Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/850

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CONVENTION-MOROCCO. JULY 3, 1880. 823 cided according to the same laws, d’apres ces memes lois, avec Pap-

 the privilege of appeal to the pel au Miuistre des Affaires Etran-

Mnnster of Foreign Aifairs stipu- geres stipule dans les Traites. lated 111 the treaties. Anrrcnn 12. Anrrcnn 12. Foreigners and protected per- Les étrangers et les proteges Agriouimmlmx. sons who are the owners or tenants proprietaires ou locataires de terof cultivated land, as well as bro- rains cultivés, ainsi que les cenkers engaged in agriculture, shall saux adonnés a Pagriculture, paiepay the agricultural tax. They rout Pimpot agricole. lls remetshall send to their Consul annually, trout chaque annee a leur Consul an exact statement of what they la note exacte de ce qu’ils possepossess delivering into his hands dent en acquittaut entre ses mains the amount of the tax. le montant de Pimpot. He who shall make a false state- Celui qui fera ·une fausse décla- pam statement, ment, shall be fined double the ration paiera, a titre d’amende, le penalty for. amount of the tax that he would double de Pimpot qu’il aurait du regularly have been obliged to pay regulierement verser pour les biens - for the property not declared. In non declares. En cas de recidive case of repeated offense this iine cette amende sera doublée. shall be doubled. The nature, method, date and La nature, le mode, la date, et la apportionment of this tax shall quotité do cet impot seront l’objet form the subject of a special regu- d’un Beglemeut special entre les lation between the Representatives Beprésentants des Puissauces et le of the Powers and the Minister of Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres Foreign Affairs of His Shereefiau de Sa Majesté Sheriiiienne. Majesty. Amrrcnn 13. Aacrrcnm 13. Foreigners, protected persons Les étxaugers, les protegés et les Gm, we and brokers owning boasts of bur- censaux propriétaires de betes de den shall pay what is called the somme paieront la taxe dite des gatetax. The apportionment and portes. La quotite et le mode de the manner of collecting this tax perception de cette taxe, commune which is paid alike by foreigners aux etrangers et aux indigenes, seand natives, shall likewise form rout egalement Pobjet d’un Reglethe subject of a special regulation ment special entre les Represenbetween the Representatives of the tants des Puissances et le Ministre Powers and the Minister of Foreign des Affaires Etrangeres de Sa Ma- Aifairs of His Shereeiian Majesty. jeste Shériiiienne. The said tax shall not be in- La dite taxe ne pourra etre augcreased without a new agreement mentee sans un nouvel accord avec with the Representatives of the les Représentants des Puissances. Powers. Anrxoma 14. Anrrcrn 14. The mediation of interpreters, La mediation des iuterpretes, se- Mediation. native secretaries or soldiers of the crétaires iudigeues ou soldats des different Legations or Consulates, différentes Legations ou Consulate, when persons are concerned who lors qu’il s’agim de personnes non are under the protection of the Le- placées sous la protection de la Lé- gatiou or Consulate, shall be per- gation ou du Consulat, ne sera admitted only when they are the bear- mise qu’autant qu’ils seront porers of a. document signed by the teurs d’un document signé par_le head of a mission or by the cousu- Chef de Mission ou par l’Autor1te lar authority. consulaire.