Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/948

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CONVENTlON—PORTUGAL. JULY 15, 1882. 921 Regulatimas of detaiZ,_fornzs and order for the execution of the Convention jbr the exchange of Postal Money Orders between the United States and Portugal, concluded at lVashington, July 15, 1882. DETAILED REGULATIONS. The undersigned, in pursuance of Article 9 of the Convention concluded between the United States and Portugal, on the fifteenth day of July, 1882, for the exchange of sums of money by means of postal orders, have by mutual agreement, decided to adopt the following Regulations: ‘ ARTICLE 1. The Postal Administrations of the two countries shall communicate Rates of converto each other the tables of conversion which they shall have adopted ¤i<>¤· for the conversion of money in pursuance of the provisions of the third section of Article 2 of the Convention, and also all alterations which may be made therein. Anrrcnn 2. Any person in the United States desiring to remit to any part of Issue of money- Portugal a sum of money within the limits prescribed by the second _°¤`d°¤- section of Article 2 of the Convention, may pay it into any post-office of the former country authorized to receive sums payable in Portugal, and to pay orders for sums remitted from that country. The remitter shall give to the postmaster at such post·oi’rice the name and exact address of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the country of destination, and also his own name and address. Any person in Portugal desiring to remit to the United States a sum of money within the limits prescribed by the second section of Article 2 of the Convention, may pay it into any post oiliee of the former country authorized to receive sums payablein the United States, giving at the same time his own name and address, and the name and exact gddress of the person to whom the amount is to be paid in the United tates.· The receiving post ouice in either country shall transmit, in accord- Notification of ance with the rules established by its postal administration, due notice P¤¥¤>¤¤*· _ of such payment, by an internal money—order, or otherwise, to the dis patching exchange ouioe. Anrrcm 3. Sec. 1. The lists by means of which the Exchange Office of New York Lists. shall communicate to the Exchange Office of Lisbon the amounts deposited in the United States to be paid in Portugal, shall be in conformity with the model “A” annexed to the present Regulations. The lists by Form ·*A.” means of which the Exchange Ofhce of Lisbon shall communicate to that of N ew York the amounts deposited in Portugal to be paid in the United States, shall follow the pattern “B" hereto annexed. Fo1m “P·i’ ` Sec. 2. The lists described in this Article shall be regularly trans- 1_T¤‘¤¤¤¤¤¤¤1<*¤ ef mitted by every mail, even when there are no deposits to be communi— “"“· cated for payment. In such cases, the words “No Money Orders/’ are to be written transversely across the lists. Brno. 3. The lists transmitted by each of the two countries shall be Lists ee be een- Cousecutively numbered each year, commencing with Number 1 at the %°¤:3iV¤1S’ ¤¤m · first of January, and terminating at the close of December. The eu· “' · tries in the lists shall also be consecutively numbered, commencing with Number 1 on the first of July in each year. . Sec. 4. The orders issued in the United States during the quarter _ Supplementary ending June 30th of each year, which may arrive at the Office of Ex- h“*°· `