Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/566

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FORTYSEVENTH coxemzss. sms. 11. cu. 12s. mss. 539 _aml gas-utter, one thousand two hundred dollars; one storekeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; sixty watchman, and additional to two of said watchman acting as lieutenauts of watchman, one hundred and eighty dollars each; seven firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; seventy-five charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each ; three conductors at elevators, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred dollars; one gardener, eight hundred and forty dollars ; one superintendent of puperroom, one thousand six hundred dollars; and for the following employees while actually employed: One foreman of cabinet shop, at five dollars per day ; one dmughtsmuu, at four dollars per day; one cabinet-maker, at three dollars and fifty cents per day ; twelve cabinet-makers, at three dollars per day ; one cabinet-nmker, at two dollars per day; one foreman of bindery, at five dollars per day; four binders, at four dollars per day; one sewer and folder, at trwo dollars and fifty cents per du.y ;` one paper-cutter, at three dollars per day ; one papercouuter, at two dollars and twenty-’rive cents per day; twenty-six paper-counters and laborers, at two dollars per day; in all, (bur hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty-five cents. Surmzvrsme Aucurmcr.-In the construction branch of the Treas- §upervising Arury: For Supervising Architect, four thousand five hundred dollars; °h**°°*»¤¤d°°h°¤~ assistant and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; one principal clerk, at two thousand dollars; photographer, two thousand dol-

 two clerks of class three;   clerks of class one; one clerk, at

nme hundred dollars; and one ussxstant messenger; m all, nineteen thouggud four hundred mdéwsgy dollars. . A `eservieesoug tsmen, ciengineers, compu rs. accountants, modeleré, assistants to the photographer, copyists, and such other services as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary, may be employed in the Office of the Supervising Architect to , carry into eifect the various appropriations for public buildings, to be . paid for from such appropriations: Provided, That the expenditures on mm; this account for the tlscal year ending June thirtieth eighteen hundred and eighty-four, shall not exceed one hundred und, twenty thousand . dollars; and the Secretary of the Treasury shall each year, in the. annusl estimates, report to Congress the number of persons so employed and the amount paid to each. . Fraser C0m;1>1•1z0LL1¤;z or hm Tmusmzr.-·For First Comptroller of First comftmlthe Treasury, five thousand dollars · deputy comptroller, two thousand lz; d¤1>¤W» ¤ ¢=¤‘k¤» seven hundred dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand one ° hundred dollars each; five clerks of class four; eleven clerks ot class three; ten clerks of class two; eight clerks of class one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each- and eleven clerks, at nine hundred dol- ‘ lnrs each; one messenger, and three laborers; in all, eighty-tlu·ee thousand and twenty o lars. ‘ That the Deputy First Comptroller- in the Department of the Treas- Deputy Oompury shall be, and is authorized, in the name of the Fxrst Comptroller, to eountersign all warrants, except accommuble warrents, and to ngu cgnphouu wm: all other papers in like manner under the chrecuon of the Comp- ’ troller; and in case of the death, remguatxon, absence, or smkness of the Deputy First Comptroller, the Secretary of the Treasury may, by un S¤¤r¤ f;:; dx appomtment, under lus hand and officml seal, delegate to any officer m °pI‘°“°“'·Vm iuthomm the office of the Flrst Comptroller the authonty to pert'orm the dunes of ew. . . the Deputy First Gomdxtroller until a. successor is appomted or such absence or sickness sha cease. ~ . Smcorm 00mm0L1m or rn Tmcesumr.-For Second Comp- menu comptroller of the Treasury, five thousand dollars; deguty 00m]; H0u8f£ :W0 :`¤:;1;:‘ »“•:¤D¤*¥· thousand seven hundred do · ve c nie o ivision, a two ou- sand one hundred dollars each; eight clerks of class four; twelve clerks of class three; thirteen clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; mue clerks, at