemetery at that city. . One condemned cast-iron cannon and carriage to the post of the Grand Post G. A. R., Army at Clarinda, Iowa. ¤1¤¤¤¤¤. I<>w=>·; Also, two condemned cannon and cannon balls to the post of the G. A. R., Keo- Grand Army of the Republic, at Keosaugua, Iowa, for monumental °°·“8“°» Im"'? purposes. To the Ladies’ Monument Association of Mount Vernon, Ohio, four La;dtes’ Menucondemned cannon and tour cannon balls, giant ,181*; Four condemned cast-iron cannon to the Charles Sumner Grand Army Charles Sumner Post of Groveland Massachusetts. gi_0`:iau§· Mlgggtg That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and directed to give Post 181;, G. A: to Post one hundred and eighty three of the Grand Army of the Re- Rv R°°h°“*°’· P°· public at Rqhester, Pennsylvania, four condemned cast—irou cannon and four cannon balls, for monumental purposes. ` Approved, August 8, 1882. CHAP. 474.-—An act donating condemned cannon to the town of Hatfield Massa- August 8, 1882. • chusetts for monumental purposes. "‘l"_‘*‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ ~ States of America in Uengress assembled, That the Secretary of War 'be, D0r:)t¤0in,of can; and he hereby is, authorized to deliver, if the same can_be done with- ‘§’;‘“., cm Q;} out detriment to the government, four condemned cast-iron cannon to ,-0, memorial pm., the selectmen of the town of Hatneld, Massachusettsitphbe used to supi peeee. port a memorial tablet inscribed with e names o_ e_ so ers an sailors who enlisted irom said town who lost their lives in the war of, the rebellion. Approved, August 8, 1882. CHAP. 475.-An act to authorize the Secretary of War to furnish condemned cast- August B, 188*2. iron cannon and cannon balls, for monumental purposes. ·_‘;"‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and of Titeprgimtéztioee of thte Vgnited D0 V of cm States of America in Ocmgress ass _ a e ecre ary o ar nu ren · hereby authorized and directed to deliirer to the W. Drips Post, ¤°X·_°!v‘i;·.“;i,ps Number Seventyfour, Grand Army of the Republic, at Maquoketa, Post, Nm 74 G_ A_ Iowa, four condemned cast-iron cannon and four cannon balls for the n,, Mgquolggtg, use and adornment of the soldiers’ burial ground m the cemetery at Iowa; x Maquoketa Iowa. “ Also four condemned cast-iron cannon and four cannon halls to the P0<Zt¤gr§·¤R8¢£?§ George Strong Post Grand Army of the Republic at Fairileld Iowa. mm, I0";