Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/922

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CONVEN TION—SWITZERLAN D. 001*. 18, NOV. 30, 1881. 895 BALANCE.


To the Crulit of the Swine Omce. To the Credit of the United States Office.


Frs. Cee.II I $ c. Amount of orders issued in the United States, I I Amount of orders issued in Switzerland, lea ieee amount of void and repaid Orders ei'} --···--— · - - - amount of void and repaid orders of Swine; ·-·-·- ·- ··-- United States Origin. I Origin. Auwum of Cnmmimion due Switzerland ut} per} ________ _ _ _ _ Amount of Commission due the United States } ________ _ _ _ _ cent. of the above amount. Int i per cent. of the above amount. I rmi swan mm: . . ... I Tomi Umm sum credit . ... . ... .. .. United states credit to be deducted .. $ . c Swiss credit to be deducted . . . . .Frs .. ces . . .. (tobeconverted at thenvernge rnte of exchnnee (to be converted at the nvemge rate of ex— in New York during the gutnrter to which th change in Berne during the quarter to which eeeonnt ayperuine; eee iela 11 of the Con- I this account npperteins; eee Article 11 of the vunjm o ... - ... ). . . .. convention of ). .. . . ...- Balance in the credit of the Swine Office .. I . . . . Balance to the creditof the United Staten 0B0e I Pnidon account by the Office of the Paid on account by the Office of United Staten. Switzerland. Dated. I Fr.` Icee. Dated. I | I e. Buinuee remaining , ... Balance remaining -...--·------ I ------·- The yum. mama; gxhibih u wu bdgngg or ,,,.,... , which our deduction of the payments on account as therein ghtedluvee abnhnce remniningcf .. ... . duethe .··...·· OHM- ... . 88... B°”°‘ 1 Lo cmreim en cm The steve etatniat o! aeeermt in neeepted with n balance of. ..` ... due the . Odioe. I Washington, .. Audilerqf wheamwfwwhd 0_|e•Dep•rtnn¢.